Log: New Guy from Telgar

Aug 24, 2008 16:45

Who: C'mryn, Milani, Tausreth
When: Early afternoon, 7/21/17
Where: Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani 'welcomes' Cam to the Reaches.

Pretty day, warm sun, blue skies, but earlier there was a smattering of rain and spots of the Bowl are still damp. Milani's perched on one of the outward facing benches on the patio, bare feet gripping the edge of the bench while she reads through a book and idly twists her hair up off her shoulders, then lets it drop again only to repeat the gesure a few minutes later. The patio is sparsely occupied at the moment, just a few other residents and riders seated here and there, though a wing drills high overhead and the usual bustle of to and fro across the Bowl is constant.

Tausreth was not a drilling dragon, oh no. But he does come down from the sky to land in the bowl with a light thump. He folds his wings, and ambles on over to the patio area, peering at those seated there. Wuffle. "Over here," comes a voice behind him, and Tausreth swings his head around to regard his rider, who's jogging from.. well, who knows where. And on past the dragon, and up to the ledge. And then *plop* down on a bench. "What's that?" he asks nosily of Milani, as if quite unaware of the odd interruption he poses.

Milani looks up idly at Tausreth's thumping approach and she looks amused by the trade off between rider and dragon. "A book," she notes informatively of said item and picks her hair up again winding it around and around and pinning it to the back of her head with her hand as she extends the literature towards the bronzerider. The title reads: 'Historical Tales of A Wandering Harper'. "Are you a big reader, or more the action type?" The assistant headwoman asks brightly, blue-green eyes dancing with humor.

"History," murmurs C'rmyn, eyeing the title. "Depends on what it is I'm reading. If the author is boring, I tend to go to sleep. If he's got a way with words that keeps me laughing, I'll read it. Rather experience for myself." He has no hair long enough to twirl, so settles for picking at the button on his jacket. "Any good?"

"I like it and it's the kind of history that's more like a story, though this guy gets a little uh, high flown in parts," Milani says of the book. "I could read you a little bit though, then you can decide if you like it or not, or tell me to shut up." She winks over at him and lets her hair go, the stuff falling down behind her, very long. "You're one of the new guys from Telgar, right?" The assistant tucks her legs up a little bit further, leaning forward to regard C'mryn curiously, book still held loosely in one hand.

"Oh.. ah... alright." C'mryn stops fiddling with his button, and turns to face Milani. "Read a passage if you want, but I don't think I'll borrow the book anytime soon. Busy." And he points towards the sky: drills. "New guy from Telgar? I'm... not sure if I like that title. But yes, I am. C'mryn - though usually just Cam, unless I'm in trouble. And Tausreth," and he makes a nod towards the bronze, who's taken to lounging lazily in the bowl.

"Okay!" Milani says brightly about the book and she holds her hand out towards the bronzerider. "Milani, one of the headwoman's assistants and now I've got a face to put with that name, won't have to say new guy from Telgar anymore." She beams at him again and waves Tausreth's way. "Hi there Tausreth! Welcome to the Reaches. Even if it's a little late." She then launches into a rather enthusiastic interpretation of a page or so. There's the odd high end word she was talking about, but otherwise it's not that bad, the story seemingly a first point account of a journeyman from the 8th Pass talking about the different places he stopped on circuit. "What d'you think?"

Tausreth offers a modest little wuffle. Hello. And then he goes back to examining the bowl floor with his nose. C'mryn does not look bored, but he doesn't look read to steal the book out of Milani's hands, either. He even stiffles a yawn very convincingly. "It sounds... like he had a lot to talk about," he decides finally, grinning. "Maybe I should write a book. I'll bet the life of a dragonrider wouldn't be too boring."

Milani flips the book closed and stucks a little bit of ribbon from her pocket, setting it aside. "NOw see there'd be something to do during an Interval, write up everything you did as a rider during the Comet Pass. That'd be exciting, wouldn't it?" And she makes big round eyes at him, turns so she's facing more towards him and props her elbow up atop the back of the bench. "How do you like it here anyway, so far? Is it much different? I'll bet it's weird calling here home after all the you know, mess between the two Weyrs." My. She sure doesn't sugar coat much.

"Could," agrees Cam, looking thoughtful. Maybe he will. With a bit of a smirk, he shrugs. "Didn't do much though. Impressed, flew a bit of Thread.. taught some Weyrlings." As for calling here home? C'mryn's lips purse, and he's more seriously thoughtful before he answers. "I don't," he says simply. "Telgar is home. This is just... weird," and he settles on that word with a bit of a grin again. "Like my weyr, though, if not the wall it's set into. Miss my-" but he stops, shuts his mouth, and shrugs. When he next speaks, it's on the past tension. "Didn't pay much mind to it. I wasn't anyone important. Didn't get all the facts, ya know?"

