Log: A'son and Jolak, At It Again

Nov 28, 2007 21:33

Who: A'son, Jolak, Milani
When: 19:46 on day 16, month 5, Turn 14, of the 10th Interval.
Where: Kitchen, High Reaches Weyr
What: A'son's chilling out on his day off, Milani interrupts. Jolak turns up and there's another fraternal blow out with Millie caught in the cross-fire.

Kitchen, High Reaches Weyr

The kitchens of High Reaches Weyr are contemporary, spare and simple in design, free of clutter. The sleek surfaces are a hallmark of the current Pernese style - polished marble and granite, metalwork, and woods. The background colors of the kitchen are light and neutral, allowing for bold tone accessories to take center stage. The lighting and entryway opening treatments are low-profile and minimalist. The hearths have been fitted with modern equipment and simple, sleek metalwork to add an up-to-date touch to the heavily used areas.
The polished granite counters are long and wide, allowing for ample work space. The woodwork is lightly stained, bringing out the natural hues in the grain. A simple cording, in the same bold color as the accessories, borders each cabinet door, accenting the room. Two large islands break up the kitchen into work areas: baking center, butchery, vegetable and side center, and the serving organization center. The floor is tiled with large marble squares, each section carrying a different, yet complimentary color to direct the flow of traffic. The entryway into the living cavern has been expanded to fit two doors - in and out - each marked with its own identifying color that matches the tiles just inside the doors, to keep collisions from occurring. The cavern itself has been expanded to include breakfast nooks, where residents can sit to eat, while leaving the main kitchen free from tables and the traffic that accompanies a busy Weyr.

A'son is relaxed in one of the eating nooks, empty plates pushed out in front of him. The bronzerider looks tired, but content at least in the moment. He leans back in the chair, dropping his head back and closing his eyes. Arms are set across his chest and it's more than likely that he's slipping off to sleep as he sits there.

Milani pops into the kitchen, just off-duty and pulls the clip that holds her hair up out, running a hand through it with a wrinkled nose. "Should probably just cut the whole lot off," she mutters to herself then strides over to one of the older cooks who's currently scraping out a pot used to make stew for dinner. Slinging an arm casually around the woman's shoulders she murmurs a few quiet words and is shortly hooked up with cookies. It's as the girl cruises over to the nooks to find one for herself that she notices the bronzerider and hesitating a moment due to his sleepy state, she considers the set of his shoulders and the cant of his head. Finally, the girl makes up her mind and slides in along the bench, setting her loot down on the table. "Y'know, if you're that tired Ays, you might wanna go home?" This is suggested in a light tone, a wry, teasing grin on Millie's face.

A'son slowly opens up one eye. "I'm just overfilled with food. It's making me so sleepy. I'm not ready to get up and go to the weyr yet. You know?" He asks, voice sounding drowsy. He stretches his arms out and yawns, bringing himself into a more alert position. "What, did you just get off of your duties or something?" He asks, pushing his empty cup around on the table.

"Yeah." Milani nods wisely then tilts her head to the side. "Well okay, I know in theory kind of. I can't ever seem to eat so much that I'm full. Happens sometimes though and there's that heavy feeling. Like you can't move. Or you don't want to." She picks up a cookie and nibbles a few bites out of it, one elbow dropping to the table top, body turned so she's facing the rider. "Yep. Just off duty, at loose ends for the evening. What're you up to other than falling asleep in the kitchen?" She flashes A'son a bright teasing smile and munches on more cookie. The two are sitting in one of the nooks on the same bench on the same side of the table. The assistant headwoman's back is, at present turned to the room as she chatters away.

"A day off for the first time in forever. My only goal for the evening is to eat food and eventually fall asleep in my weyr." A'son rubs his eyes, yawning once again. His gaze drifts off towards the door, then eventually finds it's way back to Milani. "What about yourself? What sort of loose ends are you tying up for the evening?"

What are the odds of a recordskeeper meandering his way into the kitchens? Slim to none most of the turn, but for some fluke of a reason, Jolak has managed to slip into the kitchens, holding one a sieve in his hand. Quick glance goes around the general kitchen, though by the set in his gait he knows exactly where to go. That's off to the side, where one older lady is bent over a large pot, scrubbing furiously at the cooked on grease. The woman with her hair deshelved and everything, looks immediately grateful to the youngster upon him returning the sieve.

Milani continues to munch on her cookie. "Wow. Day off. That must be nice. And y'know, so does just eating and sleeping." She considers for a moment, then shrugs. "Gonna go change. Maybe wave my keys around to score myself some good stuff for my room! Oh yeah! I got a room! Someone moved out, went back to their home hold and a room opened up and Hayda said I could have it!" Excited. Very excited. Millie's eyes light up as she waxes on and on about her own space. "Okay so it's not like, big or anything, but it's /mine/ no sharing." She licks a crumb or two off her thumb then pushes a cookie towards A'son. "Want one?"

