Log: Break in the Galleries

Mar 15, 2008 01:48

Who: Aleudre, Basquirin, Johanne, Leova, Lujayn, Milani, Niena, Viviana
When: 8/30/15
Where: Hatching Galleries, HRW
What: Chit-chat in the galleries has some flirty overtones at least for Millie and Aleudre, while Lujayn gives her gran the grand tour and others weigh in variously.

Lifted from alchemy_l

Leova listens silently, though she does grimace at mention of a mauling. "Seems as though you're fine with where you are," she says finally. "Tailoring-wise. Don't see why people try to talk people into something else. Unless the people they're talking to aren't as fine with it as they let on."

Aleudre nods his head. "Yeah, I figure people just always want to see you be as ambitious as they are. Ambitions ruined my family, I have no intention of following suit with it." He fusses with his pants, picking a bit of fluff from it and then flicking it away from him. "What about you, will you stay on if you don't impress?"

Leova says, "Don't think I heard what happened to your family," the next thing to an outright question. "Stay? Didn't know when Milani asked me the other day either. Maybe. Lujayn and me, thinking of learning dragonhealing, maybe. Might go home. Might go to Tillek," context making that the Hold. "Or who knows where," she adds with a chuckle in her voice.

Aleudre chooses not to elaborate on the statement of family, instead he catches onto her interests. "Hm. I'd say Tillek would be interesting. But after being here, it might be hard to go back to Hold life, eh? Morals and all of that." He smiles at her, "I think you'll do well wherever you go, y'know? You have the right disposition and personailty for success."

If Leova is disappointed, her expression's overridden by confusion and just a little wariness. "Morals? Don't see why that would be a problem. 'Course, don't know what you mean about success, that way, either."

"..and some of them are probably here," Lujayn's voice starts up from the stairs, and soon she's standing on the top tier of the galleries with an older woman. Lu bends slightly to give the woman her arm, and the pair heads down for a better view in quieter conversation, almost in reverence to the eggs and their dam. The candidate looks up, expression brightening when she spies the other two. "I thought so. Hey, you two." She smiles and waves, heading closer.

Aleudre smirks at her. "No, you don't? Well. I had a thing or two to learn once I came here. I don't think I'd like going back to a Hold at all." He pauses, rubbing at his neck with a more casual smile. "Besides, there's something about the flare to the people here, y'know? Oh - Hi Lu," Aleudre cuts himself off as he notices Lu and the woman enter the galleries. His voice is soft, but it carries easily enough.

Leova all of a sudden laughs, just laughs. "Glad you're enjoying yourself," and something of his smirk makes it into her broadening smile. She doesn't immediately look up and back, but when she does she's still smiling, her nod to Lujayn's companion polite. "Lujayn."

Lujayn is all bright eyes and smiles, regardless of any nerves bubbling under the surface. Before she can launch into anything else, the elder at her side speaks up. "Don't mind if I take a seat," She moves carefully to sit, sizing up Leova and Aleudre with sharp blue eyes. "This is Johanne, my grandmother," Lu finally explains, making polite introductions. "She flew in from the Healer Hall." Jo nods with her own warm smile, "We heard everyone was getting riled up here. Wouldn't want to miss it!"

"Riled up is a good way to put it, Johanne," Aleudre answers with an easy smile. He drops his leg from the seat and turns to offer the older woman his hand. "I'm Aleudre, candidate currently but otherwise I tailor here at Reaches." He nods to Leova, "And this is the lovely Leova, talented in many things." He winks at the girl and then looks to Lu with a continued grin. "You ready for the end to this madness, Lu?"

Milani comes humming into the gallery and tilts a look up into the stands to see who's there since there's voices echoing. Recognizing voices she waves cheerily and starts stepping over risers to reach the cluster. "Hey Lu! Leova." Beat. "Aleudre." With a little chin lift and a pointed look. Her eyes rest curiously on Johanne and she smiles politely. "Reaches' duties, Milani, assistant headwoman. You must be some of Lujayn's family?" Hostess mode ahoy!

