Log: Who Works on their Rest Day? Basq.

Mar 25, 2008 18:12

Who: Basquirin, Milani
When: Afternoon, 10/11/15
Where: Common Room, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani's reconciling tithe train ledgers while Basquirin enjoys a rest day. Only 'rest' seems to mean 'work in the kitchens' instead of in the stables.

Common Room, High Reaches Weyr(#868RIJLs)
This small cavern has the crisp smells of a recent cleaning, mingled with its more usual smells of klah, woodsmoke, and people. Baskets of glows are scattered about the room, lighting up dark corners and generally providing a cozy atmosphere. Several chairs sit at a large, round table, and more chairs are against the walls, waiting for use. A large, soft fur is spread out in front of a small stone hearth which keeps the cavern warm for its occupants.

Milani sits perched at a table going through ledgers carefully with a pencil. Her fingers move frequently to the abacus on the table, flicking beads across columns and murmuring under her breath.

Basquirin appears to be somewhat more relaxed than some, walking into the common room from the dormitory. Actually, it would almost appear as if he's just awoken from a catnap. The stablehand stretches, and his gaze catches Milani working with the abacus at one of the tables. Stifling a yawn, he chances a quiet "Hello" in her general direction.

The bead Milani's got her finger on goes flying along the spoke and the assistant headwoman squints over in the direction of the stablehand. "Oh hey Basq," she greets him informally then squints at him all the more closely. "Are you like, sleeping on the job or something?" There's a glimmer of teasing in her eyes as she carries on with her work.

The glimmery eyes are contagious, and his voice is just as teasing as he replies, "Of course I am. That's what you're supposed to do on a rest day, isn't it?" He winks at the assistant headwoman, moving to sit close to her - but not close enough to interfere with her work. "You seem to be having fun."

"Ahhh, lucky you then," Milani says airily and rapidly tallies another column. "Pff, sure, it's a lot of numbers so it's kind of fun to hold them all in my head and play with them. We've got a lot of stuff to process from the tithe though," the assistant headwoman indicates.

"Indeed I am. Always nice to get a break." The stablehand smiles winningly, and shifts to make himself more comfortable in the seat. Listening to Milani, he comments "Well, at least there's a tithe to process," Basquirin chuckles lightly at the statement.

"Breaks are very very good," Milani agrees, "and tithes in the store rooms are also /very/ good. No coal shortages /this/ winter!" Flick, another bead goes across the abacus and another number gets written down by the young woman. "So. Other than sleeping, what've you done with yourself today."

Basquirin grimaces, and nods. "Yes, coal is a /very/ good thing." He places his hand on his palms, shaking his head as he remembers that winter, before answering Milani's next question. "Really, either hanging out, comforting my sad lump of a firelizard, or helping my parents in the kitchens," at this, he gestures back in the general direction of the kitchens, and grins. "Just a relaxing day."

"Ooookay, working in the kitchens is /relaxing/?" Milani eyes Basquiring skeptically. "If you say so, but me, you'll find me in a hammock or my room with a book come rest day." Millie puts her pencil down for a minute and stretches her hands out then tilts a curious look over at Basquiring. "Sad lump of a firelizard. Is he really that bad?"

"Well, all right, maybe the kitches part isn't /so/ relaxing," Basquirin grants, and chuckles. "It's either this, or working in the stables all day. And it was my decision to help my parents, for the most part." He winks. "Well, he's better than he was his hatching day. Still, Chubs just seems... sad. A lot. I think he needs a girlfriend." He gives an amused snort, before a grimace returns. "Hopefully he'll stop being so sulky."

"Well yeah, but rest day, means you know ... rest?" Milani tilts another curious look at Basquiring. "Sad. Huh. Maybe he'll catch a green when he gets big enough?"

"Hopefully. Maybe it'll make him happy. Something has to," Basq shrugs, before a chirp is heard. The aforementioned firelizard lazily glides down from a rafter in the lower caverns and softly plops on the table in front of them. Despite his young age, the brown firelizard looks haggard, and as the stablehand mentioned, sad. The 'lizart flattens his body on the table in the sulk, and Basquirin scratches a headknob, only receiving a half-hearted coo. "You need to cheer up, lad." He advises the firelizard quietly, before turning to Milani. "Well, I s'pose I should have just napped more instead of helping out in the kitchens. Dunno why I went to help out in the kitchens on my day off. Rare occasion," he smiles.

