Log: Cupcakes

Mar 26, 2009 19:26

Who: Eila, Milani
When: day 19, month 4, turn 19 of Interval 10.
Where: Milani's Room, High Reaches Weyr
What: Eila comes by with comfort food, a hug and an ear for Millie.

It's been busy times lately and it's ostensibly Milani's rest day but she's pushing through this one, hides spread out on her table in her private room. Of course she's not dressed for work: comfy pants, comfy top, bare feet up on said table as she chews on a pencil and marks up papers and hides. The door is open though and her humming can occasionally be heard drifting down the hallway.

Ostensibly, it's Eila's rest day, too. So there's no leathers for her, though her hair is all mussed like she's come in from the wind, or maybe dragon-back, but she's wearing comfy pants too so she couldn't've come far, and her hands are tucked behind her back and her little quirked smile is a bit mischievous. "Millie?" She'll poke her head in around the door, but goes no further. "I hear you all the way out here," the bluerider giggles.

Up come blue-green eyes at that hail from Eila an Milani has a smile for the bluerider at least, though she looks tired, a little drawn. "Hey Eila," she greets and pats the couch next to her. "Come on in? I could use a little distracting. And that's me just ... trying to stay focused."

Eila comes bearing gifts, and with a flourish she steps around the door and waves a small covered basket. "Here," she slips in and plops down on the couch, folds back the edge of the napkin-covered basket to reveal pink iced cupcakes, "these should work." Waves the pastry in Milani's direction, smiles a little hesitantly for the headwoman. "You doing all right? Holding up?"

"Ohhhh /cupcakes/," Milani says happily and flips her pencil down onto the table. "Shells Eila, were they making these in the kitchens? It's a terrible thing when I'm so deep in hides I don't know they're baking /treats/," the headwoman claims as she leans over to offer the bluerider a hug. "It's ... busy, hard, crazy ... but yeah, I'm managing," Millie claims with a long breath exhaled. "I think it'll get better and better as -- well there's more distance and Tiriana gets used to things and Lujayn too."

"/Fresh/ cupcakes," Eila adds, then grins impishly, tucking the napkin away to leave the sweet breads available. "They were for the kids. But since I was helping out down at the creche I figured, you know." She warmly returns the hug in kind, once she's put the basket down, and plucks out a cupcake for herself, licking around the icing for a moment before she answers slowly, "I -- yeah. You're doing fantastic, Millie. I don't think anyone could do half the job you're doing, not without..." Not without cupcakes, right? And Eila. She drapes an arm over Milani. "Anything I can do to help?"

"Oh you're an angel," Milani tells Eila with another beaming smile as she reaches for a cupcake and inhales the smell of fresh baked goods. "Hmmm ... let's see, want to help with my hide-work? Or ummm ... negotiate with some of the traders?" she grins a little wryly. "Actually Tiriana did a decent job with that one negotiation. But everything is just kind of ...a little off kilter right now. Everyone's still kind of dealing."

Eila considers a short instant, only long enough to nibble around the edge of her cupcake, before she nods in agreement even before Milani's finished speaking. "/Anything/ you need me to do, really," she insists, "anything. Hide-work. Negotiations. I did that whole -- silver thread thing through weyrlinghood so honestly anything you'd trust me to do... Wouldn't mind playing go-between, not at all. Off kilter," she repeats quietly. "I know how that is. Drills, too."

Milani nods very seriously while licking at icing in girlish fashion. A little bit gets on her nose and Milani's subsequent sigh might be comical for it. "Yeah, I'm sure it's not all neat and tidy there either. Though F'rint's a good guy. Who knows, he might um ... even clean up a bit," Millie says slowly and colors faintly. "Overall really, just keep an ear out when you've got sweeps Eila? Let us know how it is out there? How the news is affecting people? Satiet ... well she was strong. She really held things together, people respected her. Could be that people won't see the Weyr as quite so strong anymore, you know?"

The bluerider can't help but to twitch a little smile, and she reaches out a finger to wipe away the icing, then the icing off on her pants as she shakes her head. "Seems everyone's pretty shaken up. Just trying to keep our heads on straight is hard enough without having to think about -- how sharp that turn was, or counting out the /perfect/ timing." Eila falls quiet but nods firmly in agreement. She bites at her lip, finally answers with a companionable tightening of her arm around the headwoman, "I will, Millie, absolutely. Everything I hear. I'll be your little spy!"

Milani's eyes cross a little as Eila's finger goes to her nose and she laughs a little as she realizes. "Thanks," is offered over sincerely and she takes a full on bite of cupcake. Her arm slips around Eila in turn, squeezes lightly. "Great, and maybe enlist some of your wingmates or anyone going out, because shells, we need to try to stay on top of things, you know?"

Eila, balancing her half-eaten cupcake on her knee, spends a second mushing that streak of icing deeper into her pants until it all disappears into the fabric and she giggles slightly. "Sure. Anyone I can convince. Promise." She retrieves her cupcake and takes a bite, and says around her mouthful, "And -- otherwise? You're all right?"

"Thanks a bunch, Eila," Milani says with sincere gratitude. "And well you know, whatever F'rint says goes really, he's the Weyrleader for now," she says taking a deep breath and leans back a little into the bluerider's arm. She munches for a little bit in silence before saying: "A'son came back ... but it's not working out."

"Ohhhh," Eila breathes out all in a rush, overriding anything else she might've had to say about F'rint and his Weyrleaderhood; she instead crinkles her brow worriedly and peers anxiously at Milani. "Ohh, Millie. I'm sorry." The bluerider lifts her chin high, sets her jaw. "Want me to beat him up for you?"

Shaking her head a few times, Milani pops the last bite of cupcake into her mouth. "No, but thanks for offering," the headwoman says with a little grin and reaches over, aiming to squeeze Eila's hand. "I think the last thing we need right now is more people getting in each other's faces," the headwoman says seriously. "It'll be okay eventually."

Eila nods, a bit reluctantly, and sighs, "Okay. I won't beat him up." But she will sit and listen, if Milani wants to talk! After all, that's why she brought cupcakes, wasn't it? And only once they've been properly eaten will she leave, with another promise to act reconnaissance, empty basket in hand.

Talking Millie can do and for the next little while, it's cupcakes and girl-talk until Eila needs to head out. The headwoman sees her off with a wave and a grin, then sighs and gets back to work.

milani, @hrw, #headwoman, eila

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