Log: Mindhealing and Mindbending

Mar 02, 2009 19:28

Who: Carobet, Milani, Tiriana
When: It is a winter morning, 11:48 of day 3, month 2, turn 19 of Interval 10
Where: Nighthearth, High Reaches Weyr
What: On a break between things, Carobet and Milani talk mindhealing and how to help de-stigmatize the profession. Firelizards also come up and how much like dragons they are or aren't. Tiriana's arrival shifts the topic of the conversation and Millie has an offer for the junior goldrider.

Nighthearth, High Reaches Weyr
With its entrance located between the kitchen and the living cavern, this tiny bubble cavern is cozy, always kept warm and is filled with comfortable chairs and a small round table. At the far end, there's a hearth, outlined in ruddy, aging bricks, where a pot of stew simmers in the evening hours. Generally quiet, the nighthearth is the haunt of insomniacs and those seeking quiet from the bustle of daily Weyr life.

Late morning and the headwoman has ducked into the nighthearth for a little break. She's just set her clipboard down and stands where the pot of klah is kept warm, pouring out a mug of the stuff.

Carobet makes her entrance a moment or two later, heading straight for a comfy chair and collapsing in it dramatically. Only after she's heaved a theatrical sigh does she notice Milani, and the healer grins in the headwoman's direction. "Shh. If anyone asks, you haven't seen me."

The sound of liquid reaching the brim of the mug fills the little silence after that sigh and Milani casts the healer a curious look. "Undercover today then?" she asks with humor and puts a little sweetening into her klah, then comes over to settle into the chair opposite Carobet, shoes left behind on the floor and feet tucked up beneath her. "That bad of a day?" is asked conversationally as Milani's clipboard is set down beside her chair on a table and her mug cradled in two palms.

"And it's only midmorning," Carobet exclaims, laughing slightly, kicking off her own shoes and settling in her chair. "Haven't been ordered around on so many menial errands since I was newly apprenticed. Have I already healed enough minds that my expertise is no longer required?" A dramatic hand placed on her forehead, she sighs once more. "Woe is me. I must make sure and drive someone crazy, if only so I can remain gainfully employed."

"Almost lunchtime," Milani says with a little laugh and leans her head into the chair's back. The drama earns another chuckle. "A lot of people are sick?" she questions lightly and lifts her mug to blow across its surface. "Aren't there enough slightly crazy people here as it is?"

"It's winter, and there's usually something going around this time of the turn," the healer observes, giving a little shrug. "And they're priority. Truth be told, there's plenty that could use my services, but I have a feeling my facet of the craft will never be seen as equal to treating the kind of illness you can see." She wrinkles her nose with displeasure, than gets up, pours herself her own klah, and returns to her seat. "How about you? Busy day?"

"Madilla mentioned that there's been a lot of colds, the usual winter stuff," Milani agrees and lifts a hand to tuck her hair back behind her ear. "Mm, I guess people don't like to thing there's something wrong with them in their heads too," she muses thoughtfully, wrapping both hands around her mug again. "It's not as busy as during tithes, but it just seems like everyone needs something today. That kind of busy."

Carobet nods. "But I think most people don't realize you don't have to be /really/ sick to have a mindhealer help. You could just have a lot on your mind. Or be going through a big change in your life. That kind of thing." She sips at her klah as she listens to Milani. "Just one of those days, sounds like, the Weyr over." A beat. "I'll sure be grateful for spring, when it comes. Never have gotten fond of this weather."

"Right and even then, most people are probably shy about asking a healer for help when they could just talk to a trusted friend," Milani continues in a thoughtful vein and has another sip from her mug. "Though, now that you mention it, maybe I should come see you myself. You know. All of nineteen and headwoman, at odds with the Weyrleader. Though, I /have/ had a turnday not that long ago, so now I can lay claim to twenty." She smiles sympathetically about the weather though. "Do you like to skate or sled? I find that helping people find things that they like to do in the snow can help."

