Log: Manly and Leaderly

Apr 02, 2008 22:39

Who: A'son, Milani
When: 19:44 11/16/15
Where: Hatching Ground, Ista Weyr
What: Milani goes to Ista for a visit and gives A'son a hard time, but also is sympathetic and pokes around asking about N'thei.

It's past dinner time and the Istan galleries are largely vacant. There's a person here or there amongst the stands, though as soon as they stroll in they seem to leave. There's not much excitement in watching a bunch of eggs lay around in dirt. Down there, at the center of attention is Nikoth, keeping his children to be company. And in the first row of seats, is A'son, keeping the expectant father company. "They're not going to hatch just like that. It's safe to leave them for more than few moments, you know that right?" He leans back in his spot, hands linked behind his head.

People come and go all the time in the galleries and here comes another, footsteps light. Milani pauses to let her eyes adjust to the change in the light and a bright grin crosses her face as she spots the Weyrleader down in that first row. On she goes, hopping up into the galleries, though she keeps her pace even enough, hands lifting to unwind her scarf from around her neck. Without further announcement, she drops down into a seat next to the bronzerider and sets elbows to knees, chin into hands. "Guess he's a fussy papa, then?"

A'son jumps, scooting back in his chair just a pinch at Milani's surprise arrival. "Oh. Yes, yes he is. Suprisingly so." He rolls his eyes, glancing down at the bronze. "Cold back home yet?" He asks, folding his arms across his chest. His eyes go from the sands to Milani and then to the general Istan landscape, attention drifting across the plethora of flowers that seem to be sprouting up just -everywhere-.

"Really? I wouldn't have pegged him for the type," Milani muses thoughtfully and tilts her head a little, chin still cradled in hands to sneak a peek over at A'son. "Still wet cold, not snow cold, it's a mild fall just like it was a super hot summer. Barely feels like the Reaches at all!" Big eyes. Millie seems pretty durn chipper this evening. "I think it might just be wetter down here though." She sits up a little, peering out across the Sands. "Decent clutch, yeah?"

A'son nods, "Yep, it is. Guess how many people have said that to me since I've been here tonight? That it's a good clutch?" He keeps his hands linked behind his head, attention refocusing onto Nikoth once again. "It's totally wet down here. I don't think I've seen so much rain in my entire life. Except maybe for that time when we had rain nearly every day for a week. I thought /that/ was a lot."

"Every single one?" Milani guesses with a little laugh. "I'd call that 'making conversation' I guess. You know that stuff my mother was always trying to get me to learn." Beat. "Some of it must've stuck." She considers Nikoth's bulk for a moment then tilts another peek over at his rider. "Got an umbrella? I know where I can get you one that's bright yellow with red polka-dots on top. Very colorful." The Reachian assistant headwoman's got a wise nod for that. "At least it's warm though, not getting frozen to the bone all the time."

"Just about, yeah." A'son responds with a rakish smile. "And I suppose that's what it's called. But you'd think that after a couple of weeks they'd know that someone had already said it to you a few hundred times and stop. Right? But no." He looks up at the sky and nods his head. "Yeah, I've got one. Sort of had to have it. And that's okay, I don't think I need a yellow-with-red-polka-dots umbrella. I'm trying to be all manly and leader-ly. You know?" He smirks, glancing over at her.

Milani has a wicked grin in answer for that smile. "And your hopes just keep getting repeatedly dashed. So are you answering everyone that way, or grumping about it?" she asks, tone teasing. "And shells, you'd pass up a yellow polka-dotted umbrella, just to be /manly/. Pff. You don't know what you're missing. It's a /big/ umbrella too. Oh well. I'll just keep it, maybe bring it with me next time I come down. Need it more down here anyway." She tilts her head to look out towards the Bowl, then back to the bronzerider. "How's the manly and leaderly coming along anyway? Got everyone whooped into shape yet?" Still teasing.

"I told an old woman it was the worst clutch I'd seen in years." A'son says promptly, lips quirking into a further smirk. Hard to tell if he's serious or not. "Well, big umbrellas pretty much say just about the opposite of manliness, you know." For her last question he laughs, shaking his head. "As you may have noticed, I have a four foot wide space around me all times. It's like I have some sort of disease, I guess it's okay. It would be bad if I was some sort of social butterfly."

