Log: The Furry Pile

Sep 25, 2008 22:55

Who: Leova, Milani
When: It is an autumn morning, 11:00 of day 5, month 11, turn 17 of Interval 10.
Where: Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
What: Leova's had a bad cold/flu thingie for a while. She's finally out and about and somewhat sociable. Milani gives her the latest scoop and trips over being properly sympathetic.

This time of the morning, it's less quiet than it would have been in better weather, a few residents huddled over liquid lunches and several others playing various board and dice games. Another is huddled but in a pile of furs that just about covers her chair by the hearth, a few not-so-neatly folded handkerchiefs by her side. Her eyelids hang low. The flames flicker. Now and again she blinks at them.

Milani is sort of cutting the difference between 'klahbreak' and 'early lunch'. She's got a mug of something warm and steaming in one hand, a plate with snack type items in the other. The headwoman's assistant /almost/ just sits at the bar, but then, pile of furs, handkerchiefs, hm. Millie meanders that way and comes to a halt by Leova's chair. "Feeling a littl better?" she asks solicitously.

The furry pile's eyes roll up. And up some more, because this is Milani. And then she says wistfully, "Better. But felt better last time, too." Before falling back into her cold again. "Want to go," and here she sniffs, "Sweep." Wipes her nose. "Not your sweep. My sweep."

Milani casts Leova a sympathetic face and sets her stuff down on the table, goes to get the next nearest chair and tugs it closer to the greenrider's then drops into it, legs all folded up beneath her as she reaches for one of the tidbits on the plate, munches and washes it down with klah. "I think your sweep is more fun than my sweep anyway, so I get it. And when you go on your sweep, may I come? I'd like to fly with Vrianth again," Millie adds then laughs. "And that was so totally selfish of me, because here you are still all bundled up and sniffly. Can I get you anything, Leova?"

No snack-stealing from Leova. Not today. "Not the first sweep. The all the way better sweep." And she nods to seal the deal before giving the rest some thought. "Already drank lots of tea. And lots. And if I drink more I won't be able to sit here. So I have to wait. Or else." Deep breath. "There aren't any candidates? Waiting on me. For the rocks. For their last thing."

"Ohh okay," Milani says with a couple of nods, joining Leova in nodding-dom. "Okay. No tea then, because you know, I don't really see you running for the privy," Millie says with a hint of humor, puffs her cheeks out and shakes her head. "Haven't heard about anyone being desperate for a rock yet, but I'm sure it'll come."

Which means that Leova nods some more. Pales. And stops with the unnecessary motion. "Good," she says. And, "How /are/ they doing? Anyone gone home, homesick, yet? Are they behaving all right? So far."

Milani winces as she catches that sudden pallor on Leova's face. "Oh shells, better but not all better for sure," she says and leans over, aiming to tuck back a little bit of that fur. "They are mostly fine, some of the youngest ones are homesick, kind of goes that way you know? But none of them have quit yet, they're sticking it out, brave kids." The last earns a giggle. "Well. I had to break up a pair who were you know, being very naughty in the hayloft, but otherwise nothing major." Beat. "Yet."

Leova lets her, but with a peculiar wince: more as though she should mind than she does mind. "Yet." Deep breath. "Hope they manage. Not the hayloft kids. The homesick ones. Feel used to it? The second time. Unless it's your third. Never did ask."

"Yet. Because you know some of them /will/ do something sometime. It's just kind of inevitable and a question of /when/ not will or won't." Milani takes a deep sip from her mug and settles it between her folded legs, reaches carefully for another tidbit. "I think they will, I've been pairing them up with some slightly older kids and some of the weyrbred ones that have stood a couple of times already and I think it's helping," Millie says thoughtfully, regards Leova while she chews. "I don't know if /used/ to it is the right way to say it, but it's familiar enough that I think I know what I'm doing."