Leova murmurs, "Well met, Johanne," the sharpness of those eyes making her look a little longer than she might have done, stay a little quieter, but for a chuckle at Aleudre's introduction. And when Milani enters the picture, she dares a welcoming wave but no more.

"I'm sure she is, quite a lovely young lady too," Johanne replies knowingly to Aleudre as she shakes his hand, while Lujayn can only stare out at the eggs in scarlet mortification. "Madness, that's what you young folk get along with best." She pats her granddaughter's leg, who has been lured into a silence similar to Leova's. "Yes, I'm her granddam Johanne. Healer's duties," Jo nods to Milani, "High Reaches has excellent hospitality, I must say. Everyone I've seen about has been busy with preparations."

"Yes ma'am, we do like to make sure everyone's well cared for," Milani answers Johanne respectfully. "Though I'll admit I'm taking a break just now myself." She tucks a strand of hair back behind her ear and props a foot up on the next highest riser, not sitting but definitely joining the group. "Thanks Aleudre," the young woman answers a bit more warmly.

Leova gets that faintly quirky smile again, and tries to catch Lujayn's eye should she glance back their way. And, if Johanne isn't looking or at least doesn't look like she's looking, give her a surreptitious wink. And then Aleudre, a broader smile. Nerves? What nerves?

"A ladies' man, I see," Johanne continues to needle at Aleudre as he greets Milani, though those sharp eyes are dancing. "Just the sort of young man to put out on the sands, yessir. Please sit," She indicates to Milani, while Lujayn tries to fight the outrageous grin from her face. "Only a bit," She says after a moment, "You can't say you're /not/ nervous?"

Aleudre seems caught in the moment of looking, however obviously, at Milani and so Johanne's question catches him off guard. He laughs though, shaking his head to free the surprised look that initially settled on his features. "Me, a ladies man? Not on purpose, ma'am. More out of habit, I suppose." He seems bemused at her last, "Why would that be good out on the sands?" To Lu, he sobers and shrugs his shoulders. "Nothing to be nervous about, I figure I'll be left out there and can move on to other things, y'know?" He seems cheerful by that admission where others might be less inclined to such positive thinking.

Leova murmurs, "Please, take my place, ma'am," and vacates her spot by dint of swinging her legs over the bench to the other side and getting up into the clear aisle from there. Once she's more or less behind Johanne, she mouths to Aleudre and company, 'Good luck!' and then vanishes out the exit.

"Very much a charmer," Milani agrees with Johanne with a wide grin, about Aleudre. "But a good kisser nonetheless. And thank you ma'am, but I'll just fidget if I sit, so I'd rather stay up for now." She eyes Aleudre speculatively. "Moving onto other things like other places where maybe you don't have to /work/ so much?" Pointed commentary and an uplifted brow.

Lujayn waves after Leova somewhat helplessly, but is drawn back into the conversation as her grandmother continues with "Oh, just those types of people, Aleudre. You'd think Lujayn wanted to show me around just to get out of chores, she was so eager," Johanne chuckles as Lu fidgets. "Of course that's not true, I made sure my visit was a surprise." Lujayn doesn't remonstrate Aleudre for his opinion, but still frowns. "Where would you want to go afterwards?"

Aleudre blinks at Milani and the slightest bit of color rises up to his cheeks at her comments. "Mm. I don't know if she needed to know that, but if it means I'm a better man for it, okay - good to note for future meetings." He offers a crooked grin, "And no, I'm not moving from here. I think Hayda will let me have my job back, won't she? I'd hate to have to go somewhere else." He chooses not to comment on the 'work' but there's a hinted smirk in his smile. "I'm a big supporter of chore ditching, Johanne," Aleudre admits with a wink at Lu. "Lu probably has told you about it."

"It's the truth," Milani says, unconcerned with a little roll of one shoulder. "He's also fairly honorable, if that makes any difference. Just lazy as all get out." And at that, Milani finally does sit, right next to Aleudre even and moves one arm to drape loosely across his shoulders. "Hayda will let you have your job back if you /do/ it and if you /want/ it." She smiles over at Lujayn and Johanne. "It's been a good group of Candidates over all, really. I shouldn't complain. I just like to needle Aleudre here a little."

