Log: Hibernation

Oct 22, 2008 18:53

Who: L'rell, Milani
When: It is a winter morning, 8:40 of day 2, month 1, turn 18 of Interval 10.
Where: Lakeshore, High Reaches Weyr
What: Millie catches up with L'rell.

Cold morning. Cold lake. It's frozen solid in fact and Milani it seems started her day with a quick whirl across its surface. She's sitting on a rock just now, pulling her skates off.

L'rell is strolling along the beach, bundled up in a warm coat. His lifemate, Xatolaeth is not with him. He waves spotting Milani and heads over. "Morning." He offers with his awkward but bright smile.

Milani looks up as she hears that greeting and draws off the skate blade in her hand, brushing clinging ice shavings with gloved fingers. "Hey there L'rell. Enjoying a free moment?" she asks with a little smile, though she looks a little on the tired side. Maybe that's understandable given the recent Turnover celebrations.

L'rell gives a quick nod. "Yeah, Xa decided he'd rather sleep then come out in the cold. Couldn't wash him in the lake anyway." He says with a shrug. "Ice skating huh?" He asks nodding toward her skates.

"That makes for a nice break for you, doesn't it?" Milani replies and looks over the frozen lake. "Nooo, no bathing in there. Not until late spring anyway." One skate blade is brandished though. "Definitely. I skate all winter, as much as I can."

L'rell nods. "Yeah, I guess. He likes to sleep a lot though." He takes a seat. "Never been skating myself. Da always like to keep my Sis and I busy through the winter. I finally heard from him though." He doesn't sound at all happy about that last statement, he even looks more disappointed by it.

"Does he?" Milani inquires curiously. "Lucky you, most baby dragons keep their weyrlings up allll the time. How's the rest of the gang doing today? Good Turnover all around?" There's another look towards the lake and brows lift. "Another one who can't skate. I'm going to have to teach the whole class at this rate," she says a little wryly.

"I think he's trying to sleep through the winter." L'rell comments with a chuckle. "They are doing all right I guess. Were all keeping busy at least. I've been doing a lot of studying when Xa's sleeping. Sometimes I think he even pretends to sleep so we don't have to go outside." He shakes his head.

"That would be a record I guess," Milani states, sliding covers onto the blades of her skates then stowing them in their little bag. "What're you guys on on, study-wise now?" she asks curiously, though her manner still seems a little subdued over what it usually is.

"What? Sleeping through the winter?" L'rell asks. "Yeah, well, I think he'd do just about anything to avoid going out in the cold, or a bath for that matter." He gives a shrug. "Basic dragon anatomy, were going to have a class on it I believe, but I've been studying up on it."

"Really?" That seems to give Milani pause for a moment or two. "Sounds like he might get along really well with E'dre's Wroth then," she says thoughtfully and draws her legs up to her chest, knocking snow off of her heels and wrapping arms around knees. "Lots of memorization for that," she agrees about the anatomy.

"Yeah, Wroth doesn't like water? or cold weather or something?" L'rell asks curiously. He shivvers from the cold breeze and wraps his coat even tighter around him. "yes, but it's interesting to read about. Don't know that I would be able to memorize it all though."

"He's just .... very um ... cranky and particular," Milani finally explains and gives him a sympathetic look for the shivering and the memorization. "Want to head in? Get a mug of klah? So long as Xatolaeth's asleep."

"I would but he's just waking up, he's terribly hungry from having slept so long." L'rell smiles toward her. "But i hope to take you up on that a little later?" He asks and rises and starts off toward the barracks. "See you later Milani."

"Sure," Milani says, sliding off the rock and picking up her skate bag. "Get warm though, okay? See you L'rell." And off she goes in the opposite direction.

milani, @hrw, #assistant-headwoman, l'rell

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