While the procedure was a success, Vash did have one very valid point: it will be temporary. Even humans are something like batteries. They start life with the prime spark, and exhaust themselves as the days go by. Some have shorter charges than others. The average span of my sisters is unknown, however, of my kind, because they have not been afford the opportunity to exhaust in their own time. Forced to their maximum capacity, forced in their bulbs...
Vash and I are the testaments of a true lifespan, but it feels intensely wrong, this syndrome in which we gain black hair as we near the end of our terms. The procedure was a success, but with each day creeping on, he'll near that point once more. The sensors in his arm will monitor this for me. While he's weak at this point from the procedure itself, his energies have spiked. He's at a truly full capacity. Regeneration should no longer be painful and exhausting, unless there's something more there that I was unable to determine during the blood tests. I'll admit that Conrad-san has a bit more knowledge in the area, but that excuses me not here. I'm not nearly as busy here as I was there, so studying will become a priority. I've maintained samples from him, and samples from myself. I need samples from our sister, but considering her obvious animosity towards me, she'll be gone the moment she detects me near.
I need to find what causes this. Theoretically, if we don't excessively exhaust ourselves, it shouldn't happen. But I want to block it and figure a way of permanent charge.
[[Private to Legato//unhackable]]
I need blood samples from Chronica. Do what you need to, but don't handicap her.
What a busy week this is ending up to be.