"It's true, about being able to turn to a friend. I wish I could work at cutting down on the stigma of seeing a mindhealer somehow-- I think that'd put people more at ease, too." Carobet sips at her klah, musing over this, before adding, "I'd be happy to see you sometime. That sure is a lot of pressure-- and you know, I'd forgotten we're about the same age. I think I'd be terrified if I had any knot bigger than I do now." She returns the smile, adding, "I like to skate, or would if I had better balance. Sledding-- I find that a tad too unladylike."

"Well then, what better way to encourage people, right? Let's set up an appointment," Milani replies and takes a deep breath. "It's all confidential, right?" Her smile turns wry there and she looks down into her klah for a moment or two. "I can help you get better at skating maybe?"

Carobet smiles reassuringly. "Of course, everything is confidential. It's part of the craft, to keep what a patient says between the patient and the healer." She laughs, adding, "Which is important, especially living in a weyr!" Her expression brightens further at the thought of skating lessons. "That'd be wonderful! Sounds like a good trade, maybe, mindhealing for skating lessons. I'm embarrassed, trying to skate in front of the 'Reaches-bred children half my age. I keep falling!"

"Without any exceptions?" Milani asks next, blue-green eye quite serious on Carobet's face. "And ... yes, especially in a weyr," she says with a faint smile. "Absolutely. Can't have a respectable healer being a laughing stock," the headwoman agrees with a wider, warmer smile. I'd be happy to help you et a better hang of it."

Carobet nods, serious in return. "Of course not. Whatever's spoken between us in a mindhealing session would never be repeated-- unless you choose to share it with a friend, or the two of us speak about it again." Her reassuring smile reappears. "I can promise you that, unconditionally." And then her smile widens at the talk of skating once more. "Good! I've been here for over a turn, now, but every now and then, little things like that make me feel out of place."

"All right then," Milani says with a smile. "Perhaps next seven? Either first thing in the morning or after most duties are done in the evening. Would that work?" She nods further about the skating. "That can't feel nice, no. And the same times would apply for skating lessons."

"Of course! Evening may be better for mindhealing. It's nice to have time for yourself afterwards, in case you need to be alone with your thoughts." Carobet returns the smile, adding, "As for the skating-- perhaps on a restday? The days can be so short, and it'd be nicer to skate when it's light out. Hopefully, that'll mean less falling."

"Evening it is then, an hour past supper? Second day?" Milani suggests. "That's usually a pretty good time for me, at any rate. And good point about the alone time." She sighs a little, looks towards the hearth where, unnoticed until now a young brown firelizard dozes in the warmth. "Of course, I'm never totally alone now that he's popped into my life. Even if he spends most of his time sleeping. "My rest-days are usually the 7th day of the seven, what about yours?"

"Evening of the second it is, then! My rest-day is usually on the 5th, but I'm sure I could ask to switch it this upcoming seven'." Carobet glances over to the 'lizard, then comments, "Are you good at shielding emotions from him? You don't want to overload him-- it's easy to do when you're bringing up emotional things. He might get agitated from the mindhealing. But having him can be a comfort, too, isn't it? So much unconditional love."

"If you'd be able to, that would be best. It's ... a little difficult for me to switch my official rest-day, though I'm often able to take half-days here and there," Milani claims and drinks long from her mug. "We haven't been together very long," she notes about Puddle. "So I guess you could say I'm still working on it. But overall, he sleeps so much that it's not really a problem. He is comforting, I will say that. He just drapes in my lap and curls up and ... sleeps." Laughter.

Carobet grins at the headwoman's description of her firelizard. "That's what they're best at, right?" She sips at her cooling klah, then says, "I'll do my best to move my restday, and let you know as soon as possible if I can. I'm sure it's easier for me than for you." Glancing back to Puddle, she asks, "How'd he get his name? I guess he kind of looks like a puddle. Sort of."

