Happy Fourth of July!!

Jul 04, 2006 21:50

Happy 4th everyone!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday! I'm making progress on my thesis, listening to old radio shows (suspense, mystery, and detective shows are my favorites!!). Yes, I am making progress on my thesis. Tonight I'm writing a very very rough draft of the main parts of the research protocol that I have to submit to the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board and get approval before I can start doing any research on this project. I also have to design the final versions of all "data collection instruments" (questionnaires, reading passages) and recruitment anything (flyers, posters, hand-outs, things I'll say when trying to convince poor unsuspecting souls to participate in this project), and create the "informed consent" form - all of this is a major pain in the neck, but I have to do it, or I can't do the research for the thesis, and that wouldn't be good. There are a million little details to worry about, and after I drive myself nuts getting the first draft done, the HSIRB will send it back to me with requests for clarification and revision. Yay. I think the whole project will be really fun, it's just that at this planning stage, it feels like things will never come together, and that is a somewhat weird feeling. But I know it all will. I just need to stop worrying, trust in God, do the work that needs to be done, and things will be ok.

Good advice for other parts of life, too, advice which I should probably try to remember.

I'm in a very good mood tonight. :-) More later.
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