A'son waves the cookie away. "No, no. Thanks anyway. I don't think that I could possibly eat another bite. Plus I think they'll chase me out of here if I eat another bite of their food." He grins, gesturing towards a cook. Just happens to be the cook that Jolak is talking to. He hasn't actually looked that way yet, just waves his hand in that direction. "So you got your own room? That's great. It's way better than staying in the dorms. You actually get some sort of privacy."

Airily, like she's not routinely kicked out by a spoon-waving cook for sneaking cookies: "Nah. You're with me, they won't chase you out." Milani looks around curiously towards the indicated cook and hey, there's Joe. She takes back the cookie she offered to the bronzerider and settles her back against the smooth wall of the nook. "Yep. My turn to decorate!" She makes big eyes then slides another look Jolak's way. Low-voiced: "Did you really give Joe that shiner?" Curiosity dominates her tone as the girl turns back A'son's way, expression mirroring her words.

A'son's eyes narrow a little, senses alerted when Milani's eyes start rolling around. He turns to look towards the cook and his eyebrows raise a little. Then he's turning back around to respond to Milani, "Yeah, I did." There's an occasionally sliding of his eyes in the direction of his younger brother, but he doesn't raise a hand to greet him.

Milani looks from brother to brother, considering and then makes a face. "Huh. Didn't peg you for the type." Her shoulders lift then it's A'son she's eyeing more closely herself. "He didn't really lift anything ... I mean, well okay, not that I know of. I mean, nothing worse then y'know, me filching cookies, or rooting around in the back stores. Finding stuff." There's another back and forth look from the assistant headwoman. "Guess you guys aren't talking huh?" That'd probably be a good time to stuff cookie in her mouth.

The stout woman going on about the repaired kitchen ware suddenly dashes around toward the washing area, pulling another item from one of the drawers, obviously in need of repair. This gives time for Jolak to regard the other folks in the kitchen, and by that same stroke of luck he spots A'son - even if just the back of the guy's head. Instantly his gaze moves to A'son's tablemate, a brow twitched as he recoginizes the cookie monster. Other than the brow twitch, his face remains devoid of emotion, turning back in time to collect the newly broken item from the cook, faking interest within the item - peeking over it toward Millie and Ays.

A'son's face is unreadable for several seconds. Then he leans in closer towards Milani, eyebrows lifting. "You knew? And you never told me?" Dark eyes search the young woman's face, though his feelings over this are hard to guess. "It is worse than filching cookies. You know it. If you didn't, you wouldn't have kept something like that from me. You kids do a good job of convincing yourself that breaking into things is okay." He pulls away then, leaning against the chair, keeping an eye on Jolak as the boy continues his conversation with the cook. "No, he told me to stay away from him. So I am. He'll talk to me when he's ready to."

"I was s'posed to tell you?" Milani blinks at the bronzerider in complete and sincere surprise, voice still held to an undertone. Apparently the thought never really occurred to her. "N'thei told me. He also told me to tell him." A slight shifting of her eyes towards Jolak, "to stop. So's he wouldn't get in trouble. Guess that didn't work out too well." She colors suddenly and quite fiercely at that when A'son dings her for filching too. "Yeah well, y'know. I haven't really /filched/ anything since I got the knot." Oh because that makes her /so/ responsible. "'Course there's filching and then there's stealing. Like, real stealing." Yep. Justifying again and she's starting to bounce one leg a little, jittery with sudden discomfort. "Oh." Just that for A'son's last and she sighs deeply. "Well ... for what it's worth, I hope you guys get stuff sorted out." Beat. "Could you teach me to punch like that?"

Then Joe's right there, standing off to the side of A'son, his mouth tightening as he over hears what Milani and Ays were talking of. "I have never stolen anything," he corrects the both of them, "anything that I found of interest I went through the proper channels to acquire. To say that I didn't is a flithy lie." They way he holds himself suggests he's in an unapproachable manner, the sharp way his brows lower over his eyes adds to that observation. Gaze drops down the bridge of his nose to A'son, his mouth about to open before lips pinch closed. A moment later as he turns for the exit, he heaves out behind a sigh, "Not worth it..."

"I'm his brother, yes, you should have told me something like that was going on. Not because N'thei told you to, either. But because you're my /friend/. Because family is supposed to know what's going on. Because family is supposed to keep family out of trouble." A'son's lips press together into a firm line. "N'thei told me, anyway. I'm glad /someone/ did." There's a further lifting of his eyebrows. "Cookies are different from picking locks and going through things that you were never given the keys to go through." He slowly shakes his head. "No, I'm not teaching anyone to punch anything." The sudden appearance of Jolak right behind him results in the stiffening of his shoulders. He doesn't twist around to look at him though. He drops his head back and rolls his eyes towards him instead. "If you were doing things the right way? You /wouldn't/ have been sneaking around to begin with."

