Log: Catching up with Vivy

Apr 14, 2008 18:39

Who: Milani, Viviana
When: Late morning, 1/6/16
Where: Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
What: Millie catches up with Vivy over an early lunch. They make plans to spend marks they don't have at Weaver.

Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr(#7315RIJ$)
Large with high ceilings, this cavern's most striking features are the little nooks and crannies along the perimeter and the seemingly dangerous jagged overhang of stalactites just above the hearth. More corners have been made from six, slightly curved walls with half-razed stone blocks rising from the ground as well as outcroppings of hollowed walls, making the layout cumbersome for a private dwelling, however decorative curtain rods and opaque fabrics have been installed to turn each defect in the cavern's shape into its own private corner.
Near the hearth, beneath the stone fixture hanging from the ceilings, a thick rug with a low klah table and comfortable armchairs and couches have been set, the upholstery and cushions changed sporadically to match the season: bright, light colors in the summer, fresh greens and yellows in the spring, warm autumnals in fall, and even warmer hues of rich colors for winter. Small tables, fit for up to four people each, litter the landscape, while a wooden bar construction claims the wall where a dolly window to the kitchens is unlatched. The cabinetry installed has glass panels, so the various liquors available are visible.

Viviana sits at a table with hide and writing tool at hand and a mug of klah beside her. It's a perfect place to work as it's a quiet morning, very few are in the place and they too are quieter than normal. Only the occasional tap tap of her writing tool against the table top disturbs the murmured silence.

Milani slips into the Snowasis humming softly and leans against the bar, placing an order for a small early lunch and a mug of cider. She turns around, leaning against the bar and scans the quiet room, eyes landing on Viviana. A smile lights up her face as she spots Viviana and she leans back over the bar to let the barkeep know where she's going and heads in that direction. "Hey there! Happy turnover a little late, but you know. It's been busy, hasn't it?"

Viviana looks up from her 'work'. Huh? Oh! People. With a flustered smile of her own, she laughs. "Ah, yes busy, turnover, wasn't that like --- a sevenday or so ago? Days float together around here, don't they?" Shifting a leather pouch off the free chair at her table, she waves for Milani to sit and in the same gesture, pushes the hide she was working on aside. "Isn't it always busy?"

"Five days," Milani replies promptly. "I saw some of the weyrlings at the party, cutting loose. What about you?" A bright smile and a nod follow as she settles into the offered seat and props her chin up in her hands, looking across the table at the weyrling. "Seems like endless homework for all of you. Me it's okay right now, we've cleaned up and it's just the usual Stores stuff." A few minutes later, one of the girls who serves in the Snowasis, stops by with a plate holding a grilled cheese sandwich and a salad and a mug of hot cider for the assistant headwoman. Beaming up at the girl, Milani offers effusive thanks and she plucks up a green leaf, nibbles at it while she waits on Viviana's reply.

Viviana purses her lips and nods innocently. "Homework, yes, right. You've got it, keeps a girl busy." She slips that paper right off the table, a sketch of a certain drunk briefly seen if someone was looking closely. And not a very flattering sketch either. "Some of us were up on Star Stones, for a more private party, it was nice. I didn't feel like a huge party, people talk so much about heady things at parties here, I call them lectures with booze rather than a lot of fun." She eyes the woman's lunch then peers out. "That late already? I guess morning drills and everything make time fly."

Milani just covers her mouth with one hand as she catches a glimpse of that sketch, eyes dancing above her fingers though she doesn't giggle aloud. "Lectures with booze?" Her hand's moved away from her mouth so she can talk. "Seriously? Wow. And that's nice, little private get together. More intimate." With innocently blinked eyes as she picks up half her sandwich, takes a bite. "Nope, just getting it in early, because I have some things I have to do over lunch," Millie replies.

Viviana shrugs, philosophical. "I'm just not as deep as most people here or I choose not to be. All this talk about inner feelings and ponderous things just gives me a headache. I suppose they are more educated then me and the silly things who have gotten themselves noticed by leadership and are being hauled up for conversations with Satiet and N'thei. Why'd they do such a thing?" She shakes her head. "Foolish, if you ask me."

"Most people?" Milani blinks a few times, looking perplexed by this statement. "Huh. Never reall thought about the Reaches that way," she says with a bright laugh. "I mean, there's plenty of us into clothes and boys and stuff." Beat. "Like me. And some of the other staff. And well Persie's fun. Guess it depens on what you think is deep?" Brows lift a little and she munches some more on her sandwich. "Some people have ambition or need something to do to feel right about themselves. I was bored just kicking around the caverns. It was a good thing my Mum made me get a job."

Viviana tucks a bit of hair behind an ear. "Maybe there's just a new bunch of thinkers in the weyrling bunch, then. Ashmyth and I just nod our heads and smile like we know what they are all talking about." She lifts her mug up for a refill as a server passes, winking. "Thank you." Turning back to Milani, she giggles. "Oh Persie, she's fun but she's my leader, can't really count her as a friend, you know. Protocol and and all that. Silly. I .. well, I have ambition too but I just want to /do/ something. Not sit around and discuss it to death, you know what I mean?" Her fingers twitch on her mug as if she's ready to start that very second. "Just go -- do, be. Why sit and talk it over to death?"

