Log: Pax with P'ax

Dec 07, 2008 22:14

Who: Milani, P'ax
When: It is a spring afternoon, 17:06 of day 28, month 5, turn 18 of Interval 10.
Where: Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani and P'ax catch up out in the Bowl.

Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr
Ringed by rough granite walls to all sides but one, this end of the huge bowl narrows from the even broader plain to the west, continuing the ever so slight downward slope toward the blue and green of the Weyr's lake and surrounding foliage. More open to sun and wind than the western bowl, but less frequented when there aren't weyrlings in residence, the bowl's grassy tufts keep the topsoil in place and thicken into a bloodstained meadow within the feeding pens that adjoin the lake.
At the base of the surrounding cliffs lie entrances to several caverns, including the dragon infirmary and the weyrling barracks: the former to the northwest near where the spires begin, the latter opposite to the southwest. Both archways are large and dark enough for any dragon to pass through, but it's the infirmary's that is haunted by faint smells of redwort and numbweed, as though over generations they have seeped into the very stone.

Yyth is practicing her flying high above the bowl while P'ax works on straps down on the ground. So engrossed is he with not stabbing himself, he mostly ignores Yyth's repeated bad takeoffs and worse landings. She's pretty good in the air, turning and dipping, diving, ascending. It's just the point between ground and air that she seems to be the worst at.

Milani exits from the lower caverns, the springy breeze toying with the ends of the kerchief that's tied over her boy-short hair. The headwoman spots P'ax' hunkered form and makes her way over, steps sure but not hurried. Her gaze lifts to the sky, watching Yyth's repeated ups and downs and a little smile curls the corner of her mouth. "I heard that you've been completely re-instated. We'll miss your hard-working hands in the caverns though, P'ax. You did a good job," she says by way of greeting as she reaches him.

P'ax stabs himself when Milani speaks, yelping and dropping his work into his lap. He turns his head, sticking his finger in he mouth to suck on as he tries to figure out who was talking to him. "Oh, Milani. Sorry. Hi." This all said around his finger. "I just did what I got told to do." He glances up as Yyth makes another terrible landing, cringing just a little. "Yeah, we're trying to catch up now. Lot of not nice things being said about us. Just makes me more glad we're all out of the barracks."

Milani's face creases with sympathy and she hunkers down beside the weyrling. "Oh shells, I didn't mean to startle you. Here, let me see?" She holds out a hand for his injured one. "I can at least bind that up with a hanky if it's bad. I don't have any numbweed in my pocket though." Her eyes lift to his face again as he recounts his difficulties and she nods. "Mm. Can't be easy going back into all that after being out of it for so long." And then, more quietly still. "What kinds of things?"

"Just a little blood, no big deal, I promise," P'ax assures her, dropping his hand into his lap. "You know, somehow it wouldn't surprise me if you /did/ carry numbweed in your pocket. Or just about anything else." His smile is a little wry for her. Yyth takes off again, a little better this time. "I dunno, they think I get to skip to all the good stuff. Got to shirk the hard work. Silly stuff, mostly. Can't say getting left behind endeared any of them towards me any better. It's nothing big, you know. People are just stupid."

Laughing a little, Milani shrugs and joins the weyrling in sitting on the floor. "Sometimes I do. You never know when you're going to need it," she says pragmatically and winks over at him. Her eyes lift up to the sky as Yyth takes off again. "Mm. Well, just remind them that you were on /kitchen/ duty which isn't exactly a picnic when it's the hard stuff." Her knees draw up towards her chest and she wraps her arms around them. "At least you got to miss the lice, which is a high point."

P'ax chuckles into the back of his hand. "Not going to remind them of anything. It's none of their business." For lice, he shudders. "Didn't really. Didn't catch it because Yyth wanted to sleep all the way in the back. So I count myself lucky on most counts. Especially with the whole... well, what happened with K'del and all, he must have caught it right after."

Milani nods. "I wound up with the stupid things." She makes a gesture towards her vanished hair. "It was way too long to even do the comb-throughs," she says with a little sigh. "And yeah, K'del, shaved head. Though it's kind of cute," she notes with a chuckle. "Anyway, even with the hard parts, how's it feel to be kind of back on track?"

P'ax smiles at her, a true grin. "I kinda like you with the short hair, for what it's worth." As for K'del. "He's a jerk. It served him right anyways." Yyth makes another landing, coming over now to inspect who this person with her rider is. "It's okay, you know. I mean, it's not what I had expected when I was first Searched but.. it's okay. If I get through this, it'll be worth it."

