Log: Windy Day by the Lake

Mar 27, 2008 13:01

Who: Basquirin, E'dre, Milani, Wroth
When: 11:31 on 10/21/15
Where: Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
What: Lots of chatter and friendly teasing on a windy day down by the lake.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr(#565RIJas)
This shoreline marks the edge of the freshwater lake that fills the southeastern portion of the bowl. The gritty dirt of the bowl gives way to smooth sand. Dragons love to dive and bathe within the lake's deep waters, enticing their riders to join them for some play; a chilly but refreshing experience. Firelizards frolic above the clear surface, hunting for the small fish that are kept well stocked.

Across the lake, the bowl wall rises high into the sky, its face dotted with weyr entrances. A few dragonlengths above the water, glimpses of a level cliff can be seen amidst boulders lining the edge. Just south of here, a smaller pond of water is divided from the main lake by a natural bridge of land. A path leads across the bridge and up to the diving cliffs, winding through a dotting of small boulders on its way.

The morning is partly cloudy, though the sun still shines through. The wind drives against the lake's surface, stirring the sand that blankets the ground.

The wind is a blustering force today, making the lake a most unlikely place for people to gather. It is this solitude that E'dre and Wroth seem to have claimed. The weyrling is settled on a rock, broodingly watch as Wroth stalks amongst the sand. The brown's short and stumpy tail is jumping to and fro, fencing an invisible foe. E'dre stares out at the water that ripples from the pull of the wind.

Windy though it is, Milani's out in the bluster, coat buttoned up under her chin and hair carefully tucked away under a knitted cap. The sand clings to the hem of her skirt, but she is, oddly enough, smiling. The twin figures of Wroth and E'dre catch her attention and she comes to a stop, considering the marked difference between what looks like a playful dragonet and the somber weyrling. A moment later, she puts her shoulders back, chin up and marches right on over and plops down on that rock. "Hi," she announces herself and peeks over at E'dre curiously.

"Hello, Milani," E'dre answers the greeting with a half-smile. He gives her a brief one-armed hug before dropping his arm to fold loosely with the other in front of him. His own jacket doesn't seem to be warm enough, for there's a reddish hue to his cheeks at the chill in the air. Wroth stops in his stalking to stare balefully at the girl and then he snorts, shaking his head. E'dre lifts a brow at Wroth and snorts himself. "Shardin' grump," he mutters, then looks back to the assistant headwoman. "Out on a break?"

Milani bumps her shoulder lightly against E'dre's an fixes a look on Wroth. "Rest day," she notes with a little grin and then reaches into her pocket and pulls out a bundled up scarf. "C'mere, you look like you're about to freeze your nose off," she moves to shake the scarf out and loop it around the weyrling's neck. "Bad day?" she asks lightly.

E'dre smiles at her as the scarf is added to his attire. "Ah, other'n being bald? Or near to it?" He lifts a hand to rub self-conciously at his close-cropped hair. "I'm doing okay, I guess." He looks to Wroth and shakes his head with a wry grin. "Just getting used to the go-go-go of all this still." He winks at the assistant and flexes his arm, "But see? I'm gaining some respect out of the whole thing. I didn't know I could /have/ muscles."

"Oh, didn't expect you'd get shorn huh?" Milani takes the hair-cut in stride and she too lifts a hand to run over the crop. She giggles at the flexing though and makes big eyes at the Weyrling. "Is this the part where I'm supposed to feel your arm and swoon and tell you that you're oh-so-strong and so on and so on?" The teasing fades and she nods. "Yeah. I'll bet it's hard." She eyes Wroth again. "I'd say he seems chipper ... but I'm not sure that's true."

"Chipper," E'dre notes wryly, watching as Wroth settles in a recently dug out sand-wallow and lies down with a sigh. "Maybe. More, less in the mood to control." He grins, his easy humor sliding back into place at her doe-eyes. "Yes, swoon away at this new brownrider. I need the confidence boost." He shakes his head and looks at her, closer, "How've you been? Everything going well between you and A'son?"

