Log: Louvaen's Got Stories

Jan 29, 2008 10:48

Who: Louvaen, Milani
When: 19:43 on day 20, month 1, Turn 15, of the 10th Interval. (Backdated)
Where: Common Room, High Reaches Weyr
What: Louvaen comes across Milani reading in the Common Room. A pleasant conversation about travel and family follows, a little mild flirtation around the edges.

It's pushing towards later evening in the common room, a few linger still near the hearth and there's a card game in progress yet at one of the tables. Further back in the cavern it's quieter, only a few glows casting warm light in soft pools. In one of these, Milani can be found, seated sideways in one of the comfortable armchairs, legs dangling over the side of her chair, book in lap. She's not presently reading, neck pillowed on the chair's well-padded arm and staring up at the patterns of light the oddly staggered glows make on the ceiling. "Straight flush!" exclaims a brawny looking guy who's probably handyman over at the 'poker table'.

Louvaen is just entering from the dormitories when the poker hand is proclaimed, looking crisply presented as if he's just freshened up. The noise seems to exert a pull on him, curving a bend in his path so he can pass closer to the table to note the game. It is likely this alteration in trajectory that allows his attention to light upon the quieter edges of the cavern where Milani sits. Upon seeing her, a smile brightens on Louvaen's features and he angles over towards one of the neighboring chairs. "Working on your vocabulary?" the young man notes as he edges closer.

Milani's head lifts a little at the exclamation from the winner, a little grin dimpling in the corners of her mouth. This brings Louvaen into view as he nears and her grin widens into a fully realized smile as she catches sight of the holder. "Yep! This is a /good/ story though. You might like it. All y'know, daring adventure on the high-seas and whatnot." Millie's head lifts up the rest of the way, long hair pooling along the chair arm now as she struggles a titch to sit upright. "And you? Selling more beer? Or got something else to tempt the Weyr with tonight?"

"Really?" Louvaen says with interest in regard to the story. He stops a few strides away, so as not to be hovering, but cranes forward a bit to peer at the book. "Just the same beer, I'm afraid," he says cheerfully as he does so. Straightening, "Hoping to arrange for a number of kegs to be delivered with the spring caravan for the Snowasis. Just a bit of dealing and such to still smooth over before I'm through here." He gives a little shrug of his shoulders.

"Yep!" Milani answers cheerfully and assists craning by picking up the book and holding it up so he can read a page or two. "Y'know, I haven't tried it yet. Your beer. I should. And let you know my very valuable opinion of it." Because sixteen year old assistant headwoman know /so much/ about beer. "Oooh, now see /that/ sounds promising." Pleased, Milani turns her torso three quarters and braces her back against the chair so she's kind of, sort of, facing the holder. "And then back to Tillek?" Bright-eyed curiosity abounds.

Louvaen indeed skims the lifted pages, eyebrows ticking up and an amused curl forming on his lip as his eye catches on a passage. He doesn't dwell long on the pages, tipping his glance back to Milani. A grin forms at her offering of her valuable opinion and he sinks slowly to the edge of the neighboring chair. "I'll love for you to try it. I'll probably be opening the last few sample bottles at the Snowasis tomorrow. No need to bring them back to Tillek, after all." He nods sagely. "The plan is to return before the start of next month... Have you been to the Hold?" His head cants inquisitively, eyes squinting as he tries to recall. "I think you mentioned a cousin...?"

"Oh really? You'll /love me/ just for trying some beer? And I thought Weyrfolk were easy!" Milani teases brightly and marks her page with a bit of ribbon, a little frayed on the end and tucks the book in between her leg and the angle of the chair. "Sampling at the Snowasis, tomorrow. Got it. I'll stop by on one of my breaks." One of her feet kicks a little as the conversation continues, shifts. "Oh sure. My mother's taken me there before and my brother apprenticed there before he Impressed and sometimes he likes to go back and cook fun things for us on the beach. Y'know. When he has time, which isn't all that often lately." All that delivered in one breath.

Louvaen plays along with the teasing, quirking his mouth to the side and waggling his eyebrows. He can't keep it up for long, breaking into a chuckle as he nods happily at her promise to stop by the sampling. "Ah, yes?" The young man reacts with rising inflection to the mention of beach cooking. "I do enjoy a good beach picnic. Your brother was at Seacraft Hall? I wonder, what Turns?"

Eyes widening a fraction at the brow-waggling in feigned innocence, Milani's giggles join the holder's chuckles. "No at the Hold. A while back. A long while back. I was still a baby. He's lots -- a lot older than I am." The young woman beams another patented gleaming smile up at Louvaen. "He was a Baker see, before he Impressed. And yeah, when we get the chance, those are some /good/ picnics." Beat. "What's your favorite picnic food?"