"Mm, seems so. I mean, some of them, they're good at running messages and so on, but not Puddle. He's best at lying around looking cute and keeping a person company." Milani smiles over at Carobet with a little nod. "Thank you, I appreciate it, though if I can swing moving mine, I will as I'm able," she says sincerely. "Because he flopped out of his egg into a little puddle of brown and didn't move for a bit, except to yawn."

Carobet laughs at the mental image. "That's a good reason for his name! And it sure sounds like he hasn't done a whole lot since." A smile at the dozing figure, and she adds, "I sometimes wonder if having one would help me understand riders' lives better. Not that a firelizard is the same as a dragon. But, they're a little similar."

"Nope, he hasn't. Though he's still pretty young, I mean just a couple of months," Milani explains and looks over at the lizard again. "I think it would actually. I mean it's not as intense I guess, but they do think things at you. Pictures and feelings mostly. They're just nowhere near as smart."

"And understanding those sendings-- well, it's an important part of riders' minds," Carobet adds. "We're not really supposed to have pets as apprentices, though. They look down on it. But I'm a senior, and I have a posting. So maybe they wouldn't mind so much." A mischievous grin, and she adds, "Plus, if it were an 'accident', there's not much they could do about it. Impression's Impression."

Milani sits curled in one of the comfy chairs in front of the hearth, Carobet's in the one just next to it. Both young women have mugs of klah and in front of the hearth itself, a brown firelizard lies flopped out and fast asleep. He's small so he's either on the young side, or a runt. Milani nods a few times. "Sure, though most dragons actually talk to their riders. From what they say, you know, about it all," the headwoman explains. "And they do? Really? I didn't know that. Though I guess my brother didn't get one until he was a Journeyman." Her head ducks and she giggles at that mischievous look. "If Tianshi, that's my mother's gold, clutches again soon, I'll let you know, how about that?"

Threading through the inner caverns, Tiriana seems to stop at the nighthearth mostly because it's there--it certainly can't be for the company, now can it? She doesn't even look at either of the other two girls already sitting there, focusing instead on the klah pot while she pours herself out a mug. Once she has it, though, Tiriana lingers, and eventually flops down in a chair herself.

Carobet glances in Tiriana's direction as she enters, but if the rider doesn't acknowledge her, the glance is all she gets in return. Back to Milani: "Really? You would? Oh, that'd be wonderful. I think the main concern is the amount of time they take, especially when young. Distracts from our studies, or something."

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be," Milani says about the raising of firelizards. "But that could be because I got /Puddle/ and not a more uh ... active brown," the headwoman says with a little laugh. "But I'll definitely keep tabs with Mum."

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be," Milani says about the raising of firelizards. "But that could be because I got /Puddle/ and not a more uh ... active brown," the headwoman says with a little laugh. "But I'll definitely keep tabs with Mum." Tiriana's flop into that chair is what draws her attention, turning to look over her shoulder. She hesitates for a moment, before clearing her throat and offering over a pleasant: "Good day, Tiriana."

Much as she might try to ignore the pair, Tiriana's just not that good at it. So after a sip of her klah, and a few nosy glances their way, she finally leans forward in her chair, a little closer. Eyeing the firelizard on the hearth, then Carobet, she asks, "You actually /want/ one of those things?"

Carobet glances over at Tiriana, surprised by the sudden question addressed to her. "Yes? Why not? I'm curious to know what it's like, being linked to another creature. Even if it's not quite the same as a dragon." Explanation given, she laughs once more at Puddle's laziness. To Milani, she says, "Likely so! No worries of him getting in trouble. I've heard stories of how others behave."

"I wasn't all that keen on it myself," Milani answers Tiriana, "but like I was telling Carobet just now, it's not been so bad as all that. But Puddle's usually too busy sleeping to get into much trouble, much less cause any." Said firelizard is still sprawled on the hearth like a puddle in fact, sleeping in the heat from the flames. "Of course it means he's mostly useless for messenger duty too though."

