Log: Commiserating with Oysric

Jun 23, 2008 01:20

Who: Milani, Oysric
When: Evening, 11/1/16
Where: Common Room, High Reaches Weyr
What: Millie and Oys commiserate a little about A'son and talk about Other Stuff too.

Oysric sits at one of the chairs closest to the hearth, a mug of klah in his hands. Though, with the way he stares at it, it's almost like the stablehand's trying to mentally will the liquid to cool down. There's a jacket laid across another chair nearby, his feet on a nearby table. Bad manners or not, Oys does look rather comfortable in the common room tonight.
It's a quiet Milani who comes into the Common Room pulling the tie out of her braid and shaking out the long strands, then rumpling at her scalp with her fingers. She looks likely to walk right on by Oysric, then backtracks a step or two. "How're you holding up?" she asks him out of the blue, nudges his feet over a littler and plunks her rear-end on the table right next to those feet.

"How do you think?" Oys asks Hayda's assistant, looking up at her briefly before returning his gaze back to his klah. "He'll be changed because of it. He already is, marked by it." The voice is quiet, conservative. He leans back into his chair and finally takes a sip from his mug. "How about you?" is Oysric's next question, tossed out toward the assistant headwoman, seemingly unphased by her out of the blue arrival and equally surprising question.

"I know," Milani answers as quietly and reaches over to give his ankle a light squeeze. She takes a little while to answer though, not tossing off what would be a typically bright and cheery reply. "I've had better months," she finally settles on. "Here's hoping this one starting today will be a lot better." Beat. "He's a really sucky patient."

"He's a real sucky brother too," comes Oysric's next reply, smirking deeply. Amusement coloring his face despite the severe smirk. "But he'll live. That's important." He looks up from the klah to his ankle as its squeezed by Milani. Then back to the klah. "Yeah," he replies, his rough baritone that much rougher by clear emotion. "I try not to let it get to me." And then finally, he looks up from his drink to see Milani, asking: "How do you get by?"

"Joe used to say that too," Milani notes with a wry grin. "I think you both protest just a /little/ too much." The assistant headwoman holds her hand up and squeezes air between her fingers by way of demonstration, then fidgets with her hair tie: a length of lavendar ribbon that goes with her outfit. "By keeping busy and staying distracted," she answers after a second. "There's not much I can do, I have to stay out of his hair and... well there's things ... here." That's vague as she looks up and away from Oysric and towards the doorway briefly, scans the cavern itself, then resettles her gaze on him.

"Keeping you from something?" Oys asks her, noting that look she makes up and away from him, showing at least he has some powers of observation while still holding onto that mug of cooling klah. "Don't let me take you away, if I am," he replies. The stablehand takes another short sip of the klah, wincing afterward. "Not sure this is strong enough for my taste," Oysric adds, conversationally. "Distraction isn't all that hard for me. We all got our jobs to do after all."

"Hmm? Oh, no, no no, just ... checking." Again with the vague and Milani grins a little sheepishly. "I'm totally off duty now. Day's over. Was going to go change, maybe see if I could find a rider to bring me up to the Hot Spring, or get out of the Weyr for a little while even." She eyes his mug for a second, then grins slowly and fishes in her pocket, produces a flask and shakes it back and forth. "Spike it for you?" The grin fades and she nods. "Yeah. Life goes on, right?"

"Handy," Oysric tells her of the flask. He takes another drink of his klah before glancing back to the flask again. "Eh," he adds non-chalantly. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt." The stablehand holds the mug with one hand while reaching out with the other for the flask. "Off duty," he tells her. "Two of my favourite words." A beat passes, taking one last sip of unspiked klah before looking back to the hearth rather than Milani herself. "There someone going with you then," Oysric asks. "... off on this adventure of yours?"

"Yeah. Your brother's driving me to drink," she quips, with a little shrug. "Only not really." A warm smile to go after that and she passes the flask over. "It's just brandy. Nothing more serious. And ... normally would be mine too. But I need to find something to do. So I don't wind up trying to bargain passage to Ista instead." She shakes her head though for his last. "No. Not yet anyway. Because I haven't figured out which adventure to go on yet."

"Awfully tempting," Oys tells her dryly. "I think I'd stay right here. Planted in this chair." He grabs the flask as its given to him, giving his mug of klah a liberal dose of the brandy before giving the flask back to her. "Been spending more time in the stables than usual, myself," the stablehand remarks, quiet. "It's something to do."

"My mind'll wander if I relax that much," Milani states, taking back the flask and knocking back a sip. "I've had ... other stuff to do. Getting ready for winter mostly. How're the stables doing? All the runners okay? I haven't been down for a while myself. I used to like to hang out in the hayloft. Chewing straw and seeing how many people tried to come up to tryst and had to go find someplace else because I was there."

