Log: Impressions

Mar 17, 2008 10:03

Who: Basquirin, L'vae, Milani
When: Dinner, 9/6/15
Where: Kitchen, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani catches up with L'vae and Basquirin and there's talk of what it's like to actually Impress.

Thanks to louvaen for the clean log.

It's dinner time, the mad rush to get the meal out is just winding down and a lot of the staff are joining the crowd in the living cavern to actually eat though some workers linger over pots and pans or just perch at a counter to enjoy their own meals. Milani's opted to avoid the cavern this evening and occupies one of the nooks, bowl of stew near one hand, glass of water near the other, pitcher in the center of the table, and a checklist on clipboard in front of her. She's dropped her shoes off under the table and one bare foot is visible from beneath the hem of her skirt as she lets her hair down too. Off duty, but still working, apparently.

L’vae edges into the kitchen looking a mite wind ruffled. His eyes are lidded low, tired looking, but otherwise he seems content enough as he sneaks his way over towards the baking station. Before he can be shoed away he’s found what he’s after, warm rolls flecked with herbs. Snagging a couple, the young man makes his escape good… well, almost. Milani is spotted on his way back towards the door. With a furtive glance over his shoulder, Lou slides on over and into the chair opposite. “What do you have there?” he notes curiously, nodding towards the clipboard before tearing off an edge of bread for a bite.

Milani looks up as L'vae's shadow falls across the table and she has a bright smile for the Weyrling brownrider. "Hey you," she greets him cheerily and pushes the clipboard over so he can look at it. "Inventory for /you/ all, actually, work clothing, old riding jackets, that sort of thing for whenever you need them as things move along." She reaches for her bowl of stew, propping it up atop her knees and scans the Weyrling's face closely. "Shells you all look dog tired," she says bluntly. "Everything working out okay for you and Bremuth? And I think I'm like, way behind on saying congratulations, Lou."

L’vae peeks at the board, brows lifting. “I actually have been thinking of seeing about a few extra shirts,” he notes. “I keep needing to change after getting stains from the raw meat.” A deeper breath is taken, slow nod given. “I am tired. Early mornings. Exercise. And just, adjusting.” His mouth turns up softly. “But I would say things are working out well. You were right.” His smile brightens. “Thank you.”

From the direction of the lower caverns, a recently-cleaned Basquirin makes his way through the kitchens, briefly disappearing into the busy work stations. After a few moments, he appears with a couple of very fresh meat pies, and a rather bright grin on his face. He also grabs a meat roll, tearing it up and feeding a chunk to Chubby as he walks back into the tables, slowly stalking around them. His head swivels to and fro, peering around as if looking for something - really, he is. He eventually sees Milani and L'vae, and strolls up to them, with a cheerful "Hello!" to accentuate his greeting wave.

"Shirts, got it," Milani leans across the table and pulls the pencil out of the clip at the board's top to scribble a note. "And for blood stains, ask the cooks for some of the white powder they use as a rising agent. Helps to get the shirts cleaner in the first place if you sprinkle some on with cold water before you take the shirt to the laundry," she explains and shifts one hand briefly to reach for the Weyrling's, gives it a friendly little squeeze. "Glad to hear it and I'll consider that good luck charm to've worked," she notes with a wink and resettles back on her side of the table, applying herself to her food. "Mmf, Basq" is how her greeting comes out because her mouth's full.

“Ah, yes? I shall have to grab some, before I go back. Thanks for the tip.” L’vae follows her hand as it reaches across, peeking back up at the squeeze with bright eyes. A bit of color has splashed onto his ears. “Yes.” He takes a breath, the barest of hitches in the inhalation. Nerves, perhaps? “Charm…” If he was going to add anything else to that line of thought, it is lost as the weryling turns his smile up to Basquirin. “Good evening,” he greets, and then drops his eye to the meat pie. “Come in for dinner steaming from the oven?”

The stablehand takes a seat near the assistant headwoman and weyrling, taking a quick bite of the meat pie as soon as he's settled. A shocked look appears on his face, and Basq force-swallows the bite of food quickly. "Too fresh," he mutters to himself, before looking up at L'vae. "G'd'eve. That I have, though I s'pose I have to wait a tad. It burns!" Basquirin chuckles, and looks over at Milani, though he asks both of them, "So how are you tonight?"

Milani eyes that blush of L'vae's and a little bemused smile hitches up one corner of her mouth as she continues to eat. Chewing. Swallowing. All the basics. "Yep, and it really works too, though if some of those shirts already went through hot water, you're sort of stuck. Hanging them out in the sun while we still have some might work though. Bleach the marks out." There's another sweet smile for the Weyrling then a look of sympathy for Basquirin's too hot food. "Careful, here," she slides the water pitcher over. "All right, long day, over now. Going to have a nice long soak after I eat, read a good book and turn in early. You?"

"I'm all right. It'll be nice to get some rest tonight after eating," Basquirin says with a shrug, before pouring some water from the pitcher. "Thank you," he says, drinking some water from his cup, and then blowing on the meat pie, hoping to help the cooling down process.

There’s a sad little quirk to Lou’s lips at the thought of having ruined some of his shirts already, but it’s nudged away with a shrug. L’vae accepts the rest of her advice with a little nod before shifting his attention to Basquirin. “Long day, for me as well,” is answered. He pauses to take a few more bites from one of the rolls. “A soak and book. Now that sounds wonderful.” The weyrling sighs wistfully. “I don’t know that I should stay away that long.”

