Superfluous random update

May 06, 2006 12:02

Wow, so people are still actually reading this even though I've been out of "update mode" for a few months. Two comments after one post, and within 24 hours of that post! It's amazing!!!! Gosh, the Internet is such a small place!!

I start working at the music library again on Monday after a one-week vacation. Yay shelving!!! I have stuff to do this summer, like get my Russian back in shape and learn some more vocabulary. Good times. But, I'll have four hours at the library to do library work, and then when the library work is done, I might have time to do the Russian stuff. I remember last summer - nobody ever comes into the library. By the way, I'll be working 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. there this summer, and hopefully I can find another job somewhere else. I need some money!

Last night I made my list of stuff that I need to take to the apartment. I'll be downsizing my collection of possessions significantly, but I think that also means that some of them will be sold in our huge moving sale, and I'll get to keep the profits from whatever sells of my stuff, and that will be good, because I'll probably get lots of quarters to help me do laundry! There are a few things that I will be keeping - books, spoon collection, clothing (though half of that is going because I never wear it), computer (will eventually be replaced), printer, stereo, dresser, Lomonosov teaset, Japanese teaset, some other things (mostly gifts from others and stuff that means a lot to me). It's going to be cool to finally be able to set up my room the way I want it. (Oh, by the way, Elizabeth, my Aunt Joyce sent some pillow covers from Thailand to put on the couch or something! They're really cool!!! I'll show them to you later.)

So my computer's really messed up. I'm typing this on the 'rents' computer because mine is currently experiencing technical difficulties. I can't wait to get a new one...hopefully, SOON, I will get a new Mac.

In other news...I love dark chocolate!! Ah, how nice to be able to eat it again!!!

There are some yoga classes at the SRC this summer that are looking good, and I already promised Becky that we would go walking. Yoga's from 7-8:15 a.m. Yay!!! The SRC is open 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. this summer. That should be good. Haha, good ol' WMU, always advertising how much money it spends - here's something from the official website for the SRC:

"The SRC Facility:

Our 32 million dollar state-of-the-art facility includes:

45 ft. indoor climbing wall
8 full basketball courts
8,000 sq. ft. weight room
squash court
aerobic room
two 4500 sq. ft. multipurpose courts
9 racquetball courts
3 indoor tennis courts
fitness testing lab
swirl pool"

Oh well.

I found my address book from Russia, and I think I should really write to some of those people over there. It would be nice to keep in touch with them. Some people only wrote down their e-mail addresses, and they haven't responded to e-mails, and that's too bad. I'll try again.

It's nice today, but chilly. The sun is out and there are very few, if any, clouds in the sky, but the temperature is just below 60. I'd rather it be just a bit warmer. Anyway.

Hey, I bought a really cool new hands-free thing for my cell phone yesterday!!! It's so awesome!! So much better than holding the phone up to your ear for hours and hours (ok, maybe not quite that long, but you get the idea - it's more comfortable to talk). If anybody else out there has a cell phone and they use it frequently, I'd recommend one of these things. They are great!!!

I updated my iPod last week with a bunch of music that I loved when I was in high school and stuff. And I find that I still love it! So cool!!! I listened to that stuff on the way down to Columbia and on the way back. Classical puts me to sleep on long car trips, but this stuff (70s and 80s pop and rock) doesn't. Very cool.

Ok, I think that's enough for the update today; there isn't much more to talk about, really. If I think of something else, I'll put it up here. I hope all is well with everyone who's reading this. I'm definitely enjoying my vacation!!! Back to work on Monday!!!

Have a great day!!!
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