Milani colors all the more deeply and her eyes drop to her own fidgety hands which are plucking at the folds of much-hated skirts. "I'm sorry, Ays." That's offered very quietly. "I really didn't think ..." she breaks off as Jolak approaches and cuts in and her chin lifts, eyes snapping a little. "I just told him you /didn't/ steal anything. So don't go calling me a liar, neither." The young woman's lips purse as oe starts to turn for the exit, nostrils flaring a little. She's still got high color in pale cheeks, could be from the high dudgeon of being accused of lying, or further realized shame about her own filching habits.

At the last minute, Joe turns his chin toward the side of his shoulder to enable him to peer back over his shoulder at A'son, "YOU? Accuse me of /sneaking/ around?" A pivot. A few determined steps bring him back in finger pointing range of A'son, "You're one of the biggest hypocrites I've ever known," he says with that finger thrusting forward, fist smacking against palm soon afterwards, "you seem to forget about what you've been doing in certain Holds... So don't go playing black and white here when things are actually very grey, and you're as much as a flinching thief as you claim me to be." He pauses as he goes into a more defensive stance, almost ready for another attack from Ays. Nevermind Milani, he's seething from the accusations his brother continues to make.

A'son was in a relaxed, reclined position only moments earlier. In those inbetween moments, he rises swiftly to his feet. "You're a kid. You're my kid brother." If there's distanced to be closed? He's closing it. "If you don't get that I'm trying to get you out of trouble? Huge, massive amounts of trouble? If you don't get, that I love you and that I'm trying to stop you from making a big mess of your life? Then you stay away from /me/ until you figure that out." His drops lower and is near to the point of being a growl. "You don't know what hypocrisy is." His eyes are flashing as when he snaps, "I met your little girlfriend the other day too. Amazing how much of the truth you cut out of that story. Guess you're not as honest and upstanding as you'd like as all to believe." There's brief glance back to Milani and then he shoots a long look Jolak before he pulls away and walks out of the kitchens.

Milani stares at Jolak as he loses it and starts in on the fist-smacking-palm thing. Her eyes slew back over towards A'son as the younger brother pins Hold-stealing on the rider and her eyes round out a little bit, then her chin lifts another fraction, her own temper engaged. "That's for the good of the weyr and you know it, Joe. But you shouldn't be talking about that so loud right here --" Then A'son's pushing past her and she has to scrunch up to let him by. Her feet drop to the floor as the bronzerider exits and she stands too. There's some interesting facts in all the yelling but there's barely time to register any of them a A'son starts to stalk out. Her mouth opens and shuts as A'son looks her way, though she's kind of stuck standing in place, uncertain likely about what to do or say next.

Jolak becomes alert this time when A'son closes the distance, his one fist clenched and ready to be used by the way he pulls it up rib cage lever at his side. "All I get is that you're trying to make me look bad and make yourself look like you're infallible..." he gnashes his teeth as he holds his ground, having previously been in a calm mood too - all that has become replaced with high tempers. "Fine. I will. I don't need you!" he abruptly shouts out after A'son when the bronzer makes a move to leave instead of further engaging the conversation. Eyes flash back toward Milani, "Good of the Weyr? Some how the good of the Weyr has turned out to be bad for Joe..." he flinches as he watches his brother's retreating back, shaking a little as he keeps himself rooted.

"You didn't freeze or go hungry this winter," Milani points out, in a heated but low voice, determined on that facet at least, though the continued back and forth between brothers has her bouncing on her toes and twisting her fingers in the hem of her tunic. "He's really trying to help you out and do the right thing, Joe," she mutters further, the blush on her face deepening again, brows knitting together. "He's right that family should stick together too." Pause. "Not that y'know, punching is the answer, but --" she breaks off and runs a hand through her hair, worsening the tangle the loose strands are starting to work themselves into.

Joe waves a hand at Milani, frustrated, "I get IT! Okay." A pause as he storms back over to collect the broken item from the stunned cook's hand, "Joe's the bad guy" he thrusts the item at himself, "and A'son is the sharding hero!" he flails the broken thing toward the door. "I fecking get it! Might as well find a shelling strap and whip me with it already because I've been found guilty already." His fingers squeeze the broken item tightly, feeling the thing sticking into him doesn't make him clutch it any lighter. "Help me? If that's what he calls help, the I don't need any! I don't want any. Feck him..." he snarls toward the exit, "feck family. The only tie that kept me to him is dead. As far as I'm concerned, I'm finished being a part of his family." He realizes that he's been yelling at Milani, but instead of apologizing, he gives another frustrated nostril sound and makes for the exit.

Milani stares at Jolak and her lips press together. "That is /not/ what I said and you know it. You're making a mountain out of a ... tunnelsnake tunnel." Apparently not so much with the sharp wit, Millie when angry. "You're both good guys who do good things. And if you're feeling /guilty/ it's not because of /me/. You're doing a plenty good enough job of whipping yourself. 'Sides I /told/ you I told him you didn't steal." His last stuns Millie into abject silence and then she goes out the /other/ way, apparently, trying to catch up with A'son.

#stalker, *crom plot, jolak, a'son

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