Log: Talk of the Future

Sep 11, 2007 17:58

Who: A'son, Milani, Shanlee
When: day 11, month 6, turn 13, 10th Interval
Where: Lower Caverns, High Reaches Weyr
What: Shanlee comes across Millie changing glows in the caverns corridor. A'son stumbles by too, briefly. Shan has some interesting questions for Milani about future plans.

Lower Caverns, High Reaches Weyr(#1090RIJs)

Sunlight streams into this large cavern freely, the bustle of the day's work taking hold. Lower caverns folk move about the cavern, covering glow baskets, and starting to settle in for the morning's activity. Children dash through pursued by anxious nannies or parents, intent on discovering what there is to play with today, and the late-risers emerge down the stairs, heading towards the laughter of the living caverns. The looms begin their steady clattering, messengers pass through on their way to see this person or that, and the murmured voices of the workers lend an active backdrop hum of life.

Passageways lead off in many directions around the cavern, forming a nexus of sorts. An archway opens up into the bowl; a wide tunnel leads out of the weyr; a well worn set of stairs rise up to the living quarters of the Weyr staff; and sounds and smells from the south indicate the presence of the living cavern and kitchen.

Today it's glowbasket duty for Milani. The girl's up on a ladder, swapping the things out of the baskets that line the busy corridor that dives through the heart of the lower caverns. Of course, she's also singing just a little off-key, something that's of dubious appropriateness for a girl her age.

Hop to the left, skip to the right, frown at a knee-high collision - these seem to be maneuvers Shan has become deft at in avoiding the giggling, screeching mob of littlies that come streaming through and out of the lower caverns with nannies on tow. Clearly the warmer weather is drawing them outdoors and allowing those busy at looms some respite from the distractions. That the Weyrsecond has managed all this without spilling a drop of klah from the mug in her hand doesn't however stem the muttered grumbling about 'midgets inundating the weyr.' and other things along similar lines.

A'son strides in from the storerooms.

Milani looks around and down as the littles run by. "Oh hey there Shanlee!" The girl calls out from atop her ladder, waving a handful of used glows.

Light swinging about overhead catches Shan's attention and so upward she peers to find the figure of one Milani up a ladder. Now a grin forms across the Weyrsecond's face "Think I scared them all away?" this in clear indication of the 'midgets' as the last few stragglers scuttle by.

"Nah, probably not! You're strict but not /that/ scary," is Milani's blunt comment. She leans in to stuff the fresh glows into the basket, putting the used ones into a 'trash' pouch slung across her body and snaps the glowbasket closed. What follows next is a stunning example of the imprudence of youth as the girl slides down the ladder (safely) with a little hop at the end.

Shanlee waggles her brows and puts on her best 'fierce' face for good measure at the youthful descent Milani opts for. Unfortunately the littlie that had somehow slipped through nanny clutches and was lagging behind the others catches this and assumes it was aimed at her. Bottom lip quivering, eyes growing wide the child breaks out in a wail and fairly streaks from the immediate vicinity "One of my fans." the Weyrsecond quips wryly with a nonchalant backhanded wave at the tot's line of escape.

A'son strolling along in the caverns, accompanied by a younger girl. Those familiar with the man might notice the strong familial resemblence they have to one another. He gives a shrug to his shoulders as the two stop outside the entrance to one of the storage rooms. "Well, you wanted me to find something. Sorry it's not anything exciting." He can be heard saying to the girl with a hint of a humor to his voice. "Guess we're just 'Reaches folks." The girl rolls her eyes at A'son and before turning on heel and leaving says, "You just didn't search hard enough!" Stamp! And she's gone. This leaves the bronzerider free to continue on, where his path brings him to Milani and Shanlee. He blinks in surprise as a little girl runs through the caverns in tears. "Are you practicing the look you give riders, Shan?"

Milani just gives Shan a cheeky grin and starts to move the ladder then A'son comes strolling along. "Hey you, help out with this? Pleaaaase?" The little running off crying earns a rolled-eye look from the teen. "Shells ... well, maybe some of 'em."