"I see, that makes more sense, with how you said he cooks in his free time," Louvaen nods at the correction. "My sisters are quite a bit older then me, as well," he shares with a smile, and then shifts in his chair to consider her question with a musing tap of a finger to the side of his chin. "My fa-avorite?" he draws out while he thinks. "I'm quite fond of the fruity drinks when it's warm. But that's not really food, is it? Spiced meat-stuffed dumplings are maybe my favorite." Dropping a curious gaze back to Milani: "Why, what's yours?"

Bobbing her head a few times, Milani's curiosity piques again. "How many d'you have? And how much older? P'draig's like, 12 turns older and Remi's 7 turns older and my sister Ily's 4 turns older and my half-sister Bella's 9 turns older." More breathless rattling along from the assistant headwoman. "Dumplings! Nice. Oh I like the desserts. Melted sticky-sweet on buns. Good stuff."

Louvaen 'mms' at the idea of dessert, letting the sound turn into a laugh. "You know, my sisters are as much older then me as your eldest two full siblings are from you! Vaelle is twelve turns my senior, and Ralli is seven. It's rather nice being the baby of the family, isn't it?" He asks with a wink. "At least, my mum would always take my side over my "mean" older sisters. Still one of my biggest champions, really."

"Oh and well ... actually, Paddy and Remi /aren't/ full siblings, they're half-brothers. It's just that we share the same mother ... I know it's kind of weird, but see Bel's got a different mother and .... anyway." She waves all that aside. "The baby .... hm. Yeah there's good parts. Bad part is that they're all so much older that I don't get to /see/ them that much because they don't live here anymore and have all this /stuff/ to do." An eyeroll follows on the statement about Louvaen's mother. "Not mine. She's like, a total hardass about being /fair/."

"Oh," Louvaen blinks at the notion of all the half siblings, his holder background shining through as it visibly takes him a moment to wrap his head around the idea. The not-seeing-of-siblings brings him thankfully back to something he can relate to and he nods sympathetically. Milani's eye roll finally brings a grin back to his face. "Is that right? Well, it is admirable to strive for fairness. Does your mother live here?" A hand is fluttered out towards the rock of the Weyr above them.

"I've only got one full sibling. Ily. Ilyandra." Milani's head bobs again in confirmation. "Mum? Oh sure. She's a rider. Green Sionath's and Papa's brown Lazryth's. Remi and Paddy's dad G'rad, is a bronzerider and Bella's mother's a greenrider too. And I guess there's all the foster-sibs from over the turns too, mostly G'rad's by ... oh I dunno. A lot of women." All matter-of-fact is Millie about all this, common-place as it is in Weyrs. "Mum's always been the heart of the family I guess though. Everyone sorta ... revolves around her." The young woman's brow puckers a little as she thinks this through, then she blinks and refocuses on Louvaen. "What's your family like?"

Louvaen is hanging in there with the confirmation that Milani's mother and father are riders, but as she continues on with the further linking of parents and offspring he gets a bit glazed-over. Sinking back in his chair, his hand comes up in a fist and he worries at his knuckles with little nips of his teeth in an unconscious gesture. "Huh," is all he says at first when the girl's attention turns back to him, a hint of bemusement turning up the edge of his mouth. "It's nothing so complicated. It's a wonder everyone, well - your mother?, can overcome jealousy and such things and hold everyone together. Truly, I've always been closest to my mum and my foster mum and sister." A little shrug ripples his shoulders and his hand drops back to his lap. "My own sisters and my father have been far away most of my life."

And it's a lot to take in and Milani is not /entirely/ oblivious to the glazing over, but she seems to have trouble stopping once she gets started on one of her long-winded explanations. That nervous gesture though, captures her gaze and she sits up all the more properly, twisting a little to lean over and try to press his hand lightly downward just before he drops it anyway. "It doesn't always work out. But I guess ... in Weyrs, the dragons always come first, right? And ... far away? Where?"

Louvaen looks down at Milani's reaching hand, then to his just-dropped and slightly-nibbled fingers. Without lifting his chin his gaze peeks back up at the girl. At first it holds an edge of appraisal, but that fades into more abstract contemplation as she points out the uniqueness of Weyrs. "True. And I suppose I haven't ever really considered what kind of perspective that puts on personal relationships... beside the obvious." The last is added in somewhat of a mumble, a bit of a tint coming to the holder's complexion. Clearing his throat, he refocuses on his own family. "Well, Ralli apprenticed with the Farmcraft when she was of age, so she's mostly been in the southeast. Vaelle was at Nerat when I was a child, and then Lemos after her marriage."

