Sep 22, 2006 20:15
We took jonesey for her check up, the receptionists kept calling her Josie which made me laugh and she weighs in at 4.1 kilos - is that good for a 15year old cat ? Not too sure myself. BUT it so happens her gut is a sympton of an illness -thyroids ! As soon as she has her blood test on monday, it will be certain whats wrong and she will live for another few years joy ! Also it's been confirmed thats shes deaf :(
We've put a bell on her collar so at least WE can hear her. Also her teeth need to be cleaned so after the thyoids test, she have that done. Poor thing was so confused in the surgery, she litterally pissed her self in fear, and when she got home, she was panting, yes panting ! I have to post it, it was freaky!