There's a lopsided grin that forms on Shan's mouth at A'son's query as she follows the progress of a rather grumpy looking mini-A'son "Could scowl at her too if you like? Family of yours?" Mug coming to mouth, a swallow of klah and then "Nah. I figure scare 'em while they're young and if they impress, by the time they hit the wings? Just one look." emphasized with a solitary finger raising. Here that not-so-fierce, fierce look appears and is leveled at the bronzerider "See? You just got a shiver there didn't you?" Yeah, right. Back to Milani as she wheedles help from A'son "What you been up to?" ignoring the obvious changing of glows in baskets "Raided any good cookie stocks lately?"

"Little sister. Your scowling doesn't scare me most of the time, I think she might be semi-immune too." A'son responds with a grin. He steps up to the ladder and peers up at Milani. "What am I helping you with? And hey, haven't seen you around in awhile." When Shanlee starts shooting scarey looks at him, he glances over to her and laughs. "Oh yeah, I'm feeling the shivers all up and down my spine. Very afraid."

Milani is safely on the ground already and she pokes at the ladder. "Move this for me, won't you?" and she does a passing imitation of one of the lower caverns' most notorious flirts, complete with batting eyelashes and thrust out hip with hand on it. Then she breaks out laughing and dimples up at Shanlee. "Cookies, yes. You want some? And that's a look I should learn." So saying, she tries hard but doesn't quite hit the mark with the shiver-me-timbers look.

Shanlee rolls her eyes "Just no fun. No fun at all." with a dramatic sigh of concession to A'son's words on scowls. A fine brow hikes upward in open amusement at Milani's display of pouty pleading "You're getting pretty good at that. You'll have men at your beck and call in no time." whether this is meant as a teasing compliment for the teen or a slight on mankind in general is left a little hazy for now. Green eyes roam over her likely in search of said cookie stash "You got some on you?" fine features schooled into a near perfect facade of sincerity and with a slow nod "Should do so. See? Just one look is all it took and he admits to shivers." Again that mug lifts and hides the low chuckle that spills out now.

"Sure." A'son responds simply, pushing it wherever she directs. He only shakes his head in wry amusement for her display. "What are they teaching you girls in harper lessons these days? I'm going to have a talk with that guy." He grins and casts another look in Shanlee's direction. "Yeah, you know me. Just one look from a woman and I'm right back doing manual labor. Pushing ladders around. Men are easy marks." He comments, lips twisting into that grin once more.

Milani beams up at Shanlee. "I've been practicing that one a fair bit. Shadira's /so/ obvious with it you know. It's easy." She points peremptorily down the hall about four feet. "Next glow niche of course. Otherwise I suppose you're tall enough to stand in for a fresh glow basket if I put these on top of your head!" Millie hefts a handful of glows teasingly in A'son's direction then she boggles at him and sticks her tongue out. "I'm fourteen and a /half/ I'm too big for Harper lessons now." Covertly though she's digging into her pocket for a cookie that she extends to Shanlee. 'Fresh baked this morning. Got a few others stashed away for later."

The mug doesn't hide the easy laughter that follows the chuckle from Shan now "Alright, fine. So I'm not that scary. But don't tell anyone - you'll ruin my reputation and have the Weyrleader rethinking my position." a teasing wink follows the words. The Weyrsecond snickers softly at Milani's attempts to turn the bronzerider into a convenient human depository for glows. "Shadira..." she begins and then thinks better of it, opting for rather safer comment of "That tongue will get pulled one day." Glancing over to Milani - oh cookies! That seems to distract for the time "Thanks." the word muffling out around treat that is being wolfed down quickly enough that the petite woman may not have eaten in days.

"Well what was he teaching you while you were in 'em?" A'son asks teasingly. "Harpers, we can't trust them with the kids these days." The ladder is pushed down to the next niche. "No, I think I'll pass. Like you said, you're fourteen and a half. You're a big enough girl to climb the ladder and put the glows in." A distant look hits his eyes and the bronzerider frowns. "I'm sorry, I need to take care of something. Nice running into you girls again." Without further explanation the man is on his way to the bowl.

"The Weyrleader'd be a right fool to fire you for just that." Milani speaks arms akimbo as she follows along towards the ladder's new position. "You're too good of a leader. Leastways, that's what mum says." All the authority of a know-it-all teenager too in that statement but she passes off another cookie to Shanlee given how well the Weyrsecond seems to appreciate the treat and she tosses her head a little. "The harper? You don't wanna know. And I was just /teasing/ silly." She reaches over to nudge A'son's arm gently, then up the ladder she goes in a flash at a speed that would make most parents fear a broken neck.