"Oh yeah, well not forever though right? I mean, you won't be a weyrling forever," Milani points out with another beaming smile then she nods and rolls her eyes. "Oh shells, I hear you there. I'm a do-er. Definitely a do-er. I can't sit still most of the time, so it's good I have work that means lots of walking around. "But sometimes it's good to have friends to talk to about stuff too. Y'know, the serious stuff." She's worked through that half a sandwich and nibbles on more greens. "So what would you like to do?"

Viviana shrugs, making a face. "It's all anyone does -- just talks about things. Why, when was the last time someone from here went and did something -- like they did to get Crom all settled. Someone went and /did/ it and it got done. I am sure if they just sat around and talked and debated, it'd still be a mess over there." At the mention of friends, her face becomes a wee bit closed. "Right, friends. They are nice to have, I suppose." With another little lift of her shoulder, she lets her deep thoughts stay there, back in the depths. "Oh, I don't know, Ashmyth would like to see all the beaches of Pern, I can't exactly fault her. Maybe head for weavercraft, if you'd like a ride once we are cleared, we'd be honoured to give you a lift."

"Well, thankfully there aren't any big problems like Crom right now. And yeah, settling it was good. It was kind of exciting going after the tithe train," Milani says with a little bounce. "Though of course it was all /very/ serious so you know, not a pleasure trip." With a couple of very serious nods. Viviana's shut down earns a slight blink. "Aren't we friends, Vivy?" she asks curiously and plucks at the crust on her second half a sandwich. "And ooo! You'd take me? Won't that be fun. We can go shopping and get some nice things. Play dressups a little."

Viviana nods firmly. "See, now, people just /went/ and did it. Enough talking. Just do!" She waves her mug about but hardly anything spills thank the first egg. "Sure we are friends. You don't make me feel like I'm a cute little kitten that amuses you and distracts you from the 'real issues' of life. And well... I'd just be looking at weavercraft. I don't any marks for them, going to take a while to get any, after all."

"That they did," Milani remarks with a little grin. "And Stores're all full up for the winter, well getting a little emptier now I guess," the assistant headwoman muses thoughtfully then laughs. "A kitten? Whoa. Well if it makes you feel any better, I get called kid sometimes still too, even though I'm /seventeen/." Big eyes across the table and she pops that crust of bread in her mouth, then picks up the sandwich proper, takes a bit, chews and gets all crestfallen looking. "Seriously? Oh that sucks, we'll have to do something about that." Eyes narrow thoughtfully and she nods. "Yep, we'll see about maybe some compensation for that ride." Gleaming brightly at her brilliance, Milani clearly considers this a done deal. "Though in the end, half the fun is trying the stuff on and pretending to be a Lady."

Viviana nods, sipping from the mug rather than waving it. "My turndays coming up real soon. I feel like I've had a dozen turndays since impressing though. I'm growing up despite my best efforts." Her ears perk up "Compensation for just giving a ride to a friend? That doesn't sound quite right, Milani unless we say -- you are on weyr business somehow. Delivering a note -- but then -- whatriders don't get extra for just dropping off notes."

"You don't want to grow up?" Stunned surprise on Milani's face at that assumption. "I sort of thought everyone did eventually ..." and she sighs softly, looks down at her plate with a wry little grin, then settles back into making her sandwich vanish, which it does, shortly. "Sometimes they get a tip," she counters, reaching for her mug and taking a sip. "But ... okay. Just save up your stipend really well. It should get bigger when you get tapped."

Viviana shakes her head. "THere is a distinction. "Wanting to -- and doing it anyhow. I've got enough responsibilities now that I am grown up in a way, what with Ashmyth and all. And I see things that I could do but don't want to do them because then people assume I can do them and then give me extra duties and then when do I have time to just -- be?" It all makes a lot of sense to her and she smiles. "See? Oh and saving up? Since we've not had a gather for a while and I don't have anywhere to go, I think I've got ... 3 marks now but I have to pay my brother back next time he's here and that's 2 marks so that brings me back to 1."

"Hmm. I see. Yeah. I guess for me my duties are pretty well defined and so are my restdays and for the most part, I find I've got plenty of time to just be. Sometimes too much even. I go run when I can't sit still anymore." Milani's pulled her mug close and sips from it with a smile after she's swallowed. "A mark. Hm. Could get some /accessories/ for a mark," she muses slowly and winks across at Vivy. "But you'll need the three for more ... well, we'll see, we'll see. There's time yet. Snow and winter and all." With a vague wave towards the out of doors.

Viviana makes a face. "And the little issue that we haven't actually betweened yet? That does pose a bit of a problem too. Oh well, it's fun spending marks you don't have, don't you agree?"

"Yeah, so there's time yet," Milani reiterates with another bright grin then she laughs and nods. "Sure. Or about the Gathers you haven't gone to yet ... or any number of things that're worth dreaming about."

Draining her mug and setting it aside, Vivy reaches for her papers. "I'd better get my report in to I'daur before I get dreaming too much or I will never get to see anything but the blood-shot eyes of my beloved leader." Snort! "See you around."

milani, viviana

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