Log: Get Up! (Pre-Hatching RP)

Oct 12, 2008 23:47

Who: Milani, Kasadel, Paxim, Luttrell, Sunniva, Hali, Eila
When: Midnight, 12/25/17-12/26/17
Where: Candidate Barracks, High Reaches Weyr
What: The eggs decide to hatch in the middle of the night

A deep, dark silence has settled at High Reaches for the midnight hour, freezing winter winds adding their whispers to the growing shadows. The solitary quiet can raise goosebumps without the help from winter's chill, eerie apparitions of the imagination sending night owls off to bed one by one. A few clouds drift across the clear sky, blotting out the light of both full moons and deepening every shadow. Softly at first, a hum begins in the very heart of the Weyr, growing in intensity with the passing of the clouds and the return of silvery moonlight. Either all the creatures lurking in the darkness have found their voices, or the eggs are hatching...

A low hum seems to rise up from the ground itself, or maybe it's the walls and ... doesn't stop. It might even be vaguely disconcerting. Eerie. And it's only getting ... louder? A moment or two later, the door to the Barracks slams open and a breathless and nightgowned Milani appears, hair flying like some crazy banshee. "Up up up!" she exclaims and reaches over to tug a blanket off one of the /sleeping/ Candidates. "Let's go everyone, up and at 'em, the eggs are rocking, robes on please! Line up by the door!"

Paxim shrugs at Sunniva, "Better to be confident than woebegotten, right? And we all know I'm the one Impressing the bronze, Kas, so don't be too gobsmacked when /I/ walk off with a bronze."

"Oh, I'm not cocky," Kasadel assures Eila, sounding as though he means it, more earnest than anything. "Just sure." He seems very well pleased with Sunniva's words, head ducking quickly in her direction as he says, "Oh, I hope so. I'd like to be part of a good--" Then he breaks off. That hum. He looks around, his eyes go wide, and he completely ignores Paxim's statement, something he'd normally never do. Milani gets a blank look for a moment, and then Kas is in motion, all long limbs and edges. He makes a dash for his robe, suddenly looking, for the first time, apprehensive.

Hali has been laying in her bed, eyes wide open, trying not to listen (and yet listening all the same). Milani's entrance immediately brings this candidate to her feet. "Humming," she gasps, rushing to the bin to grab her robe. "That sound..."

Paxim turns to look at the busting-open door, his jaw hanging unhinged for a moment. "What?" is all that comes out of his mouth, the sudden hum filling him until his skin and the bones beneath begin to tingle with it. "/Now/? It's the middle of the night, they can't hatch NOW!" But just the same he's up, scrambling for his robe that was there just a second ago.

Luttrell sits up in his bunk, looking around at the walls for several long moments up until Milani appears. Startled he nearlyu falls off his bunk as he scrambles down with no idea what exactly he's doing. Finally he joins the rush of changing from nightware to white robes, struggling to get the twisted garment over his head.

"Oh, for-" and then, it's upon them. Milani is stared at briefly before the words sink in and then- "Oh. Oh!" All conversation is forgotten as Sunniva scrambles to get off her bed, to get her robe, to /change/ -- and Faranth help anyone that gets in her way. The humming is only another distraction, her features screwed up in an expression of concentration. Clothes /off/, robe /on/. Seriously, how hard can that be?

That humming increases and increases again, buzzing in ears, thrumming in veins. Milani gets down to the end of the row of cots and physically shoves one of the bigger, snorier candidates out of bed. "Robe, mister, or you're going to miss it!" she tells him, blithely ignoring the relative lack of clothing on the guy. Then she's sailing back up on through the rows, sing-songing: "Robe, sandals, tie back your hair if it's long! Safety, safety! No hatchlings grabbing hair and remember, slow and steady when you get out there!" She smiles and offers encouragement too as she passes. "Everything'll be fine, just remember what you were told and hang in there!"

Kasadel, looking self-conscious in his white robe, pulling it down further and inadvertently showing his underwear through the white fabric, shuffles down from his bunk and towards Milani and the wall where the candidates are assembling. "Knew sleep was a bad idea," he says, more to himself than anyone else, maybe a little triumphantly, especially as he glances towards those who /have/ been sleeping, and look rather the worse for it, now. He strains on his toes, taller than ever, looking excited. And maybe a little nervous.

Paxim is now frantically diving under his bed, though his robe is clearly sitting at the end of his cot where he left it. He comes out panting and manic with his shoes in his hand. And then he spots his robe and in a flurry he's chucking off his nightclothes and donning the attrocious thing. Backwards, no less. And then he's trying to get his sandals on, on the wrong feet, of course. Finally he gets them on the right feet and his robe turned the right way and he's stumbling into the line.

Eila's suddenly, very suddenly, throwing that arm away from her eyes and rolling from her cot, feet flat on the floor and her hands instinctively reaching for the press at the foot of her bed. She's silent through those sleepy protests and quick to get on that white robe over her head and shod herself in thick-soled sandals.

Sunniva binds her hair back with a length of white ribbon, then slips into the shoes ... and finally breathes a sigh of relief when all of that is accomplished without disaster. She hastens to where the others are, slipping into her place with a shuddery exhalation and a murmured, "Are you ready?" being asked of those nearby. Hands clench and unclench until she forces them to fold together in front of her.

Hali overly fumbles with her shirt and pants as she removes them, the adrenaline and the sleeplessness contributing to her lack of fine motor coordination. Robe goes over her head, and as soon as she's long and white, her shoes are tied on. Then she stands there, unsure of the next action.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Kasadel tells Sunniva, grinning so broadly his face seems destined to split into two. "Good luck, everyone. See you at the end, if I miss you during." Again, he tugs at his robe - this alone seems to be really bothering him. "Stupid dress-thing," he adds, mumbling beneath his breath.

The last of the candidates is rousted out of bed and marched into line, a few still struggling with sandal lacings and whatnot. Milani's got a handful of her nightie in one hand and a glimpse of boots, not laced up might be gotten. The candidates aren't the only ones who wound up rushing. "All right everyone! Stay with your partner and start walking with me, it'll be cold going across the Bowl, but it won't take long, so just ... try not to shiver too much, okay? And good /luck/. I'll see you all after it's over!" She smiles brightly again and turns to lead the way out of the barracks and across the Bowl into the spooky night while that hum keeps going ... and going... and going.

@hrw, sunniva, eila, milani, hali, luttrell, kasadel, paxim, !hatching

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