Milani props her chin on her hand, listens. "Well see now that'd be an interesting story though, wouldn't it? About leaving home to come here, having to start over again in hostile territory, all that." She smiles at him warmly though, countering the idea of 'hostile'. "Mm. You can always get the facts from Records. My family's from Telgar actually. The Weyr. Made things all kinds of weird when all of that was happening. I could tell you some hair-raising stories of my own about back then," she says with a sage nod.

"Wouldn't say hostile," decides C'mryn, "Just... hm. Awkward. Though I haven't met anyone too bad yet. Most are nice enough." He smirks. "Might poke my nose in, but I'm not sure I want to know. Would hate to find new reason to hate my new Weyr. Hard enough without calling up the past. Best to just let it go, and move on."

"Awkward sounds better anyway, I'd hope that Reaches' hospitality is better than hostile anyway," Milani says optimistically. "And that actually sounds like a very healthy way to approach things. Hate's overrated. Highly," Milani states with a definite nod. "So. C'mryn. Cam. Usually Cam you said? Do you like it better? And if you're going to be Cam you may call me Millie."

"Despite reputation, I found your Weyrwoman to be rather pleasant. Perhaps I caught her on a good day," wonders C'mryn aloud. He grins. "Ah, yes, usually Cam. And... cause it sounds funny when people call me C'mryn?" He chuckles, and leans back, adopting a relaxed pose. "No one ever calls me my real name, even before I Impressed. It was always Cam unless I was in trouble." And with a nod of his head, he decides, "Well, then, Millie it is. Easier to remember, too."

"Satiet? Well she has very pretty manners," Milani is straightforward with her own opinion. "But don't let that fool you. She's made out of stuff stronger and harder than Reaches' stone." A nod accompanies that and a faint wrinkle of Milani's brows. "It sounds funny? Really? I think it's kind of ... elegant." She smiles over at the bronzerider in friendly fashion. "But Cam it is." She laughs about her name though. "Yeah, it's a fond nickname from my parents. Mine's made up of theirs because they're riders. Eolan and Emilly. Mi-lan-i," she spells it out for him. "But I guess Millie goes back to my mother too, anyway, I like it because it is a lot like her name and I think hers is pretty."

"Elegant?" and C'mryn frowns, as if deciding whether he likes that or not. "Not.. rugged? Strong? The best you can do is elegant?" He forces a bit of a pout, but it can't last long. "Millie's not bad. My parents were Harpers. Erm, well, I expect they still are. And I've got no kids. If I do, I've got a nice long name to pick letters from. Before I Impressed I was Camerryn." Grin. "Not that I'm thinking about kids anytime soon, though I do miss the twins-" and again, he stops quick, shuts his mouth, and spends a silent moment looking towards Tausreth. "Got siblings?" he asks next.

"You'd rather be rugged and strong than elegant?" MIlani questions back to Cam, smile bright and reaches out towards that forced pout with light fingers meant only to brush his chin. "Whoa, that is a lot of letters. Won't be searching hard for a combination from there unless you father a kid on someone named like ... oh I dunno, Ys." She laughs again then tips her head to the side. "Twins?" But her head is bobbing rapidly. "Yep, one full-blooded sister, two half-brothers, a half-sister and a passel of foster-sibs. My full sister is Ily, Ilyandra and my brothers are Paddy - P'draig, he's the Weyrlingmaster at Fort, and Remi. Well Giremi. Maybe you know him? He's a harper and he was posted at Telgar for a while."

With a wrinkle of his nose, C'mryn moves away from that touch, lifting his hand up to swat playfully at her fingers. "Yes, I would. Elegant is wonderful if you're a goldrider, but bronze? Pfft. Tough. Strong. Manly," and he puffs out his chest in an exaggerated way, bringing his arms up to flex. Tausreth lifts his head and snorts in dragonic amusement. As for the twins? C'mryn pretends he heard nothing, and jumps right into the subject of siblings. "Ah. Same here. Bunch that share my blood, a couple that don't. And... Giremi?" and he grimaces. "Yeah. Knew him. Let's just say we weren't friends."

Milani curls fingers back with a mock-offended look and bats back a little, then draws her hand away, folding it around her knee instead. "Hm. It's always interesting to hear which bronzeriders think that's what they need to be and the ones that don't." But she's grinning at the 'display of strength'. "Lookin' good there, strong and manly," she teases just a little then tilts her head curiously at that grimace. "Hm. Well that's a shame. He's a decent guy if you can get past the whole 'there is one right way to do things' thing," and there Millie does a rather spot-on impression of her tall brother.