Milani tilts a look over at P'ax, smiles back. "Well, thanks, it's taking some getting used to, but it doesn't need nearly as much attention." The words about K'del lift her eyebrows though. "I thought you guys kind of got along." But then there's Yyth, and Milani lifts a hand towards her nose, looks up directly at the green. "May I?" For P'ax' assertion she nods again. "It should be, yes. Full on rider and everything."

P'ax shrugs. "Not really. He's never been better than lukewarm to me. I kissed him. It was worth the look on his face, but now he hates me. Cadejoth told Yyth that he's worried Cadejoth will catch. Of course, Yyth has just about every bronze and brown and even a few of the blues she talks to convinced that they're the only one for her, so he shouldn't think so much of himself or his dragon." Yyth makes a grating, high sound in her throat, like nails on a chalk board, leaning in towards the Headwoman's hand. "You ever wish you'd been Searched, Milani?"

"Oh," Milani says simply and then whistles lowly. "Wow, daring of you. I mean green or no green, not every greenrider is cut out that way," she says simply. She lets her fingers meet Yyth's muzzle, runs them firmly upward. "What's your favorite spot?" she asks the green herself, again directly. No name though. "And no, P'ax, I've never really wished it. I could have asked to Stand any time. It's not what I've ever really wanted for myself other than some vague thoughts when I was younger."

P'ax says, "Was just tired of them harping on me about never kissing anyone. So I fixed it. Not my fault he didn't like who I fixed it with." A smirk. His eyes flick to Milani. "Oh yeah? Well, I guess that's okay. Don't know if it's what I would have picked for myself, either, but I don't think I have any regrets. She says she likes her wingspars the best. Don't let her bully you into scratching her forever, either."

"Oh is that what was going on?" Milani laughs lightly then, shakes her head. "Shells, sometimes people are hard on each other, aren't they?" She pushes to her feet though so she can reach the indicated wingspars, her movements slow and careful. "Here?" she inquires of Yyth when she gets there, but looks to P'ax for confirmation, grinning and winks, mouthing a silent "I won't". As she works though she goes back to the subject of Search. "Mm. Both of my parents are riders here, my brother Impressed, so clearly it runs in the family," she explains simply then tips another look over at the weyrling from under her arm as she passes her hand over a wingspar. "So. Have you kissed any /girls/ yet?"

Yyth lowers herself down and extends her wings towards Milani with a satisfied rumble, letting her first eyelids fall closed. "Kissing and making it and all is really important to Rascela and K'del. I just didn't want to be left out." P'ax gives a little shrug and watches Headwoman and green for awhile. "my family's craftbred through and through. If there was a rider before me, I've never heard of them. Not that my folks looked favorably upon riders anyways so I doubt they would have told me." His eyebrows lower in suspicion. "/Girls?/ Why?"

"K'del's horny," is Milani's pretty blunt assessment. "Nothing wrong with that really, other than that he had to wait until now to do anything about it," she continues with a little shrug and keeps up the work as Yyth extends her wing. The headwoman tips an amused glance P'ax way. "You know, just try out the other flavor. Or even just, someone who's not K'del," she replies promptly. "Or someone who just mighe kiss back. Boy or girl."

P'ax gives Milani that funny look he reserves for when someone says something he finds particularly ridiculous. "Who would want to kiss me back?" Who would he want to kiss. "I could kiss Yyth. She loves me. But she's got carrion breath." Yyth snorts.

"Well, I heard some gossip from the kitchen girls," Milani says with a slant-eyed look his way. "One of the undercooks has the hots for you," she says with a little grin and slides her hand a little farther along that wingspar. "Somehow, as lovely as she is, kissing a dragon wouldn't be /quite/ the same thing."

P'ax makes a face. "I don't fancy girls too much, gotta be honest." He taps his feet against the ground for a moment. "She's kinda gauntly, don't you think? Nah, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind having someone nice to look at. Just don't feel the need to go persuing it."

"Ohh, so you'd rather a guy anyway?" Milani, straightforward as ever as she finishes up on that wing and walks around to the other side of Yyth to start on the other. "Her coloring is interesting," she says for the green in question and nods for his further remarks. "I think you're probably one of few teenaged boys I've ever might, who don't feel the need."