Tiriana snorts. "I'd give you mine if it worked that way," she tells Carobet, quite earnestly. The legs of her chair squeak as she drags it over a little closer, inserting herself in their conversation. "Nasty little bastard, he is. Bites. Don't know why he doesn't just go wild already. And really, it's not that great anyway, I think. All you ever get from them is when they're hungry or mad or horny."

Carobet purses her lips slightly, a silent gesture of I-don't-want-to-believe-you. "Well, maybe that's just him," she says, "Like Millie's is lazy all the time. They all have their own personality, right?" Hopeful. She sighs, once more dramatically, and rises from her chair. "Suppose I should stop hiding and get back to work. Winter colds don't cure themselves. Glad to see you both!" And she's off, back to her 'that kind of day'.

"See you soon, Carobet," Milani says as the healer gets up to go. "And if you need refuge, again sometime, feel free to duck into my office too." Millie waves a little and looks into her mug. "Almost empty ... and then back to work," she murmurs.

Tiriana shrugs. "Maybe," she tells Carobet, as the other girl rises to leave. "But then, not like you really get to pick what kind of personality it's going to have. --Bye." She lifts a hand from her mug to offer a wave as the healer leaves. Then the goldrider turns back to her own drink, taking another slow sip and sneaking a look back at Milani too.

Silence. Klah-sipping. Milani might be wracking her brain for some safe topic of conversation. Finally she ends up with: "Thanks for all the help with the inventory Satiet wanted," the headwoman says. Maybe not so safe, but ... something.

Silence. Klah-sipping. Milani might be wracking her brain for some safe topic of conversation. Finally she ends up with: "Thanks for all the help with the inventory Satiet wanted," the headwoman says. Maybe not so safe, but ... something.

Possibly not safe at all: if she's been only somewhat abrasive before, that comment is enough to garner Milani an outright hostile look. "Yeah, sure, anytime," she says, heavily sarcastic. "Least you don't have to worry about her shoving us together like that again though, huh?"

The hostile look is returned with a level one. "We did some pretty good work," Milani replies, keeping her tone under control, or trying to anyway. Mostly neutral. "And how do you mean? Don't you think we'll be working together on things more often as the Weyrwoman asks you and Lujayn to take on more and more responsibilities?"

"Lujayn, maybe," Tiriana says. She's unable to keep the bitterness out of her voice, and, tiring of her drink, she leans over to push it onto a table; then she sinks back into her chair and slouches down. "She hates me now. Doesn't want me shadowing her anymore, or anything. You can go start planning the party now if you want."

That pronouncement hikes Milani's brows up a little and her own leg unfolds a little, coming upright to serve as a prop for her chin. "I seriously doubt that she hates you," the headwoman says thoughtfully. "And her saying that isn't really grounds for celebrating. I mean, it means you're not learning all the stuff that you need to." Millie continues to regard Tiriana thoughtfully. "You know, I bet if you did something to really impress her, she'd let you shadow again."

"She hates me." Tiriana's mind is made up on that point--and on the latter, too. "Oh, please. Like you and everybody else in this place isn't just thrilled to see me get mine," she tells Milani. "And what am I supposed to do, bring her candy and flowers? It won't work, she's made up her mind already."

Ignoring Tiriana's certainty, Milani leans forward a little. "I could give you something to do, something hard, like a mission see. Chance to get your own back."

Despite herself, Tiriana is interested, and she sits up just a little straighter, leaning forward to study Milani. Hope wars with suspicion in her expression, the young woman unable to hide those feelings however disinterestedly she tries to say, "Yeah, like what?"

"There's a group of traders coming in, in a few days. The snow's let up enough in the passes and they're coming up to trade. Sweepriders saw them out on the road. They're looking for fabricstuff especially to take down south. Well, just like last turn we had some nutty things come in, in our tithes including a bunch of ... well it's pink. Bright pink llama fleece. You could be in charge of organizing their visit up here and negotiating a trade for that fleece, for something that's just a /little/ more useful for the Weyr." Millie's fingers drum atop her knee. "What do you think?"

