Log: Who's Taking Who?

Jun 05, 2008 08:27

Who: A'son, Milani
When: Late, 8/16/16
Where: West Cavern Workroom
What: Millie's loitering while her friends carouse at the 'Bar. A'son's just finishing a long day's work. The traders at the Reaches come up then it all devolves into a mock-pushing fight.

It's getting late at Ista, the end of a muggy summer's day and a not too unfamiliar figure wanders in from the living cavern. Millie's about often enough that some of the lower caverns staff have gotten to know her by name and she trades evening greetings with one or two on her way by. The Reachian young woman doesn't seem to have a particular destination tonight, steps eventually pausing in the work room entryway, she moves inside, fingers trailing along the backs of abandoned chairs as much of the Weyr goes to sleep. Why she's not back home might be a good question, though the dress she's got on, more suited to a Gather than hanging out in the lower caverns might be a partial answer. She hums as she goes, reaching the 'lounge' area of the room and picks a chair to sit in, one of the comfortable kind, moving to drape into it sideways out of long habit.

A'son strolls out from the storage caverns, looking as if he's been in there for quite some time. He's dusty and tired looking, rubbing smudges away from his cheeks while goes through. He mumbles hellos and good-byes to residents as they walk by him. Milani almost goes unnoticed when he pases by her. It's with a blink and a pause that he backs up and looks at her, blinking. "What are you doing here? Isn't it time for you to go to bed?"

Pausing mid-almost-sit, Milani catches at the chair's back to avoid falling into the chair now, one hip balanced on its arm, the other flailing to find purchase on the floor. "Hi Ays. Nice to see you too," she answers that blinking set of questions and tips her head to the side. She's been good when she's visited him the past few months. Sisterly, really. "There was a little Gather -- came back here afterward. Most of my friends are still down at the 'Bar not ready to go home yet. I got restless, thought I'd take a walk around. How're you?" Blue-green eyes scan the Weyrleader and she grins. "Dusty at least from what I can see. You need a bath, good long soak, a drink and bed yourself."

"Yeah, I'll get around to doing that eventually. I was helping our Steward rearrange some of the used rider's equipment in one of the caverns." A'son looks over the assistant headwoman again and he leans against one of the tables, grinning a touch at her reaction to his appearance. "Had too much to drink? Seems like you're about ready to fall off the chair." He crosses his arms over his chest, glancing towards the entrance. "Hopping around Pern and visiting all the gathers?"

"Dusty, boring /and/ difficult work," Milani ticks off on her fingers and perches on the chair's arm, shakes her head and laughs. "Shells no. Only a glass of wine and one of juice. You startled me," she confesses with a little wrinkle of her nose. "And yes. A group of us, we've been going, not always the same ones, but all summer, almost every Gather. It's been fun, Ays." Beat. "You should take a night off sometime and come along."

"I didn't think it was that boring or difficult. But it did take a long time. Most of the afternoon we were back there. Dusty I'm going to give you." A'son at least agrees on that point. "Don't they have work for you to do at High Reaches? That sounds like a lot of running around for one group of people. And no, that's okay. I like staying at home. Listening to bugs make funny noises outside my weyr."

"That is a long time. Took a long time to fix up that secret room we found at the Reaches too." Milani tilts her head, regarding him for a long moment. "Yes, I have plenty to keep me busy during working hours. Usually after dinner I'm free. Because most of the Weyr sleeps. So a few hours at a Gather every couple of weeks doesn't really take away from me being able to do my job." She giggles at his last. "Okay then you're probably getting to be an expert at bug noises, so let's hear them." She makes a 'show me the money' gesture with one hand.

"...Fix up the secret room? Isn't it supposed to stay a secret if you're calling it a secret room?" A'son asks. Her gesture gets a long, long look. Are you serious? Really? His expression seems to say. But soon he's emitting all sorts of strange noises. Some of them sound kind of like bugs, others don't sound anything like an insect. And at least one sounds like some sort of animal in heat. "There how about that? Do I win something for this?"

"It /was/ a secret, but two of those trader guys found it so then it wasn't a secret anymore and well you know, can't leave an unused room like that just lying around all dusty with junk it, right? So Hayda had us fit it up." Beat. "And then the traders started using it for their stuff." The bug noises. How can they help but make her laugh? She looks up across at him grinning. "That was pretty cool Ays." And then her chin tilts a little, mischief dancing in her eyes. "What would you like for a prize?"

"How is it a secret if no one used it. Sounds like it was just an unused room that you all forgot about." A'son says, tone bemused. Her next edition to that bit of news gets an interested look. "I'm sorry, what am I missing here? Traders? What traders? Why do they have their own storage cavern at High Reaches?" The bronzerider seems just a touch confused. "It was very skilled. Those are the types of things I plan on using to keep people amused and distracted, I'll make those noises and they won't notice that I'm not really doing anything. How about... Oh crap, I don't know. I didn't think that through. You weren't supposed to ask."

"It was behind a bookshelf with a secret trip thingie to open the shelf and let you in?" Milani hazards an answer to that. "Doesn't that make it secret?" She blinks at the Istan Weyrleader a few times. "Didn't N'thei tell you? There's a clan of traders living at the Reaches now. Have been since this winter." All innocence. No really. Until she's laughing again. "I think that'll work best on kids, Ays. Grown-ups might just think you're cracked in the head." She considers him for a moment then clears her throat. "I could buy you a drink, or steal you cookies from home?"

"I'm sorry, wait. There's a clan of traders living at High Reaches? No, N'thei didn't tell me about that. The last time I saw him he was... not in a position to talk about why he has traders living at the weyr. Why are their traders living at our weyr?" A'son seems confused, baffled by this news. "What do they do?" He asks, perplexion still staining his features. "Yeah, but the adults aren't going to think I'm capable of anything doing anything either if I'm cracked in the head." He shakes his head and shrugs. "Nah, I'll just hold you to owing me something for now."