"Hmmm." Milani's not overly verbal on that first bit, just eyeing Wroth further. She laughs though and obligingly cops a feel of that bicep and makes bigger eyes at the Weyrling. "You'll have all the girls at your feet again in no time." That last question though just gets a shrug. "Me and who?" She blinks innocently a few times then laughs again, shrugging it off again. "Oh you know, I write. Nothing like keeping up a friendship long-distance right?" Very very airy words.

E'dre nods his head and then shrugs. "I'm no good at that sort of stuff. When I move, I move and I don't think about writing." Pause. "I'm sure he likes getting them, though. I guess I would, knowing what I left behind." He smiles at her, then looks to Wroth. "I don't know if I will be gettin' the ladies, but that's okay."

"Mmm yeah that does seem about right for you," Milani assesses with a little tilt of her head and she shrugs again. "It's good to keep in touch." She too looks Wroth-wards and draws her feet up onto the rock, knees to chest, pulling skirts down tight around her legs. "Someday eventually, when he's big enough."

E'dre shakes his head. "Nah. He's not interested in it, and truth be told? It's kinda settled me down some." He grins at her, leaning in close for a little poke at her middle. "A certain assistant headwoman ruined me for other women." He winks and then straightens. "But we'll just have to see how he fairs in 'flights and things." He eyes the stumpy brown whose now fallen into a light doze. "Doubtful he'll win, though."

"Not /now/ of course, Milani" replies with arched brows but you know, a lot /later/," she emphasizes the last and rolls her eyes a little, fending off poking fingers. "Sure. Right," she just shakes her head grinning back at the Weyrling and peeks at dozing Wroth. "You never know, he might surprise you." Millie tips her head back looking up at the cloudy sky. "We've just about got everything all sorted out from the tithes."

E'dre nods his head. "Yeah, I'd heard that there was yet /another/ mix up with all of that." He shrugs and grins at her. "Now that it's over with though, less headaches for you, right?" Wroth is eyed one more time by the weyrling. "Maybe he will. Maybe he won't. Who can tell? The others are growing so much faster compared to him. I guess he'll fit my stature, though, huh?" Grin. "That's fitting enough."

It just seems like a good time of day to be outside, and Basquirin is going to take full advantage of this time - even if it is only for a couple of minutes. Although still in his work clothes, he almost looks ready to wade in the shallows if he wanted to. His pants are rolled up nearly all the way to his knees, and he's carrying his sandals in his arms. Chubby, as usual, is mopily snoozing on his shoulder. The stablehand cheerfully waves towards Milani and E'dre when he sees them down on the shore, shouting a "Hello!"

"The Weyrleader and Weyrsecond got it all sorted out," is Milani's confident reply a bright smile on her face and a distinct air of satisfaction. "Oh yes, no one's going cold or hungry this winter!" she exclaims then blinks a couple of times at what E'dre's saying. "Oh! Well, you know, size isn't everything," she quips. "I mean, really in the end a smaller brown might be better at keeping up with a green." The assistant headwoman's hunkered on a rock, well buttoned up against the brisk wind that's blowing next to E'dre who's also bundled with a scarf around his neck and a distinctly shorter haircut than previously while Wroth dozes nearby.

E'dre laughs, looking skyward. "You're right, size /doesn't/ matter." There's all sorts of chortling at that inneundo and when Basq hails them the weyrling's in a good enough mood to wave at the stablehand. "Hello. I don't see how you're so comfortable in this weather," he notes with a headshake as he draws his jacket closer to him. His smile is still white against his tanned features. "I miss Igen something fierce this time of seasons." He looks to Milani, "When we're clear to fly, maybe I'll steal you away and show you my old haunting ground."

Basquirin grins, and chuckles softly as he approaches the pair. "I've been here for all of my life, and I'm used to working in the elements. It really isn't that bad yet." His voice is almost ominous, as if warning E'dre of the impending deep winter that is sure to kill them all - or something. He smiles at Milani, "Well, hello there. How are you today?"

