[Ben's learned two important life lessons in the past thirty seconds. 1) Fire burns. Fire burns a lot. 2) Have you ever tried grabbing an angry, panicky cat? No? Then the second of those lessons would undoubtedly be lost on you.
And then suddenly there's a third lesson to be learned - that smoke inhalation will make you hallucinate being somewhere else entirely.
Somewhere like a room.
The change in locale hits him before the realization that he can't feel anything from his pack. For a moment, his panic is absolute. Adam's dead. Adam's dead and Mercy's dead and the cat - that stupid fucking cat, it's dead too, and maybe he's dead and that explains why he's nowhere he's supposed to be. Why he can't feel the bond inherent to every wolf in the Columbia Basin. Why he can't feel Adam. Adam. The grief is so sudden and visceral it blots out everything else. He'd felt like this only once before - even then it hadn't overwhelmed him, hadn't dropped him to his knees - when the Alpha of the London pack had cut him out of the bond. But he'd been expecting that. Had been braced for it. This is something else entirely. He's never lost his Alpha before. Not like this.
It's like being blind.
His shift comes on him before he can stop to think about it. Dead werewolves don't shift. They certainly don't go to heaven - that's for dogs, inn' it?
There's a noise on the comm, part static, part snarl.
Here, Ele. Have a crazy, grief-stricken, panicked, burned up werewolf.]
This is the initial information post for this entry. Please take note of the fact that Ben will not attack every person he comes across - it'll be fully dependent on their body language, whether or not they run or meet his eyes, etc. Everything that would trigger a wolf attacking has the potential to trigger him, too. If your character holds his gaze and doesn't run, he'll more than likely leave them alone. He's a wolf on a mission, gaiz, he doesn't want to dilly-dally around.
Please note, he will not be killing anyone. Most people will probably just get swatted out of his way, but his claws are sharp and maiming is bound to happen in the process. He is starting out on deck five, and heading for the fire on deck eleven. When
tanvirus shows up in this entry, no further fight!encounters will occur. OKAY I LIED: due to time constraints that thread was put up early. Backdating is awesome though! In the meantime: GET TO THE CHOPPA. /Schwarzenegger.
There is a chat going on specific to this topic, so as not to clutter up ele!chat. The name is: impendingwerewolfmaimation. If you have any questions, join us for the fun! If you wanna try plotting something one-on-one, you can also ping me at vonnerdyce!♥]