Milani's head ducks downward and her shoulders shake, one hand lifting to cover her mouth as she tries not to laugh. "Mmph. Yeah, manly would be just braving it without an umbrella at all, maybe even in your skivvies. There you go." Oh so serious. Only not. Millie straightens and looks around the stands. "Isn't that just the time of day?" With something like true solemnity only her smile's back a minute later. "If you were, you'd be languishing away, yeah." Her arms drop, curling around her knees which draw inward a little towards her, toes tipping downward to push against the floor, jitter a little then resettle. Too much energy still contained in Milani's frame. "Is grumpiness a disease? Tell me it's not catching?" That's accompanied by another wicked little sidelong look and half a grin.

"I'm always grumpy. This a whole other disease. It's called "Fear of people not born at Ista". Unfortunately for you, you have it. But fortunately as long as you're visiting people won't fear you." A'son nods his head sagely. "I frequently walk out into the rain with no umbrella. Or a shirt. Or shoes. Or sometimes pants, even. And when it's super hot? I wear a jacket. I'm proving to them that I'm just so tough." And possibly insane, but who's checking?

"Ohh, okay. Though y'know, I generally don't seem to have these problems. Then again, that could be because I never shut up," Milani muses, poking fun at herself. Her posture gets rearranged again, really can't sit still, legs stretching out in front of her and crossing at the ankles as her hands drop back a little and she leans into them. "Aha. So you've been putting on a show. Nice. Sorry I missed it!" She makes wide eyes again. "Though I'm not sure about the jacket on hot days part. Manly, maybe, dunno about leaderly. Is it really responsible to take the entire health of your Weyr into your hands like that? After all, aren't they supposed to follow your example?" All innocence. No really.

"Or maybe you just don't notice." A'son suggests jokingly. "Oh I don't know, maybe. They all seem to be continuing to dress the same as they did when I got here. I guess they're just not interested in my fabulous sense of style. So. You know, how's High Reaches? Anything new or interesting? How's everyone, anyway?" He asks, tone just a touch too casual.

"Hmm. I can see why you're trying to hard to be leaderly then," Milani jokes back and bounces that topmost foot a little, then seems to notice that it's jouncing around and deliberately goes still. "Since I last wrote? Hmmm." She thinks for a minute. "Well that last wagon got in and we're all set tithes-wise. You should see the stores, Ays. Well not like it's all that interesting unless you like organizing storage rooms, but it's all so /pretty/. Hayda had us whitewashing everything as we went along fixing up and it's all kind of bright and airy now instead of closed in and darkish. And the shelves are all sturdy and everything's lined up and ..." she breaks off and laughs. "So yeah. The Stores are all ready. The Weyrlings are flying already, figuring out the wind currents over the weyr, zooom!" One hand lifts from behind her and demonstrates with a speed dive through the air. "And everyone? Satiet's the usual, that never changes." And she sort of sucks her cheeks in and casts a supercilious look down at A'son, funning around again. "Amerie's good ..." and she rattles on with some more news, repeating some things from her letters, adding new gossip to the pile too. "And N'thei seems to be doing okay, mostly. I guess he kinda threw L'vae for a loop the other day though or something, because Lou was asking me all these questions about him." Beat. "D'you have N'thei figured out, Ays?"

"He's N'thei. What is there to know?" A'son says airly, waving his hand around. "He's nice when he wants to be, the rest of the time he'll annoy you if you let him. He likes booze and apparently, younger woman." He rolls his shoulders back. "Well. I guess that is a lot of things going on. The weyrlings are flying already? They sure get big fast. Next thing you know they'll be graduating and flying in wings." The waving hand is locked back behind his head again, "Seems like things aren't anymore exciting there than they are over here."

"Guess that about sums it up and I try not to let him annoy me, but he's got a real talent for getting under a person's skin," Milani answers with a little wrinkle of her nose. "Booze I figured out. Showed him where to find the good brandy. Told me he didn't /need/ my help." Eye roll. "Hard to be nice to the guy even. He makes it hard anyway." She starts to open her mouth again, probably to say something about 'younger women', then closes her mouth on the words that don't quite make it all the way out. "I think that N'thei just plain likes women, doesn't matter how old. Though yeah, the one he's got his eye on right now is young/er/." There's Nikoth and his eggs to look at, so she does so. Studiously. Because you know, that's what you look at when you're sitting in Hatching Galleries. "Yep. Flying. Learning about Stores in Lujayn's case. She almost broke a key the other day, poor girl. I brought Lessom over to get it out. He's nice to look at and fun to flirt with. Thought that'd be a nice break for a hard-working goldriding Weyrling." Because of course, that's what such a weyrling would want. "But nope, no more excitement. Not since the tithe train."

For the rest of Millie's visit, A'son says little, Millie chatters away about other Weyr news and then heads home when her ride comes looking for her.

#stalker, $n'thei, #assistant-headwoman, a'son

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