"Among other things, yes," Johanne says airily, "She's had plenty of time to tell me all about her fellow candidates." While Jo nods to herself, Lujayn is busy waiting for the galleries to swallow her up. Hoping entire conversations aren't about to be repeated for everyone to hear, she straightens and grins. "Thanks, Millie. The way some people talk, you'd think candidates were all scoundrels."

Aleudre has the appearance of a man at his leisure and satisfied with it immensely as Milani seats herself beside him and tosses her arm over his shoulders. He grins at her, brow lifting. "I never faulted in my job when I had it. I've only been playing lazy since I became a candidate." He looks to Johanne, curiously. "Other things? Oh, I don't know if I want to ask. A lot of the girls seem to have an opinion of me one way or another." He grins at lu and then looks back to Milani. "Y'know, after our last conversation, I'll have you know I started working with Jaeni to improve people's perceptions of me." Innocently, "And maybe work a little harder too."

Milani reaches over to poke at Aleudre's nearer shoulder. "Bad time to decide to amp up the lazy. But then you know that, I already /told/ you." The girl makes big eyes at Aleudre but then she deigns to plant a light kiss on his cheek before pulling her arm away to fold both hands in lap, knees bouncing up and down a little. "Well good. I'm glad you /tried/ at least." Another beam for Lu. "Oh noooo. Scoundrels? No. Just one." An elbow nudge for Aleudre.

Lujayn is clearly relieved when Johanne fails to comment further, the old woman focusing more of that needling attention on the sands. "He can't have all the scoundreling for himself, though," Lu points out. "Maybe I'm a scoundrel and I haven't told yet." At this Jo interjects "I should hope not," but goes on scrutinizing Teonath's eggs.

Aleudre holds up a hand in defense at the light poke. "C'mon, I at least started to try, right? That's all that matters. And yes, it was your /telling/ that got me started on it." Her big eyes draws a fond smile from him and the kiss just adds to the delight evident in his gaze. "I'm not the only scoundrel," he acknowledges with a grin Lu's way. "As she pointed out, perhaps she's in hiding. I can give lessons, y'know."

Milani laughs a little at Lu's quip. "You're mischief, Lu, but not scoundrel." And she winks over at the other Candidate. "No, getting it /right/ in the end is what matters," Milani insists to Aleudre then her eyes roll a little. "Oh so it's lessons now. Watch out world, we're all in trouble now."

"I do his chores as payment, that's why he looks so lazy." Lujayn laughs, missing how Johanne keeps one eye on Aleudre's antics. "If I'm only mischief, how will anyone take me seriously?" The girl pouts, seated beside her grandmother on one bench, near to where Milani and Aleudre sit next to each other. The air seems ripe with teasing despite the presence of an elder.

"What's wrong with offering lessons?" Aleudre asks Milani, all innocence. "I mean, she's ripe for learning. Mischief doesn't make you a class act. I'm telling you, slyness, deceit, and all around lazed behavior is the way to go." He laughs, flapping his hand and stops himself short. "I'm only joking, of course," he directs to Johanne, noting her attention. "I'm a fine enough person. Promise."

"Nothing, silly," Milani laughs, enjoying the banter. "But I have to disagree. Mischief is good though, you know, good sense of humor, but not /too/ much trouble," notes the assistant headwoman to Lu with a wink.

Niena moves quietly up the stairs, scritching a baby green firelizard perched on the railing before noticing the people. She asks shyly "Am I interupting anything?"

"It's so hot in here," Johanne fans herself. "Lujayn, would you please see if the kitchens can spare something cool for an old lady? Bring us all a pitcher, if you can." The runner jumps up with a nod, "Sure, Jo." Lu waves to Niena in passing, disappearing for the requested drink, as Johanne calls to the new face. "Of course not. Come sit, let me hear if Aleudre's a scoundrel in your opinion as well."

Aleudre shakes his head at Johanne's announcement. "Well! I see that gossiping is about to begin. So I might as well let you all get to it, without me right here." He grins. "That way, you can get the /true/ facts, huh Johanne?" He notices Niena and offers the girl a wave. "I've got things to do, or something. I'll see you all around, I'm sure." He smiles at Milani, moving closer to whisper in her ear before daring a brief one-armed hug. He winks and then rises. "Don't do anything I'd do, likely to get you in trouble," he directs Niena's way as he heads out.