P'ax grimaces. "You think I'm weird then, don't you?" he queries. Yyth croons a polite thank you, her nose following Milani around. "She says thank you. And some other things, but you don't need to hear her bragging."

"Different. Maybe unusual. But not weird," Milani says with a little shake of her head, hands moving firmly up along that spar. "I mean, not every guy does have to be a horndog," she says with a little lift of her shoulders. "Just that most I've known are. Then again, I have one brother who doesn't really restrain himself at all and one who does all the time, though neither is a teenager anymore."

P'ax says with a hint of sarcasm, "Sexual repression is a lesson my mother was good at drilling in. What can I say." He finally gets back to working on his straps now while Milani scratches Yyth. "I've heard you don't have much problem in the boys department."

"Well. It's one thing to repress it but still feel it underneath, and another to not feel it at all," Milani says over her shoulder, regarding the weyrling curiously. "So is it that you don't feel it or that you're really good at controlling it?" That statement halts Millie's hands briefly and she looks up beyond Yyth out towards the lake. "Easy enough to attract many. Not so easy to keep one," she says lightly enough though there's something regretful about the smile she shoots back P'ax' way.

P'ax considers for awhile as he positions the straps. "Suppose I feel it, sure. Doesn't mean I have to act on it." He gives Milani an appraising look. "A certain bronzerider?"

"Well then, you're /definitely/ not weird, just ahead of the game over most guys your age," Milani decides and finishes up the scratching, gives Yyth a final pat and returns to sit next to P'ax with a brief look for those straps he's working on before she answers. "Two bronzeriders, actually. And in some ways it's not really fair about the second one to even say that about him, because things weren't set up that way. "There was a greenrider once upon a time too, but he wasn't ever mine to keep in the first place, so I ended that for my own good."

P'ax listens and nods thoughtfully. "I'm sorry about that, Milani. But, you know, in the future, I'm sure you'll find someone who will want to hold onto you as well." Yyth sighs and folds her wings up, stretching herself out with a low groan. "I don't think I'd even know what to do with myself, if someone liked me. I'd mess it up, for sure."

Milani lifts her shoulders a little. "Maybe, maybe not. In the end, it's more about whether or not that's what /I/ want too." She rests her hands down atop her knees, sitting with legs folded beneath her. "Definitely wanted that with A'son," she says with regret in her voice. "But I wasn't willing to move to Ista for it." She blows out a little gust of air. "Right now, it's just safest and more fun to just be casual, whatever guy strikes my fancy at the time, no questions asked, no strings." And she smiles over at the greenrider now, with good humor. "Are you sure about that? I mean, everyone has tough times sometimes, but then you also have people like my parents who've been together forever."

P'ax frowns. "I'm really sorry about that, Milani. Truly." He rubs his hand through his hair and stares off across the bowl for a minute. "Hey, did you forget who I am? OF course I'd screw it up. I'd be like 'you smell' and I'd choke on the good part and they'd hit me and walk away." But he does grin a little at himself.

"Yeah, me too. Who knows, maybe someday it'll come back around," Milani says optimistically then laughs a little for that claim. "Someone who really cared about you though, would know that about you and work around it. That and well, even you can learn when to and when not to say certain things, I bet." Her grin in return is wide and she leans over, meaning to bump his shoulder lightly a little.

P'ax grins. "Well, maybe there's still hope for both of us. We'll see." He bumps her back lightly and smiles just a little. "You know, Milani, you're probably just about the nicest lady I've ever met. Except maybe Persie."

"Oh I'm /sure/ there is," Milani says very decisively and beams as his shoulder bumps into hers. She laughs merrily for the compliment. "Well thanks, P'ax. And yea, Persie's really wonderful, isn't she? Good assistant for I'daur and just so sweet." The headwoman casts a look over her shoulder towards the caverns next and makes a little face. "I should probably get back to things though. It's not all that long until suppertime." She takes a deep breath, reaches over to pat P'ax' knee gently. "You hang in there okay? And if you need an ear, come knock on my door. I'll see you around, P'ax."

P'ax smirks. "Glad I don't have to do that anymore." He says cheerfully and then salutes. "I'll remember that. Have a good night, Milani."

More laughter from Millie as she rises and starts to move back to the caverns. "Mm. No more tubers for you, my friend." Her hand lifts for a backward wave and shortly she's gone in a swish of skirts, light humming echoing back behind her.

milani, p'ax, @hrw, #headwoman

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