"It depends on the time of day," Oysric tells her. "Afternoons are more... active than the mornings." He takes a longer sip of his klah now that is spiked. "But the stables... they're busy as ever. Lots more people wanting to take the runners out lately actually." He looks back toward Hayda's assistant curiously after another sip of his klah. "Sounds like you been pretty busy," the stablehand tells her plainly.

"Right. That makes sense. Probably more people without dragons going places earlier in the day. You know. To have time to get back." Milani tips the flask back again, then caps it and sticks it back in her pocket. "Yeah. You know. All those storage rooms to clean and inventory. That kind of thing."

"I think it's the season too, that does it," Oysric remarks off-handedly. Another sip of klah and he's nudging the assistant headwoman with his foot. "That take a lot out of you?" he asks her curiously. "Cleaning and inventory?"

"Why? Because it's cooler?" Milani tips her head to the side curiously about that remark and she grabs that nudging foot, shakes it right back. "Sure. Not as much as it used to before Hayda got us to do the baseline clean on all the rooms though." She hesitates for a moment too, then shrugs. "There's the traders too. They kind of make a mess."

"The traders," he repeats, nodding in response. "You deal much with them in your capacity?" He takes another long sip of his klah, seeming to approve of its spiked nature. Or maybe because it just seems cooler to drink. "How much of a mess could traders make?" His attention returns to his klah, breathing the smell of it quietly. "I think people are just more relaxed during these months," Oysric replies back, responding to her former remarks of the stables. There's no reaction to that foot being shaken, just another look up from his klah to Milani.

"Sure. Especially if we're trading for something, you know. Make sure the inventory is there, talk a deal. That kind of thing. And finding the space for them in the first place." Milani's mostly acting casual, though there's also a lot of shrugging between answers going on. "Some," she answers about mess a bit vaguely and shrugs again. "Oh yeah, because there's usually less Fall ... looking forward to Thread being gone? Got any plans?"

Oysric quietly considers Hayda's assistant as he drinks. "I figure people will always want a stablehand to help them with runners and such," he answers her last question first. "Been thinking about giving lessons on how to ride properly too, should there be enough interest." Hesitation apparent in his next comment to the assistant headwoman, Oysric finally tells Milani: "It's hard to forget what you're used to, Milani. Even though it's Thread... it's still Thread. It's known. Accepted. Part of life. When that goes, what do you do?" The twentysomething stablehand shrugs in response to his question and takes another long drink of his spiked klah.

"Mm, probaly even more with Threadfree skies. Safer to go long distances without cover," Milani replies, toe-to-heel kicking off her boots and pulling bare feet up under her skirts onto the table's edge. She never does keep her shoes on for long though she's stopped jouncing around so much when she sits like she used to a couple of turns ago. "Yeah. My mother said something about that. About the older riders." Her brows knit a little and she sighs softly. "Everything's so mixed up ..."

"Mixed up," Oys repeats, nodding in agreement. "I'd have to agree." The stablehand takes another whiff of the spiked klah, seemingly seeking comfort from the smell of it. Oysric takes note of the assistant headwoman's antics with regard to her taking shoes off. "Wise mother," he adds, responding lightly. "But yeah. Totally mixed up."

"Yeah," Milani agrees softly and draws her knees up to her chin. "Mum's a really good egg." After a second: "What's the dumbest thing you've ever done, Oys?" And she peeks up at him thoughtfully across the short distance between them.

Oysric considers the assistant headwoman as he leans back in his chair. Even in his reclining position, his legs are still long enough to rest on that table by Milani. "The dumbest thing I've ever done?" Oys asks her rhetorically. "Who says I'd want to reveal something like that to you?" He lets that question take hold in the silence that gapes while Oysric sips from his klah. "Why the question?" he finally asks without truly answering her.

"Oh fiiine, be that way," Milani says with a roll of her eyes towards the ceiling. "It's not like I haven't seen you running around in your underwear when we were kids," she points out with a little smirk. "Just got some things on my mind. Doesn't matter if you're not comfortable with it," Millie notes in the next breath and slips off the table, bending to pick up her shoes. "Okay. I'm going to go change and then go for a run. I'll see you around, Oys." And as she passes by the chair, she reaches out to tousle his hair fondly.

Oysric smirks back at Milani darkly, telling her of seeing him in his underwear as a kid, "Yeah, let's not go there." He shakes his head some at her next comments before finally speaking up again: "Be seeing you around, Millie." His lips turn upward briefly in some fashion of a smile at the tousle of his hair. "Maybe I'll answer that question another time," Oys tells her. "... if you aren't so busy with all those adventures of yours." And with that said, he reclines back in his chair by the hearth, letting his feet remain on that table. His eyes once again return to his klah, staring at its spiked goodness.

"Won't," Milani promises over her shoulder. "And I'll look forward to that!" And suddenly she laughs, light-heartedly at that. A lot more like how she usually is as her footsteps fade away towards her room.

milani, oysric

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