Log: Sheeza,She's a Climber

Sep 08, 2008 19:49

Who: Milani, Sheeza
When: It is an autumn morning, 10:36 of day 10, month 9, turn 17 of Interval 10.
Where: Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani takes a little break and has a chat with Sheeza who tries to pump her for all sorts of information.

The budding womanly curves and soft wavey strands of dark auburn hair seem to contradict the eternal glint of youthful energy in Sheeza's amber gaze. How she keeps her simple brown pants and boots and green top unstained or untorn is a mystery to those that know her. For she is always climbing and exploring in places no proper female would dare to go. Sheeza is 16 turns, 12 months, 27 days

Klah break time! Milani's got a shawl draped over her shoulders and a warm mug curled in her hands as she moves through the Snowasis and out onto the ledge to claim one of the benches and soak up the afternoon sun. She hums blithely as she sits, one foot swinging loosely back and forth, bare, since she kicked her shoes off the moment she sat down.

Sheeza comes up from the Bowl and plops down in a sunny spot. Once there she leans back a bit in her chair and smiles to those around her. Flushed cheeks and bright excited eyes testify to her latest explorations or climbing venture. A cup of redfruit juice is sipped and then placed upon the table in front of her. "I wonder where I'll climb next..." She speaks to no one in particular. Gathering her cup again without looking she takes another sip and sighs with satisfaction. After a time of relaxing she asks Milani, "So you finally get a break from work? That's good. You should come with me sometime. It'd be fun. Of course you'd need better footwear than sandals." She looks purposefully at Milani's bare feet and then smirks with the friendly tease.

Milani takes a swallow from her mug and looks over at Sheeza, brows raised. "I'm not wearing sandals," she points out but does wriggle bare toes out towards the open air. "I hate wearing shoes. I take them off as quickly as I can, and yes, break time. What've you been up to? I'm betting this might be one of the last /really/ nice days we have before the weather changes."

Sheeza smiles and nods. "Shoes are a pain but vital if you plan on scaling a cliff-face or exploring deeper cave crevaces. Today, I've been climbing again. Found some herbs for Kybee." She pats the small pouch on her hip gently. "Figured I would come her and relax before delivering them....I also might have found a passage near the Stables up higher on near one of the spires but didn't have time to investigate. Perhaps I'll do that tomorrow." Sitting up with a light tap as the front chair legs resettle upon the floor, she fairly beams with excitement.

"Oh! What if their is a passage and it goes all the way through to the Bowl. Or maybe a cavern no one has seen yet. Oh! Wouldn't that be just perfect?!" Taking a quick swallow of juice she runs an excited hand through her long auburn hair, working absently at the ends where tangles have begun as her mind travels ahead towards the next adventure.

Milani pulls a knee up to her chest and props her chin there, eyeing Sheeza with bright-eyed amusement. "Sure, if you like caves and stuff," the assistant headwoman points out. "One under the Bowl might interesting though. Save everyone a cold walk come winter, hmm?"

Sheeza laughs. "Yes, a passageway under the Bowl would indeed be great. I'm still working on it though. Ugh and don't say Winter. I hate winter. The rocks get too icy to climb without gear and gear is...well...bothersome. Besides, it's cold." Her grin might be contagious at this point as she gives a mock shiver.

"I don't mind winter," Milani says musingly. "It's cold but you get to make stuff out of snow and skate. And if you're good, you can always convince a rider to take you someplace warm anyway if you need a break." She has a sip from her mug and tilts a look over at the other girl. "Would you want to move somewhere warm though?"

Sheeza shakes her head and smiles. "Nope. There are still too many cliffs to climb and crevaces to explore." She smirks. "Besides both of my parents live here and that is a really good in when you want to get somewhere warm." She giggles. "No..."She says again. "This is my home. How about you? Do you think you'll ever go somewhere else?"

"Oh shells no," Milani exclaims with deep certainty. "I'm Reaches born and bred and I've no desire to move away anywhere else at all. Visiting is nice, mind you, but no, no, like you this is home for me."

Sheeza nods her head. "I am pleased. Hopefully you'll keep that wish should that right someone come along and try to sweep you off your feet." She giggles. "Those dragon riders can be quite charming. Just look at my mother. When my Sire's dragon caught her Green it was love at first sight and it stayed that way for years. Funny how that isn't always the case but it was with her. Of course you might already have that special someone, yes?" She smirked and tried to see if Milani really did.

Laughter from Milani. "I've already been swept," she says with a grin. "A'son, bronzerider. THough he's not the charming kind, just nice," Millie says stoutly. "He was the Weyrleader at Ista until recently, but he's from here."

"Ooooh, so you /do/ have a sweetheart." Sheeza grins happily. "A'son, huh? So...tell me, how did you two meet. I want all the juicey details." She chuckles.

"Mmhm," Milani agrees, leg dropping so both are now crossed beneath her and she balances her mug on one knee and she shoots a little look Sheeza's way. "No details," she says mildly, shrugs. "I've known him all my life, grew up here. He's a lot older though. Good ten turns."

Sheeza Frowns playfully and then chuckles softly. "I know that. I was born here too remember, but how is it that you finally took notice of each other...Or do I not want to know?" She teases gently as she takes another sip from her cup. Taking notice that the juice is nearly gone she keeps the cup in her hand intent upon finishing it soon.

Milani shrugs. "Just happened," the assistant says rather vaguely, turns her mug this way and that. "I'm hoping he'll ... come back, actually," she says softly, looks out across the Bowl with a little smile on her face.

Sheeza smiles kindly and drops the subject. "I'm glad you have someone to care for." She says sincerly and finishes the last of her juice. Standing up and scooting the chair back with her legs, she turns to Milani and bows her head slightly with a respectful farewell. "I suppose Kybee will be wanting these herbs before they dry out in my sack. It was a pleasure talking with you again. And my offer was serious.... If ever you want to go climbing or exploring with me, you're welcome too."

"Thanks Sheeza, you have a good rest of the day now," Milani says gaily and lifts her half-empty mug in 'salute' to the other resident. "See you around!"

Sheeza nods and smiles at the salute. "Yes...I suppose you will. Just look up...I'll be hanging around." She giggles at the wordplay and with her empty cup in hand she heads away.

milani, sheeza

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