Log: Drinks With Lou

Mar 08, 2008 00:47

Who: Louvaen, Milani
When: Sunset, 7/26/15
Where: Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani wheedles drinks out of the barkeep and carries on a friendly and occasionally flirty conversation with Louvaen.

Louvaen's steps slow at the threshold in order to take in the scene at the Snowasis. It's full enough that there aren't too many choices about where to sit. Spotting near the entryway one of the tables-for-four that is missing one of its chairs, the young man leans in closer to Milani so he'll be easier heard over the voices in the bar. "Shall we try to grab that table? It might get a bit of a breeze." He points it out. "Or do you prefer the bar itself?"

There's an answering lean from Milani to catch the words over the din. "Oh sure! You go grab the table, and take this stuff with you," she releases his elbow then and piles towel, hide, ink bottle into his arms. "And /I/ will go winkle." So saying she pats at her hair, smoothes out her dress and shakes her shoulders back, adjusting her posture so it does some nice things to her figure. "Hard or soft drink?" An afterthought as she's already taking a step towards the busy bar.

Louvaen gives a nod, and then blinks as he tries not to drop what he's handed. "Right." Dawning bemusement lights his face as he watches the girl prepare herself. "Oh! Uhm. Hard. Cold. Banana and raspberry with rum, if you can... winkle it!" His voice gets louder, calling out as she moves away, but may be lost in the din anyway. Hugging the stuff to his chest, he carefully scoots over to the table. A quick glance given to the table reveals wet-rings, so for the moment he just sits down with it all in his arms so he can lean and peer over to the bar to try and see what Milani is up to.

There's a brief impression of twinkling eyes and an echo of those words. "Hard it is. And hoping for fruity and cold." And then with a swish, Milani is off, sauntering up to the bar with a meaninful walk that catches at least one set of eyes and attracts the barkeep's attention. Said barkeep smirks a little as the girl sidles up and slides in between two other patrons. "Oops, don't mind me, yeah? I just need to have a /short/," she holds up two fingers squeezing air between them, "word with Tillion here," she says with a girlish giggle and briefly downcast eyelashes. Then her elbows are bracing on the edge of the bar and her chin propping on interlaced fingers, hair falling just /so/ over her shoulder. "It's so hot ... I could really use one of those super cool drinks you put together Tillion. Aren't you trying out some Istan specialties this seven in honor of the pressing heat?" There's a quiet affirmative as the barkeep wipes down a wet spot on the counter, clearly amused by Milani. "I could /taste test/ for you, you know. Maybe something bananaey, and raspberryish?" Her finger traces a little pattern through another condensation ring. "And I'll totally find that Southern rum for you, you know, the stuff that came in three sevens ago and got misplaced." Ahhhhh. So /that's/ how she does it. Another pair of nods follow and not long after with a beaming smile of thanks, Milani turns, sashays back to Louvaen letting Tillion get in a good look as she goes. "Heeeere we are!"

Louvaen is all big eyes and bemusedly slack jaw, just sitting dumbly at the table as he watches. As this stretches on for a bit of time, he earns quite a few odd looks as new people walk in past him. But the candidate doesn't seem to care, fascinating as he finds the show. When Milani is on her way back his smile turns into a livelier thing, his weight finally shifting back. Shaking his head, he'll now tear his eyes away to find a safe and dry spot on the table. Ink and hides are set carefully on the surface, while her towel is draped for now on the extra chair. "My dear," he drawls as she walks up, "you are too much for words. And that looks delicious."
Milani sets Louvaen's glass down with a little flourish. "Still in training, but I think I'll get there eventually," she says merrily, dropping the whole swishy act and plunking down into her chair in a far more innocent and uncontrived fashion. "It /smells/ pretty darn good too. But I'm thinking only one apiece or you'd be breaking the rules, because there's a dragonweight of /rum/ in here." Big eyes again as Milani takes an experimental sip from her glass. "Oooooo! You've got good taste, Beer Seller." And she winks over at him, friendly-like.

"You'll be downright formidable. Thank you." He accepts the glass, grinning across at her. "Only one," he promises. The young man's eyebrows peak pathetically. "I have a hard enough time with all this work without a hangover, so I assure you I'm not eager to risk one." Louvaen pulls his own glass closer, a pleased smile blossoms on his lips. "Your bartender must have a good wrist," he defers. Taking a sip from his own glass, he mmm's contentedly. "Yep. Better then I remember - I first had something like this when we were trading in Boll." A tap of his finger is given the glass.

"Formidable is /exactly/ what I'm aiming for, but without being all ... mean or anything," Milani explains, taking a further sip from her glass. "And good on you for having the sense to know that. Some of the Candidates," she rolls her eyes up ceilingward, "couldn't take them for drinks like this. They'd not pay attention and get soused and then I'd have to punish them and that'd just /suck/." More of the drink tasted and she leans back in her chair, leg crossing over thigh and bouncing a little in place. "He's a good guy, Tillion. Likes to watch me walk in a short skirt, but a good many anyway. I think he's got his eye on Mera there though," and she points out a harried looking serving girl carrying a lot of ale to a table. "Boll? Shoo, you sure do get around, Louvaen, don't you?"

"To you being kindly formidable, then," Louvaen smirks with a little tip of his glass, never mind they've already started, and then lifts it to drink again. He licks the frothy dew from his lip as he sets the cup down, sliding a forearm onto the table and leaning in a little. "You know," he states with a frank look, "it's because I'm one of the old, boring and moldy candidates." Mouth twisting in a smirk again, he lifts his hand up to prop his chin on the heel as he listens. Eyes go to harried Mera a considering moment, following the girl to the table. His hand drops back to the glass at Milani's last questions, eyes sparkling over the top as he twists it into its condensation ring on the table. "I guess. Boll and High Reaches, they were the two end points of my ship's trade routes. You've done a bit of travel yourself? You were speaking of Ista the other evening."

Milani leans her glass over to clink the edge of Louvaen's gently, takes another sip herself. "Oh yeah, because you're /so/ old. What .. nineteen? Twenty tops?" THe assistant headwoman's brows hike up a little. "Still, you know, trade route, takes you places. And you usually did it all by boat? Me I have dragonriders for parents and a knack for hitching rides. It's easy a-dragonback." She snaps her fingers. "Think it and you're there."

"Twenty two. Ancient," he says exaggeratedly with a wink. "Mmm," he notes affirmatively in the midst of a long sip. "Sometimes I would have given anything to be at whatever hold with a thought. But," he gives a shrug, toying with his glass again. "I learned a lot, stopping at all the little places we did along the coast. I don't think I would give up that experience." A little smile is turned back up to Milani.

"Oh, positively," Milani says with a laugh. "You get to see more on a boat. More of the details. A-dragonback you don't have a sense of how far you've gone," the girl muses and works steadily on her own drink. "Sounds like you really enjoyed it. THat's good to hear Louvaen. Good to've had that kind of life y'know. Before everything, /maybe/, changes." Her own glass has made it down to empty and Milani returns that smile, warm and bright. A moment later she's sliding to her feet though and reclaiming towel and hides and so on. "I should really get this stuff back to where it belongs and find Tillion his rum." She bundles the stuff neatly and pauses next to Lou's chair thoughtfully. "Thanks for the lovely chat and having a drink with me and the story. You're one of the good ones, Lou." Milani leans in to drop a kiss lightly on the Tillekian's cheek before she glides off through the crowds of people towards the lower caverns.

milani, louvaen

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