Aug 16, 2008 19:09
I like this place! Sort of! The air's a little more dirty than home, but there's so many different people around! Maybe this was what Earth was like, before things went down a bad road!
How are YOU today? Have you had your daily dose of peace, love and understanding~?
Also! Who wants to bet I can get Vash so drunk, he'll wear a tie around his head, take off his pants and bark like a dog?
((ooc: Like other members of Knives's crew, this is if Knives had never discovered Tessla on the SEEDs ship, and thus set out to commit genocide on the entire human race to liberate his sisters. Unlike anime Knives, manga Knives was actually more like Vash as a child, until he found out about Tessla. Meanwhile, Vash was his opposite by way of introversion and being a very somber little thing. So, meet Knives!))
wo bist mein vash,
happy happy,
holy christ affected,