Deflating, C'mryn sticks his tongue out at Milani. "I don't *need* to be. Just want to be. At least, not elegant. Inspires the wrong idea." He makes another face about Giremi, and laughs at the spot-on accuracy. "Very good! And... it wasn't *me* who decided we weren't friends. He just couldn't seem to get over the fact that I was better than him." He's only half joking, grin wide. "He's too serious."

"Okay. /Want/ to be," Millie corrects herself, giggling at the stuck out tongue. "Couldn't get over -- huh. That doesn't really sound like Remi. Though yeah, too serious by far and /such/ a perfectionist." And she rolls her eyes fondly about her brother. "Good heart though. He's always right there if one of us needs him," she points out. "Sounds like you two had quite the history though? He's back at the Hall now. Trying for his Master's knot."

"Yeah. Couldn't get over that I took his girl once. Well, she wasn't his, but..." and C'mryn shrugs. "Long time ago. Ancient history. And is he? Good for him. He's a better Harper than I'd ever be, that's for sure." He swings his leg off the side of the bench and leans own to pluck a piece of greenery. "No Craft for you, then? Just the simple life of an Assistant Headwoman?"

That draws out a wince from Milani's side of things. "Ohhh ouch. That had to sting. But yeah, he gets his panties twisted up about girls too easily. He's got a steady now though, thank Faranth. No more mooning and deep dark depression from him because he got dissed again." There's both sympathy and long-suffering patience in Milani's tone and expression. "Mm. He does kind of kick a-- at the Harper gig," she agrees then laughs at the last comment. "Nope. I have no useful skills whatsoever for a craft. I'm good with numbers and keeping track of stuff. And well, taking care of what people need. Wouldn't call it a /simple/ life, it's an important job, whether you're an assistant or a laundress. You know, keeping all you fine riders in food and clothing." And she winks at him as she says that.

"Well. Good to know. Doubt he'd want a letter from me though," says Cam. And then he grins, plucks at his own shirt under his jacket, and says, "Well, you're not keeping me clothed yet. This is Telgar's still. Haven't needed anything new yet. Do eat the food though. Good stuff."

"Mm, yeah, probably not the best move there," Milani says laughingly and eyes said shirt. "I could probably find you something that looks better though. You know, more manly and all that," she teases. "I am glad to hear though that you're liking the food. We have a Master Baker in the kitchens you know. Not that you didn't at Telgar too, though my Gran is kind of getting strange in the head."

"What's wrong with my shirt?" asks Cam, looking down at the plain white linen. "It's fine. No frills, no lace... just cloth." Which seems suitable to Cam. A grin, and he settles back, letting his shirt lay. "Wherry's sure good. Dunno what spices your Master Baker uses, but it's good. And... your gran was the Baker at Telgar? Did a good job."

"Nothing's wrong with it, but it doesn't give you that manly look you seem keen on." Milani considers him for a moment or two. "A nice deep navy might suit you well, bring out those baby blues, make your hair seem more golden and give your chest a little more definition. Something tailored a little more through here," and she gestures towards his mid-line. "I've no idea what gets put into the food either, but whatever it is, it works. Me, I can barely boil water. Paddy's the cook in the family, took after both his grans. The one we share and his mother's mother. And mm. She did, for a long time. But ... yeah, she's not ... well Mum doesn't think she's going to be with us much longer."

C'mryn glances down, as if to visualize. "All that, from the color of a shirt?" he wants to know, not sounding entirely convinced. But he grins at Milani and asks, "No talent in anything but numbers, hm? Sounds like you could have made a decent Weaver. And if you've got a navy blue shirt hidden away, I might be willing to take it off your hands." Just might. "To help tidy the Stores, of course." Of course. He gives her a sympathetic look for her grandma, and nods his head. "Didn't really know my family past my parents. Grandparents were Harper too. Long line of Harpers, but most of them traveled. So I didn't meet any."

Milani shakes her head. "I have an eye for clothes and color, but I can't stitch worth a lick or actually design anything. I just know what looks good on people and where to find it," the young woman says with a hint of regret maybe. "My mother's the one who could've made a Weaver if she'd not Impressed." Her grin starts to widen slowly though as he goes on. "I think I just might have one that would look peachy on you and of course, anything you could do to help keep Stores tidy would be /highly/ appreciated," Millie continues, eyes twinkling with merry humor. "Wow, long line of harpers huh? My family's all mixed up. None of us really know where Remi pulled the Harper talent from."

"Just doin' my part," says Cam about the shirt, though he does give his own the barest of glances. "I think every dragonrider could say the same. 'Woulda been a great whatever if I hadn't Impressed' which is usually followed by a quick, 'Wouldn't give up what's-his'nameth to save my life'," and he glances towards Tausreth. "And yeah. All the way back. Must be in the blood. Except I didn't catch it. Couldn't sing a tune if I wanted to, though I can write them well 'nough. Friend of mine says I've got a head for politics, but... need the voice too." He shrugs. "Don't mind. Went off exploring, found Tausreth, the rest is history."