Out of favor Tiriana may be, but she still has her pride, and Milani's request causes her to scowl. "You're making fun of me," she accuses. "You want me to go trade. With traders. For pink fleece. And that's supposed to make Satiet like me again. Just how dumb /do/ you people think I am?" Although that last is more plaintive than scathing, to her chagrin.

"Right, because asking you to broker a deal for something that no one really wants, is asking you to do something easy," Milani says with a little shrug. "All right, if you won't do it, I'll just figure it out myself. I mean, it /is/ my job and everything," the headwoman says with a little sigh.

Hastily--desperately even--Tiriana interjects, "I didn't say I wouldn't do it. I'll do it. Just... you're /sure/ she'll like me again if I do?"

"Sure? No. But it's likely. I mean come on, if you can manage to do something that almost no one else probably could, what do you think?" Milani gives her one of those almost-duh kind of looks. "The only reason I got this job in the first place is because I'm good at it and Hayda said so. I proved up, see. So ... now so do you."

"Well, aren't you just special," Tiriana says, stubbornly disagreeable. She slinks back down in her chair, one hand reaching for her klah again, though she doesn't drink it. "Anyway, I already proved I'm good," she continues after a moment. "I impressed, didn't I? Don't know what else she wants me to do, it's not like I'm not trying already. Iovniath obviously thinks I'm good enough. --When she's speaking to me, too, at least."

"Well, that just proves you have what it takes to interest a dragon, you know whatever mojo lets dragons and people Impress to each other. Managing a Weyr is a totally different skill set," Milani says quite sincerely. "And well, it's pretty much the only thing I /can/ do, other than steal cookies and get into trouble for mouthing off," she continues. "Numbers. Organizing. That's what it's about. And well in this case ... people. People skills. Getting them to agree to something that they might not normally."

Tiriana's nose wrinkles. "I hate people," she says, quite feelingly. "They're worse than numbers. Numbers make /sense/. Suppose I'm not allowed to punch any traders if they try to fleece us on the, well, that fleece?"

"Punching wouldn't really get the job done, most likely, it'd just make them leave," Milani says with a little wry look. "But then again, isn't the whole point to kind of prove you can do more than just punch?" The headwoman gives the goldrider a meaningful look. "Don't you want to show me up at my own game?"

"Sometimes punching is very effective," Tiriana notes. Still, though, she wrinkles up her nose, and eventually sets aside the last of her cold klah in order to lean her head back against her chair. "Well, of course. But you're just going to let me?"

"Sure, for personal stuff," Milani waves that aside and grins. "Think of it this way, you'll be doing me a favor too. I get out of having to do, you get to show me up, you get to impress the Weyrwoman and the Weyr gets rid of something it didn't want and gets something it did. /Plus/ people down south who're short on fabric get some nice quality fleece. Even if it is hot pink. They could always try to dye it red or something. See? Win-win situation, all around."

"I don't see what could be so bad about it. I like hot pink." But then, that's still a lot of bright pink fleece. Tiriana frowns a moment, then finally nods. "Fine, I'll do it. but she better like me again after this, or else I'll--I don't know, I'll do something, trust me."

"I like it too. In moderation," Milani notes with a little girly-type grin. "All right then, it's a deal. The trader negotiation is all yours," the headwoman says and holds a hand out to shake. "I'll get you all the background info that you need, the inventory sheet for the fleece and I'll put Giorda at your disposal as an assistant to help organize their stay."

For just a moment, Tiriana eyes that hand, looks like she might just be reconsidering. But finally she nods again and takes it, though she's quick to release Milani's hand and retreat back. "Fine, It's a deal," she concedes. "You do that and I'll make them take it. Somehow."

"Try to keep it legal too," Milani says after that brief shake and tosses back the rest of her klah. She bends to find her shoes, pulls them onto her feet and rises. "And if all goes well, you should be back to being the apple of Satiet's eye in no time. I'd better get back to work though and let Giorda know what's going on. The traders will be here in day or so. Have a good lunch and afternoon, Tiriana."

tiriana, milani, carobet

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