"Closer to when they hatch," Leova predicts, but then one corner of her mouth turns up. "Or in between. Before it really feels real. But after they get used to things. Not... admitting to anything, mind." She lets her head come to rest against the back of the chair. Carefully. "S'good, then." Knowing what she's doing. So far.

"Probably, you know, when they have cabin fever and are just dying to get out of the Weyr. Because it'll probably snow by then too and they'll be all cooped up and anxious and getting on each other's last nerve," Milani states bluntly and nibbles some more, cants a curious look over Leova's way. "Mmhm. Before it really hits them between the eyes that they might walk off the Sands with everything changed." A little nod. "Yeah, it is. I like it actually, taking care of them. There's parts of it that aren't so pleasant. Like when one of them cries themselves sick like a little baby and having to clean up. But you know, it's nice meeting them and learning all the stories and all that."

"Snowball fights?" Leova suggests. "Except no rocks." She eyes what's left of Milani's snacks for the first time, moving her eyeballs instead of the rest of her, but the way she might one of her handkerchiefs: not with hunger, just because it's there. And then Milani mentions cleaning up after someone gone sick like that, and she can't even look that much, has to shut her eyes in a long blink. "Bright side."

"Oh for /sure/," Milani says emphatically about snowballs. "What would the Reaches in winter be without a snowball fight!" Big eyes made at the greenrider and she licks crumbs off her thumb. "Do you want to try to eat?" For that luck. Even without hunger in it. "Soup maybe?" And then she winces again. "Ohh I'm sorry, I'm just tripping all over it today, aren't I? But yes, it's the good side of the whole thing and well you know me, I like helping them find want they need."

"Ice skating," Leova offers, but that's as far as she can go. Because, "No. No. Thank you." She won't nod at Milani, given the givens: her tone will have to suffice. "In fact. Going to go find it right now." What she needs. Without help, despite how she stands with a bit of a wobble. "Going to be here? Watch my furs?" Like someone's going to take them, with the used handkerchiefs and all.

"Oh definitely. But you know I /love/ to skate," Milani says with a little alugh at the end. The refusal earns a nod from her anyway. "Okay if you need -- oh, sure, sure, I'm just going to finish this up and soak up some of the heat from the fire. No rush getting back into the back stores. I'm Reaches born and raised it's /cold/ back there."

"Go fast one way or another, hm?" and Leova waves a hand at her in lieu of a nod before making her way out. She'll be gone a little longer than might be expected, but not so very long as all that.

"Right you are," Milani says good-humoredly and settles more comfortably in her chair, finishing off the last of the food on her plate and drawing her warm mug in close to her chest. "All good?" Millie inquires of the rider at her return. "And could you not stomach bed anymore, is that why you're up?"

Leova holds out her own old mug for Milani's inspection: full of tea and so big that it counts as a stein, and in fact emblazoned as belonging to the winner of some drinking contest or other from some Gather or other, one of the donations the Snowasis periodically gets from residents whose quarters would otherwise wind up getting taken over by such things. "Good enough. And yes. Even W'jar came by to gloat." And bring broth and such. And gloat some more. "The Tillek girl. She still here?"

Because Reachians just drink /that much/. "He came over to gloat? Oh that's not nice," Milani says with a little frown as she finishes up her klah and unfolds her legs. There's a blink at Leova. "there's uh ... three girl candidates from Tillek or oh! you mean Edeline?"

"He gets a bye from me," Leova says dryly. Or rather, wetly, given how she then blows her nose. "Right. Her. You met her?"

"Ahh okay," Milani says laughingly as she pushes up to her feet and shakes her head. "No I haven't, or heard much gossip either, but I'm sure that'll come too." She reaches over to fuss at Leova's furs just a little again then smiles. "Feel better okay? I have to go report in. See you, Leova."

"So /patient/," Leova says. Gives Milani another look, but leaves it with,
"Take it easy." She has a drink to finish, even if it's only tea.

leova, milani, *tillek plot, @hrw

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