Cookie done with and dusting her hand off on her breeches, Shan grins angelically at Milani "That's because I pay your Mum to spread only good things about me." brows wiggle and a pointed look goes to where the cookie had appeared from "In cookies." holding the next one given over up "So, what good things am I to say of you seeing as I'm being paid in cookies too?" Yes, today and for this time at least, the usually serious Weyrsecond seems more like the girl she used to be. A'son's swift departure draws brows upward "Okay, now I'm starting to get a complex. Or...." a lopsided grin for the teen "....it was because he didn't get a cookie."

"Mum wouldn't take a bribe and you know it," fires back Milani from the top of the ladder, busily swapping out old glows for new, then she cants a look down at Shanlee. "About me? Huh." She shrugs once. "Just tell the truth. That I did my duty and did it right."

Shanlee shifts and leans her back lazily against the wall, foot lifting to brace against it behind her. Milani's comeback is met with momentary silence before "Yeah, I know." brows knit briefly over something. Leaning her back enough to watch the other's progress the Weyrsecond concurs "You work hard Milani, I'd never say otherwise." pause "Mind if I ask you a question?" an odd taint to the light voice.

Finishing the job on this basket, Millie skitters back down the ladder, oblivious to that silence and the frowny face. That last though pauses Milani in her tracks and she perches on one of the lower rungs of the ladder. "Shoot," she invites casually, pooling the pouches she's carrying in her lap.

Once Milani has settled herself on the lower rung and gives the go ahead, Shan adopts a fairly nonchalant demeanor and tone "Where do you see your life in five turns time?" In further explanation, the greenrider adds whilst toying with the now empty mug in her hands "In terms of a job and advancement in it. What you want for yourself - a family and kids like your Mum or just exploring what life has to offer?" attention has slid off the girl and now onto the mug.

"I dunno," Milani replies promptly. "I mean, Mum's starting to push y'know. 'Isn't there a Craft you'd like to join Milani? Maybe you can get a job from Dassah, Milani?'" She mimics her mother's gently concerned tone. "I guess ... well I do want to explore more and ... ew. Kids? Noo way!" The girl makes big eyes over at the Weyrsecond. "I mean ... it'd be nice to maybe meet a boy or two I might like. You know. Find out what all that's about. But kids?" She shudders visibly. "Nuh unh."

Taking all this in with a wry smile for Milani's mimicking of her mother, Shan nods slowly "Guess its different when you're weyrbred in some ways. Your mother was training at the Weaver Hall wasn't she? Perhaps that's something to look at?" mention of the Headwoman's name brings a longer pause for thought "Would be nice for you if you could stay weyrside with your family. And you do seem to take what they give you to do seriously." A glance flickered over to the teen and then dropped off again "There's plenty of time to worry about the whole...children thing." the last drawing a fairly good rendition of disgust from the Weyrsecond. Talk on boys however brings a grin back to the fine features "Just be sure you stay clear of some the cavern boys right?" a chuckle spills out "Although I'm quite sure they know better then to mess with the assistant weyrlingmaster's daughter."

"Mum didn't start doing that 'til after she was a rider. You know. During the real Interval. And, uh, ew. No. Sewing. Yuck." There goes that tongue again, sticking out. "If I went out for anything it'd be Smithing! Like my Dad!" Milani's face lights up a little but then falls as she holds out a slender arm. "I'm not really ... cut out for it though." Her elbows prop up on bony knees and her hands in turn prop up her chin. "I know /all/ aboutthe cavern boys. Don't worry. Mum's told me everything I need to know. She's careful like that, even though it's kind of embarrassing to talk about. Anyway. Yeah, most of the guys down here know better than to mess with me. But most of 'em aren't that interesting. There's a couple of riders ... maybe. The younger ones." She shrugs. "I dunno. It's not that important. I'm happy where I am for now, though getting my own room would be good."

"Ah, yes. That's right. I remember her telling me that now." Shan returns. Amusement plays around her mouth on Milani's take on sewing and the Weaver craft followed by a blink of surprise as Smithing is mentioned "Oh? That's something that interests you?" Slender build or not approval for daring to be different lights the green eyes. Once the talk turns to boys and some of the younger riders in particular, the Weyrsecond's arcs a brow upward "I would expect nothing less from Emilly." To the teen knowing all she needed to, she leans over a little and whispers conspiratorially "Mothers can be embarrassing like that." wink. It's the latter that now draws interest "Is that something that's a possibility in the near future for you?"