"Yeah, sure will be," Milani agrees with Basquirin, pausing to lick some gravy from her spoon. Again sympathy creases her face at L'vae's pronouncement. "Is Bremuth fussy then, Lou? I'll bet you could sneak in a /short/ soak and then if you take the book /with/ you, you could get that in after he's out for a bit. Though, if he's sleeping /now/ hmmm, maybe not." She sets bowl and spoon down, reaches across the table again to steal a bit of roll from L'vae. "Don't worry though, you'll get to lounge about again someday. Just ... not right away." She makes big expressive eyes at both stablehand and Weyrling.

Basquirin also gives L'vae a sympathetic glance. "Yes, I hope you can get some you time once in a while." The stablehand grimaces, and gives a wondering expression. "I wouldn't know how it's like. Is there much down time, Lou?" Basquirin asks of the weyrling, finally taking a careful bite of the meat pie. This time, the food isn't so hot, and he is able to swallow it without much difficulty.

L’vae holds out the roll obligingly so it can be better stolen. Fresh rosemary bread, the herbs crisped into the crust and flecked in the soft sourdough. “He’s not fussy,” said with a small shake of his head. “Quite the opposite, really. I suppose if I did that, it would be okay,” is granted to Milani’s suggestion. Tipping his gaze to Basq, the weyrling scrunches at the eyes as he chooses how to answer. “He is still sleeping quite a bit, but it’s periodic down time. I don’t think we’re supposed to leave them alone for too long.” Sitting back to better include both as he continues, “I wouldn’t really want to leave him for too long, because I don’t know that he’d tell me if he needed anything. His head knobs seem to need a lot of oiling, but he doesn’t complain about them ever,” is given as an example.

Milani dimples prettily at L'vae and breaks off a bit of the roll he holds out, hands the larger part back to him and nibbles on the fruits of her thievery. "Thank you," she sends Lou's way and uses the bread to sweep up the gravy from the bottom of her bowl. "Not fussy to the point of not telling you something he needs, interesting. So both easy and hard at the same time, because you have to keep a closer eye on him." Millie licks a clinging bit of gravy from her thumb. "Still, if you can get away with it, I say, have that soak. Who knows when you'll get the chance again."

"I agree with Milani," Basquirin says thoughtfully, gnawing on another bite of his meat pie. Chubby gives another hungry chirp, prompting the stablehand to tear off another piece of the meatroll and feed it to the brown firelizard. "Hopefully it would work," he smiles, and then leans back in the seat. "It is interesting, that he wouldn't complain about his needs, though."

“’Welcome,” L’vae says in return. The retrieved part of the roll is given another nibble as he listens. “That’s a good point,” he nods to their advisement to take the time when he can, eyes drifting to Chubby as he chirps. The corner of his mouth twists up. “It is… different. Different then what I expected,” he muses. “It’s not even like he’s refraining from complaining. Just, things are how they are.” A small furrow touching at the weyrling’s brow suggests that this is something he’s yet to fully understand himself.

Milani listens to L'vae with interest, brows peaking a little in the middle of her forehead. "That's very ... calm," she finally remarks and pops the last of her food into her mouth, brushing crumbs from her fingertips. "What did you expect, Lou?" Still curious, Millie's eyes scan the Weyrling's face.

Although Basquirin doesn't speak, his full attention is turned to L'vae as he speaks about Bremuth. The stablehand definitely has a curiosity about people's dragons - of course, that's not surprising for one who is Weyrbred.

L’vae nods, “calm, yes. Very.” He looks down at the remaining end of bread, turning it a bit. “Expect may be the wrong word,” he starts. “And I had an idea that dragons were all different, like people. But I thought they all would act more like children, be more like children, at least while young. But Bremuth, he’s so sure of who he is… seems to know so completely who he is.” Eyes lift, and shoulders, with bemusement. “I guess it’s easy to talk about someone else being in your head, but when it happens… it’s more then just talk. Or maybe I never really took it seriously enough,” he grants a touch sheepishly. “Just though of it as some new craft to join.”

Milani props her chin on her hand as she listens to L'vae's description and at the end of it there's another of her big wide beaming smiles for him. "You make it sound so poetic, Lou," she observes quietly, "but it does sound like you have a good match for you there. It's funny, I've been around riders all my life, but in the end, you just can't really understand it until it happens to you, can you?" Her mouth twists a little wryly then she shrugs and starts piling up her dishes. "Move over Basq, I'm sliding out for my soak. I'll be in the water caverns if anyone wants to tag along, in a bit." Waiting until Basquirin frees up the nook's exit, she slips out to dispose of her dishes, then comes back for her clipboard, leaning across the table for it a little with an apologetic smile for L'vae. "Beg pardon, almost forgot this." She offers a little pat for his shoulder, then she gives both a little wave. "See you later, gents."

Basquirin smiles, listening as L'vae gives his description of what he thinks of the dragon. "Listening you speak about Bremuth sounds well..." the stablehand blanks for a moment, unable to think of a word to describe it. "Well, I suppose amazing could be an understatement." When Milani asks him to move over, Basquirin obliges, then stands up himself, finishing up the meat pie. "I think I might head up to my quarter. Take care, Lou." And with that, the stablehand is off.

l'vae, milani, basquirin

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