"Yeah, the Vijays," Milani continues like this is old news. "And he wasn't? Oh wait, you guys must've been drinking." Sage nod. "Well mostly to do trade you know? While the last of the Falls were still happening and they like, needed a spot to overwinter. It's been good really. For the Weyr. Lots of trade going on." Head bob, head bob. "Owing you a favor ... making me drink my own medicine huh?"

"Well. We weren't drinking together, he just happened to show up. He was pretty far into his own cups by that point. But he was gone as soon as he came. You know how he is." A'son shakes his head. "Oh well, the Falls are really over. So I guess they don't need to stay at High Reaches anymore. Traders aren't good for an area in the long run, you know. They're just a bunch of tricky... tricksters. Can't trust them. Never let your daughter marry one." There he goes, giving advice. Always helpful. "Oh, maybe."

"Ohhhh," MIlani drags the syllable out and nods. "Mmm yeah. Drink hard, blow in, blow out, done." She gestures with her hand, sort of like a lightning bolt. "So say a lot of people, about traders," Milani replies a little vaguely and looks down at her shoe, turning it with a grimace. "The heel's almost gone on this one, going to need new ones for next turn!" Peeking back up at him, Milani smiles slowly. "Maybe?" And slips off the arm of the chair advancing on him. "Maybe?" One hand reaches out to nudge at his arm playfully. "Okay fine. One favor."

"Yeah, that makes it general knowledge. Traders are really only out to help their own. They're not going to have any loyalty to High Reaches." A'son continues to drag on, only to be distracted by Milani's shoe. He narrows his eyes, giving it a long look. "So I guess you should get new ones." He laughs, pushing off the table and giving her a playful push back. "Yeah, one favor. That I can use whenever."

"Mm. Maybe," Milani says with a shrug for the first, then she's laughing again and pushes once more. "Whenever huh? When did you get to be good at wheeling and dealing? Now you've got me on the hook, see, all for some funny noises!"

A'son pushes the younger girl back again. "Oh, you want to fight huh? I could take you down without a second thought. All my hands tied behind my back. All my toes crossed." He grins and shakes his head. "I learned some tricks in my time here. And you made me make them!"

"Oh I'll bet you I could show you a thing or two now, I'm not some sissy little girl anymore!" Milani fires back and gives his arm another slightly harder shove. "Hands behind back? You think I'm /that/ bad in a fight!?" Big eyes made at him and tongue stuck out. "Prove it!" And then a wagged finger. "I /asked/. Didn't /make/ you. You volunteered all on your own, mister."

"Yeah, you wish that you could show me a thing or two. Not only could I do it with all those things tied, I can do it blindfolded." A'son makes a face when she shoves him harder and returns the shove. "Yeah, but you agreed to owing me a favor. So I think that means that I tricked you, right?"

"Oh yeah? Blindfolded huh?" Milani pulls her scarf from around her shoulders. "That can be arranged." No return shove, just a wicked grin and that challenge dancing in her eyes right before the go big and round again. "Or maybe I just trust you," she answers a little more seriously. "Do you /really/ think you could put one over on me?"

A'son bats away the scarf with one hand, "Yeah, blindfolded. And there's no way we're doing it in here. Who knows when someone is going to walk by and see the Weyrleader trying to wrestle some poor girl around. My reputation would be ruined." He laughs, shaking his head again. "Maybe you do. Do you really think I /couldn't/ put one over on you is the question."

"It's late," Milani points out, very sensibly. "But you're right. No way I'm wrecking your reputation. So. Where're we going?" Both brows lifted, big eyes made again then she's eying him more thoughtfully, hand dropping to her side, the ends of that scarf trailing on the floor. "I've always trusted you, since I got to know you." That's straightforward, no kidding around. "Would you want to?" Challenge back in her voice.

"You and I aren't going anywhere to fight each other, you crazy kid. You're going to go to bed and I'm going to go to bed." A'son pushes her very gently. "Because it's getting late and I'm covered in dirt. "No, I wouldn't. But you know that already." He sighs a little, looking away as the conversation takes on a more serious turn. "Do you have a way to get home, Millie?"

"Does this mean I get to call you a sissy, because you wouldn't dare to --" she breaks off and looks away too. Probably because of the word 'kid' in there. Maybe not. "So I owe you," she tries to haul the smile back out and nudges his arm again. "For the noises." And then after a moment, tentatively, she tries to slip her hand into his. "I could go back down to the Sandbar and see who's drunk and who's not from the folks who came with me tonight. I could. But if you're offering, I won't say no."

"Yep, you owe me. For the noises." A'son lets her take his hand, giving hers a little squeeze. "So lets go find your friends and see who's drunk and who's not. I'll give the drunker ones a ride home if they need it." He grins, pulling her towards the door. "And no, you don't get to call me a sissy. You know that I could take you out. Blindfolded with a scarf, toes and fingers crossed. The entire nine yards."

Laughing again, Milani picks her scarf up and throws it over her shoulder. "I won't forget," she promises almost solemnly then rolls her eyes. "Fiiine. We can go be responsible about my wild and crazy friends," Millie says and follows, though she pauses a little to yank that shoe off as the heel flops loose and she makes a snorting sound. "New shoes!" she says emphatically and then laughs all the way down to the Sandbar about the whole nine yards. "You've still gotta prove it. Someday!" And that's her final word on the subject for tonight.

#stalker, $n'thei, *trader plot, #assistant-headwoman, a'son

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