Continued amusement lingers on Milani's face and she props her chin up atop her knees. "Hey Basq. Got a little break?" Her head tilts a little back E'dre's way and she nods. "Sure, wouldn't mind seeing the places you've rattled on about," the young woman replies, teasing in her eyes again. "Just think though, once Wroth's able to fly and go Between and everything, you can escape back to the heat almost any time you're not on duty!"

"Sure, for a little while. Just had a little lunch," Basquirin smiles. "I usually go straight back to the stables, but I decided to take full advantage of my break today, just 'cause." The stablehand stretches his legs a little, and etches a few marks and lines in the sand, as if he were a playful brat. "So what are you up to?"

"Rest day, I'm just hanging out here with Mister Lady Killer here," Milani teases E'dre further and winks over at Basq. "I don't have to be inside all day today, so here I am braving the wind. It was trying to send sand up my skirts earlier." Tongue stuck out expressively for that.

Basquirin rewards Milani with an amused snort, though he doesn't really seem to take too much notice of the wind. "It's nice not being cooped up in the caverns, eh?" He asks, looking briefly over the waters of the lake before returning his gaze to Milani. "Wind can be nice and all, especially to cool you off during a hard day's work."

"Yeah, we'll be cooped up a lot before long. When it snows." Milani looks up at the sky again. "Which is probably, like, any day now. Though when there's snow there's snowballs and all sorts of other fun, so, that's not even so bad either. Might take a little convincing for our Igenite friend here though." A thumb jerked in E'dre's direction.

Basquirin's face seems to brighten suddenly. "Convincing? Does that mean we can drag him out of the barracks and throw snowballs at him?" He looks like a puppy, his eyes beaming with playful joy. "Or perhaps if the Weyrlings are too busy, we could have the older dragons come in and dump some snow in the barracks for them all to play in. What do you think?"

Milani's brows flare upwards at this suggestion. "Well that's not really what I had in mind ..." the assistant headwoman demurs, blinking a little. "Besides, it's not like they're locked up in the Barracks or anything." A gust of wind rushes down, causing Millie to reach up and hold onto her knitted cap to keep it from flying off her head. "Whoo that was a big one."

Basquirin puts on a face of innocents, blinking at Milani. "I was only kidding, you know that." He winks, then winces. The stablehand finally takes notice of the wind as it gusts at them. "Brrr! It was!" He shivers, and rolls his pant legs back down, muttering something under his breath. "Well, just be glad once the snow does come, that we can be cozy inside."

Milani gives the stablehand a long look. "Okay. Didn't sound like it, but okay." She can't help giggling a little at the sudden unrolling of Basq's cuffs. "See even natives get cold," she teases broadly, "including /me/." Her head bobs up and down though at his last. "Oh definitely, after playing outside, coming in to a good fire and some hot klah is just the best!"

Basquirin grins, and Basquirin defends himself, "Hey, I didn't say I was perfect!" The stablehand pouts playfully, and agrees with the last statement. "Klah and dry clothes are the best cure for cold, dripping snowballs all over you," he chuckles. "Or am I missing something?"

"Well it doesn't have to be dripping all over, but you know when you've been running around in the cold all day, it feels nice to curl up and let yourself get sleepy afterward. Relax and all." Milani returns Basquirin's smile then hunches her shoulders again as the wind howls down.

Basquirin unfortunately chooses the wrong time to stretch himself out, and thus this gust of wind hits him while he's rather vulnerable. "Ack!" His immediate reaction is to curl into his torso. Basq shivers, and then looks up, embarrassed. "Wow, the longer I stay here, the colder it feels. Is it getting windier?"

Milani gives Basquirin a sympathetic look. "It's been blowing off and on most of the time I've been out,' the assistant headwoman says and slips her feet down to the ground. She presses a kiss to her fingertips and then her fingers to distracted E'dre's cheek as she rises. "Okay, I think that's more wind than I can take for one day too, so I'm headed inside to warm up. See you later, boys," she says cheerily and heads off.

wroth, e'dre, milani, basquirin

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