Milani bursts out laughing at Aleudre's parting remark and waves him off cheerily, propping elbows to knees and chin to hands a little smile on her face. "Charmer!" she calls after him teasingly. "Heya Niena. And a drink would be lovely, thank you for thinking of it ma'am." To Jo.

Viviana skirts past Aleudre as he makes his leave, her usual disdain for her fellow candidate evident as she lifts her skirts unnecessarily high in order to avoid any contact. "So..." She smiles to the rest gathered. "Those eggs looking any harder, I hear they are about to burst?" Freshly scrubbed and looking as serene as a summer's light breeze on the lake, Vivy's appearance is deceiving, a little twitch in her cheek betrays her nervousness.

Niena blinks owlishly at Aleudre as he departs, but goes over to sit by Johanne as she was bade. Slowly, as if carefully weighing her words, she says "I'm not really sure. He and I never really did any chores together. He does draw good pictures, though."

Basquirin slowly appears from the entrance from the bowl, smiling at those gathered in the galleries. "Hello, there. I can't help but sense a certain excitement in the Weyr," the stablehand says with a chuckle. As he nears the gathered crowd of people, there seems to be a stiff limp to his step.

"That's lovely," Johanne smiles kindly to Niena, "Everyone here is so interesting, I'm sure you know all kinds of things too." This also directed to Viviana, who has entered the old lady's line of sight. "You must be Viviana; Lu said you were the most meticulous of her candidate friends."

"She sews really nicely," Milani offers over to Johanne as well about Viviana as she rises. "And Niena's awesome with kids. And your Lu's just helpful all around." Brushing out her skirts the assistant headwoman bobs a semblance of something like a curtsey for Lujayn's gran. "A pleasure meeting you, I hope you'll enjoy the visit. I need to get back to getting things ready. Candidates, don't be too nervous and I'll see you later. Toodles!" And off goes Millie with another bright smile and a wiggle of waving fingers.

Viviana smiles, charmed by the guest. "She did? I am surprised ma'am and you hold me at a disadvantage. I am Viviana, yes and I gather you are a special guest of Lujayn?" She pinkens under the compliment of her sewing as she settles on a bench. "I've been trying to keep myself busy but I am in danger of getting callouses on my knees from helping baste up the candidate robes.

Johanne looks pleased enough. "It's good to hear of upstanding candidates as well as mischevious ones." She says to Milani as the assistant headwoman returns to her work. "Of course she did," Jo tells Viviana. "I got an earful about most while she was showing her old granddam around the Weyr. She's just fetching drinks now," Just as the long-legged runner appears up the stairs, slightly slower for the pitcher of iced juice and the tray that balances several glasses. "Oh, hey Vivy," Lu blinks, taking into account the faces that left and appeared during her errand. "Juice?" Hands full, she has no choice but to offer the pitcher around.

Niena holds out glasses for Lujayn to fill, passing the first to Johanne and setting the second on a bench. Then she holds out her hands to take the tray, if Lujayn wants to divest herself of it.

"Thanks," Lujayn breathes as she hands off the tray to Niena, reaching to pour herself a glass as she takes a seat on Johanne's other side. "The kitchens are absolutely jam-packed with people, but I managed to get this from the lunch table." Jo takes the glass from Niena, drinking deeply. "Ah, that's better. Can't say how glad I am not to have to stand on those hot sands, with this stifling weather."

Niena smiles quietly. "I'm not sure which is hotter, the sands or outside." At the mention of kitchens, Niena gets up. "I should go back and help out." she murmurs. "It was a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." After nodding to the other candidates and smiling at Lujayn she heads out.

"Bye," Lujayn grins after Niena, refilling Johanne's glass. The two sit together for some time, talking over this or that, until finally the heat wins out over the entire pitcher of juice. Arm in arm, they climb carefully up the tiers and out into the fresh air of the bowl.

niena, basquirin, johanne, milani, leova, lujayn, aleudre, viviana

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