"And you endear yourself to us more and more for your application of duty," Milani says, voice still rife with humor. "Mum though, she actually did do some training in the Interval when it started before. It's not so much what she says either. It's ... it's what she makes. She's really good." And she plucks at her skirt. "Almost everything I own, she made, and this is just casual stuff. The dresses, shells." She listens as he describes and nods. "Singing wasn't really Remi's thing either. Hides and paper all the way. Though his voice isn't half bad, he'd just get so /shy/ about it, you know? Bad performer. Seems though that you both wound up where you're happiest?"

"Very nice," and the look C'mryn gives to Milani's skirt is innocent in nature. "Does she do commissions? Decent work. I could use a good gather outfit. Just own leathers and, well," and he glances at his shirt again. "Simple life, for me."

"Mm, she does and will probably do more now there's no more Thread again. There's also E'dre, he's a tailor, and a brownrider and he makes great stuff. And then there's the seamstresses too, but they do mostly plainwork." She eyes his garb again then smiles sweetly. "Well, like I said, I'm a master at finding things. Why don't you let me see what I can whistle up and then you can go from there. And see, before you know it, it'll be Cam, that Manly Bronzerider and all the girls will be swooning when you go by." Her hands sketch out an imaginary banner for that title, the proposition good-natured.

C'mryn laughs. "Ahh, well, I was hoping your ma might give me a better deal than the knotted Weavers. Bit short on marks at the moment." He stuffs his hands into his jacket pockets, and laughs again. "Manly bronzerider... don't need all the girls swooning, just a few, once in a while. Let me know I've still got it. Whatever it is." And he grins. "Are you this helpful with everyone? I'm surprised you've got time to sit and eat."

"Mm, she and E'dre definitely would," Milani says with a laugh. "In fact, my mother's liable to just try to give you whatever she makes as a present, because she's like that. I have to remind her to be more greedy." Millie just beams at him again. "ALl right, not all of them, just a key few, how's about that?" And she leans over, pats his arm lightly. "You'll do I think." Another wink and she leans back, stretches. "I try to be. I have boundless energy. It helps. But this is my rest day. I am usually buried in a store room or a ledger or something. But just ask anyone. I have trouble sitting still and I never stop talking."

"I'll be sure to pay her," C'mryn assures Milani, "Even if I have to leave the marks anonymously. Hard work should be rewarded. I expect my fair share in return for the work I do." The hard work of sitting on a bench, chatting. And then an arched eyebrow, and a skeptical look for the assistant Headwoman. "What do I do?" he wants to know. "Besides look pretty in blue? Or, well, that's not proven yet. But it will be."

That earns C'mryn a definite look of approval and maybe even respect. "Now there's an attitude I can totally get behind," Milani tells him and gives him another one of those teasing looks of hers. "Isn't sitting there looking pretty enough for some? Mostly though, you've got a good attitude, bronzerider." And she swings her legs down off the bench, leans forward to slide feet back in quest of cast off shoes and picks off her book. "I think I need a swim now though. Going to go change and do that. I'll have a looksee for your shirt and anything else that catches my eye, and if you want to pay me back for the looking, I'll put you on my list of people to hit up for rides when I need them, how's that?"

Cam just grins. "Well, you're welcome." He shrugs a bit, and follows after her, though a bit slower in the getting up. A bit of stretching. "Nah, you can have rides whenever you want. It's a great excuse to be late, "Sorry N'thei, I was late for drills cause I was taking Milani somewhere. You know, the /Assistant Headwoman/.' See. He couldn't fault me for that." He grins. "I'm up there," and he points to one of the ledges at the top of the wall. "So send a Weyrling or, well, the watch dragon, when you've found my shirt. " Grin.

Milani folds her lips together trying to contain a laugh and fails, looks up at Cam giggling. "Don't use me as an excuse with N'thei. He'll punch you," she notes informatively, gets her feet settled, stand. And my but isn't she tall. And she looks up towards the ledge he points out. "I actually know where you live, it's on one of Hayda's many lists. I helped clean it out, your weyr, you know, before you got here. That's the other thing, if you need anything for your weyr, don't hesitate to speak up. I know where all the best rugs are." Her smile answers his grin and there's a little pat for his arm too. "I'll be seeing you Cam."

"I will keep that in mind," he decides. "The floor does look like it will get cold in the winter. Way up.. there." Cam bobs his head, hands still in his pockets as he heads for the bowl and his dragon. "See ya, Millie."

"Oh, believe me it will, you'll be wanting something to warm you up then," MIlani says definitely, tosses a wink and a wave over her shoulder and strides off towards the caverns.

milani, tausreth, c'mryn

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