Milani's fingers drop away and wind up back on the arm of her chair, the young woman propping her elbow up beside that hand and her chin in her palm. That look of appraisal is met with an unflinchingly frank blue-green stare and another one of her bright smiles. "I dunno. Seems like ... whatever works?" The questioning lilt of a guess infuses Millie's voice and her shoulders lift again in a shrug. It's all just the way it is. "Farmcraft, Nerat, Lemos. Shells. All the way on the other side of the world!"

"No kidding." Louvaen's other hand drops from where it's been resting over his stomach down into his lap, where its thumb rubs idly over those nibbled knuckles. His head now tips back, resting against the chair to complete his casual posture. "I don't remember it well, but we sailed all the way to Nerat when I was a boy." A smile touches his lips, eyes rolling upwards. "It was torture! It is quite the wonder that I enjoy traveling at all now, after that experience."
Rounded eyes on Milani for that description. "Wow. That's a /long/ sail. I mean I've been on boats before, but just like, up the coast a little at Tillek. It's almost too bad you don't remember it that much. But why was it torture? Did you get seasick? Or was it crowded? Or stormy?" Questions questions questions.

Louvaen's hair rustles softly against the chair back as he shakes his head, a chuckle in his throat. "No, not seasick - I at least managed to dodge that failure in being a good Tillekian. It wasn't so much crowded as just oppressively the same. Same people, same routine, day after day after day." A hand lifts, rolling repetitively in emphasis. "No where to escape... just not enough to do for a boy of seven."

"So there wasn't anything interesting to see all that way? And nobody to talk to on the -- ohhhh seven." Milani nods oh-so-wisely. "Riiight. Yeah, you wouldn't be so much interested in talking to people much. And probably ran out of places to explore pretty face." She makes a little face over at the holder. "Well I'm sorry it sucked. Did you like Nerat when you got there though?"

"Yeah," Louvaen grins as she nods, confirming Milani's assessment. About it sucking, he just shrugs. "Oh, Neart is amazing! I've not been in quite awhile, but I don't know if anything would live up to that first time. It was just after the Pass had ended, I was so thankful to be off of that ship and out playing with other kids again, and my sister was having her wedding." He takes a deep breath that brings a glowing smile to his face. "Sounds like a great place to go, when here we're in the cold of winter. Have you been there?"

"Yeah? And oh sure, I'll bet! Running after being cooped up. Good thing." And Milani makes a thumbs up. Her foot's kicking again. Someone else has trouble being cooped up it seems. "So you all went there so she could get married, is that it?" Then she's laughing and tucking her hair back behind her ear. "Sure. If you don't like snow I guess. And I like visiting warm places. Haven't been to Nerat, but Boll, yeah."

"The wedding, plus bringing Ralli to the crafthall, yeah." Louvaen lets his head slip sideways a bit, watching the foot kicking and hair tucking with a little smile. "I enjoy Boll, also. But I don't know if I would want to live anywhere so far south." His fingers lace, palms tilting forward towards Milani. "I do like the snow, after all, and having some seasonal variety to the scenery."

"Was it a really /nice/ wedding? I haven't ever really been to one. I mean, every now and then someone from the caverns gets married, but it's usually just a quick jaunt over to see the harper and promises made and done. Otherwise, most folks in the weyr don't really /get/ married. Not all the riders anyway." Absently, her fingers tug on that same strang of hair. It's not finger-twirling but she's figdeting for sure. Talk of snow brightens her face though. "Oh yeah! I was tossing snowballs the other day with the kids. So much fun. And skating! How can you get by without skating!"

"Oh, yes," Louvaen shifts forward in his seat, arms sliding forward so that his hands prop on his knees. "Beautiful clothes, excellent food, and lots of guests - it was quite extravagant." His smile is distant a moment in remembrance, though it comes back around with a sly edge on the mention of snowballs. "I narrowly avoided being ambushed the other day by a pack of kids - but maybe I should have joined in." Pushing on his knees, Louvaen slowly rises to his feet. "And I'm afraid I am sadly lacking in knowledge of skating, but I shall have to remedy that another day." He dips his head towards Milani, "it has been a pleasure, but I'm afraid I must beg your pardon as I had a few people I ought to find before it grows too late."

"Wow. I've never been to a wedding like /that/ before!" Milani looks all round-eyed again listening to the description. Snowballs distract once more. "Next time, you totally should. And if I'm around? Definitely. I'll bet I can throw more faster!" Then her mouth drops open in astonishment. "What is /with/ everyone coming to the Weyr these days? Can't skate. That's it. I'm teaching you all." Her hands wave and she slides to her feet, picking up her book as she goes. "And sure, sure, I'll see you around Louvaen." A little finger-wave follows and Millie strides off towards her room still shaking her head and laughing a little about the skating.

milani, louvaen

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