"Sure, Smiths get to build cool things and work with metals and rocks and figure things out. I like figuring things out," muses Milani more seriously, her usual cheeky expression traded in for solemnity. "Besides, I'm good with numbers. Which is just about the only thing I was good at in Harper lessons." She heaves out a deep sigh and scuffs a foot at the ground then looks back up at the Weyrsecond. "Mum's not so bad as they go. I think she was more embarrassed about it than I was really. Ain't much that scares me. Though I guess there was plenty in /that/ talk to scare me a little. Y'know. About how not to have a baby and how easy it is to wind up with one if you're not careful." Her head ducks again and she examines the battered tips of her shoes minutely. "Not really. I moved into the dorms, out of the kids' cave which is good. But my own room? Who knows. I'd like my own space though where I don't have to share with so many other girls."

Interest peeks into Shan's eyes as Milani explains the different aspects of Smithing that she found of interest and where her strengths lay too "You've given it a lot of thought I see." approval lacing the words together. Strangely enough while the Weyrsecond initially catches the teen's eye when she looks back up there is a tell tale sign of a blush over talk of how to avoid offspring. "Guess it's a bit different for a rider." is all she manages on the topic, quickly dropping her gaze away and out toward a rotund aunty that's badgering another over a shuttle of yarn she's wanting to use on her loom. Relieved to have another topic to move to, the petite greenrider smiles warmly "That's a step in the right direction." lips twist sympathetically "Having your own space to retreat to is really nice, but sometimes the other girls can provide company?" At that moment a wingrider steps in from the bowl and looks around hesitantly as his eyes adjust to the change in light.

"Yeah. I'm just not in too much of a hurry to make up my mind s'all. I've got ... well a little more time anyway." Shanlee's blush earns a curious look from Milani, but the teen doesn't quite put two and two together. "Sure, it's different for riders. In the end you can always take a long trip Between if things don't work out how you want 'em to. Mum even offered to help me out with that if it got down to it, though I could tell she doesn't really approve." She shrugs again. "Anyway, yeah, I don't mind the company part, but it's awfully tight being squeezed in with five others. Sometimes it's almost better to cadge a ride back up to Mum's weyr. She's hardly ever in it anyway." She stands and starts to move the ladder again.

"You're a very wise young lady Milani. Too many make the mistake of mapping out their lives too young and then when it doesn't work out?" Shan rolls a shoulder in a shrug in physical ending of the obvious, the faint frown fleeting in its appearance. Seems the vestiges of the holdbred in the Weyrsecond must have been at play before for now a long look is given the teen on talk of *Betweening* 'problems' away "Everyone makes their own choices." giving no hint to what hers might be in such a situation. That sympathy flickers back in again "Yeah, I know the feeling. Much as I loved my clutchmates, having my own space was and is still calming. Just Onyx and Kaylith." a faint smile for her little 'family' when she touches on them. Now that his eyes have fully adjusted the brownrider of her wing starts hailing the greenrider as he approaches. His actions catching her eye at about the same time as Milani stands to move the ladder draws a soft sigh "Looks like duty has hunted me down." rueful the tone now.

"Yeah, that's true. Better to have the choice than not though, right?" Milani's philosophical in her own way as she clambers aloft and waves down Shan's way. "Duty always hunts a body down. You go take of yours, I gotta finish mine. I've got a date of sorts to catch fish in the pond later."

Watching as Milani makes her way back up the ladder, Shan is able to ignore the brownrider for a few moments longer "Life's all about the choices you make and the consequences of them." Curiosity sits clearly in the next words "A fishing date? Remind me to ask you about that next time I see you." And then he's right at her side and no longer able to be ignored "Weyrsecond, you said you wanted to see J'shua when he returned from hunting?" the man reminds her. "Oh yes, I did. Thank you." Another glance upward to the girl "Good to have caught up with you again Milani. Good luck with the fishing." Turning on her heel, the greenrider makes her way back out of the lower caverns in earnest conversation with the brownrider.

milani, shanlee, a'son

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