Milani stares at the lizard, puzzled. "Shells. He really is a wet noodle isn't he?" The assistant headwoman leans across the table a little, to offer a scritch to the brown.

"Indeed." Basquirin shakes his head, watching the firelizard heave a draconic "sigh" as he accepts Milani's offered scritch. "He can be more energetic and less... well... depressed, than this. Dunno why he does. He's an odd one," the stablehand sighs, and scratch's the brown's neck ridges. He looks back up at Milani, and asks, "Have any ideas?"

Milani shakes her head even as she scratches under the limp lizard's chin. "Nope. I can ask my mother though. She's got a firelizard." The assistant headwoman continues scritching for a bit. "So. What'd you think about the hatching?"

"If you could do that for me, I would appreciate it," Basq smiles cheesily, although the words are rather sincere. The firelizard sighs, and rolls on his side, falling asleep. The stablehand perks up a little at the mention of the hatching. "I thought it was exciting. Well, it would have been better if they hadn't hatched at such a horrible time," he chuckles. "I practically slept through the entire feast." He shook his head, and continued. "Anyways, it was nice to watch the hatching. I had at least met most of them when they had stable duty, so it was interesting to see them down there on the Sands."

Milani gives Basq another weird look for the cheesy smile but nods. "Sure." Laughing next, Milani nods. "Yeah, imagine having to get the Candidates out of bed so they didn't miss it!" She makes big eyes at the stablehand. "And yeah, I'm happy for the folks I knew pretty well who Impressed."

"It must have been an amazing feat!" Basquirin laughs. "I don't think I could have gotten them all up!" The laughter subsides down into a few chuckles, before he asks the same of her. "Did you enjoy the hatching?"

"Yeah, it's hard to get a bunch of people my age up in the morning," Milani says with a deep sigh. "I had to tickle feet in some cases!" The question earns a moment's thought and then a slow nodding of her head. "It went ... fast."

Basquirin giggles almost girlishly at the mention of tickling feet. He looks up at Milani, and nods. "Yes, it does go quickly once they begin." The stablehand shrugs. "Most of the time is spent preparing and celebrating it."

"Mm. Tell me about it," Milani makes big eyes again, a little roll of them following. At least it's relatively quiet now, just dealing with the tithe," a tap to the ledger.

"Yeah, it has been pretty quiet recently. Been nice," Basquirin agrees, stretching a little and taking the time to reposition himself - again - in his chair. Ah. "I wonder how those Weyrlings are doing, anyways."

"THey're around, ask 'em at mealtimes," Milani points out as she picks her pencil up again and reapplies herself to work. "E'dre's ... got his hands full with Wroth, and you know, L'vae seems to be doing all right with Bremuth. I see Leova around in the Bowl with Vrianth all the time. They're like ... tied at the hip."

Basquirin chuckles, "Tied at the hip? That's an interesting image," he teases, and then things. "One of the last times I ran into Lou was here - pretty sure you were here too. I think he was still trying to figure out what to expect." He thought about it, and nodded. He grins, "their lessons must be interesting."

Milani just arches an eyebrow at Basq. "I see them pretty much every day. You know. At meals." The young woman waves vaguely towards the living cavern. "Of course half the time they're so sleep-deprived they don't make much sense, but there you go." A shrug then. "Depends on what you like. Formations. Dragon anatomy. Harper stuff if someone's behind ...."

Basquirin nods. "I see them every now and then. I usually catch my meals at different hours, depending on my workloads and such," the stablehand explains. "I'm not always able to catch them, and sometimes I rush through my meal so that I can get back to the stables. I tend to try and go back early so that I can get out early," he grins. "Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't."

"Mmmyeah ... anyway, that's that for me." Milani flips the ledger closed and stacks her abacus on top of it. "I'm going to take this back to Hayda and then go change. I'll see you later, okay Basq? Don't do anymore work on your rest day, hear?"
Basquirin chuckles, and winks at Milani. "I'll try my best, I promise!" He lays back in the chair, looking completely lazy - as he should on his rest day!

milani, basquirin

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