Log: Flirting

Jan 22, 2008 14:49

Who: Milani, Aleudre
Where: Stores, High Reaches Weyr
What: Millie's got Aleudre helping out with some work, but checking in with the tailor leads to some pretty heavy flirting. Whether Milani's serious or not, or just practicing those skills at being 'formidable' remains to be seen.

Pushing the door to the back store room open, Milani calls out a questioning: "Hello?" and steps on through, approaching the unlidded glow, picking it up and looking around curiously. "Hm. Guess whomever came in here forgot to bring this back out AND take this with them unless ..." and she starts walking back along the shelves, peeking towards the large bales of fabric at the back.

A tailor can be found around fabric even when he is skirting work. Aleudre seems to be knee-deep in bolts of fabric, each one inspected for quality and color. He has a ledger at his side and a mug of klah. The hello causes him to start out of his revere and he looks over his shoulder. The figure looming in the distance gets a squint-eyed look before recognition hits and his features smooth into an easy smile. "Hello, Milani. What brings you down this way?"

Milani blinks twice as she discovers Aleudre there, poring over the fabrics. "Trying to get your mitts on the good stuff huh?" she teases the short man lightly, eyes a-sparkle. "Let's see, assistant headwoman in charge of stores ... checking stores .... yep, doing my job." She takes a few steps closer and runs her hand down the length of some very sturdy upholstery fabric. "This is good for like ... couches, right?"

Aleudre leans closer to her to reach around and run his fingers along the rougher fabric. "Wouldn't feel that good against your skin, I imagine. But I don't know one ounce of upholstery or curtain making. I assume it's for something like that." He pats the fabric he had been inspecting. "I was just seeing what I had available to haggle for. I got distracted when I found this room... I believe I was counting vegetables of some kind for you not too long ago, wasn't I? Then those fellows pulled you off in another direction."

Obligingly, Milani slouches down just a little bit so that when he reaches, she's not towering over him. "Huh. So you only make clothes, no furniture coverings?" Her eyes flicker over to the other bolt, some kind of duck or twill for making trousers. "That's what most of the guys get their pants made up out of right?" She laughs merrily and nods. "Um yeah, those're back that way," she points up an aisle and her eyes return to his face. "They're all sorted out, building another shelf."

"Yeah, unless they want the leather. Then they have to go to the tanners for the better quality stuff. In my opinion." Aleudre folds the fabric back up and tucks it on the proper shelf. "To tell you the truth, I really enjoy making dresses." He laughs, "Didn't expect that one, did you? But well, there that is. I was seeing if we had anything pretty for a dress." He shrugs and picks the discarded ledger back up. "What other orders did you have for me, madame?"

"Um, actually, I should think they'd be the bigger challenge and bring you more marks, dresses." Milani jerks a thumb over her shoulder at some other bolts. "Those're the ones you want for that." A moment passes then her hand reaches towards his shirt, brushing lightly over the sleeve. "What's this made out of anyway? It's kind of nice. And no other orders. For now."

The hand is a distraction and Aleudre looks to her in a moment of pure confusion. "I'm sorry, what did you say? Oh, yes, those bolts are nice." He looks to her hand on his arm and then back to her. "The shirt? It's sisal. Not really suitable for the colder weather, but I like the feel of it against my skin. If I layer sufficiently, the breathability of the fabric is not an issue. Better suited to Igen."

"Oh yeah, I have one dress my mother made me for gathers out of this stuff." Milani's eyes lift, blue-green and twinkling with good humor, to his. "Very soft ... kind of makes you want to touch it over and over doesn't it." And there's an artful little tilt of her head to go along with the sentence as her hand passes over the surface of the fabric again before she draws it back to her side. "Think you'll go back there sometime, Igen?"

"Nice fabric for a dress, certainly. Only I'd use it as an overlay or in the skirt, not the bodice. I like a really intricate top with beadwork and stitches to bring out a woman's chest," Aleudre notes, though his attention waivers once more at the tilt of her head and that last pass of her arm. A brow cocks and he lifts his own hand to run over the fabric. "Rather nice to touch when you're all but naked, hm?" he asks, once more that cocky grin taking hold of his face.

"So ... you'd probably say most of my stuff is too plain, right? Doesn't attract enough attention to the right parts?" Milani's eyes are all wide innocence, like she doesn't know they're playing this little game. "Who's all but naked?" And she looks left and then right very purposefully, before shooting him another long look from beneath blonde lashes.

Aleudre steps around her to get a better 'look', his eyes scanning her from head to toe. There's no leering or demeaning manner in the inspection. Rather, he's taking her all in before he gives an answer and his face is unreadable. "My professional opinion, miss, since you asked is that yes, you don't wear the right clothes for your frame." He moves closer, hand reaching towards her skirt. "If I may?" if she nods ascent, he tugs lightly on the waist-band. "It sits too high and too loose. If you dropped it down to here," he indicates an inch or so below her actual hip-line, "it'd frame your rear better." He pauses to look, "Not that you don't get a hint in this." He pauses and then grins, a little wickedly, at her last. "Naked? Why, that's a choice that could be made. But I think people would wonder what us Igenites do for fun if I were to run around in the nude."

"It's a work uniform," says Milani, laughingly, remaining still as he tweaks her skirt. "It's not supposed to grace my heiny." Her eyes roll up ceilingward and her arms fold across her chest, one hip cocking outward, the girl's lips pursing a little at his wickedness. "Uh huh. Or just think you were nuts, because it's /that cold/ here. It'd be kind of funny though, itty bitty Igenite running around nekkid in the snow."

"Itty bitty?" Aleudre effects an angry tone. "You dare call me that? Short I may be, but not in all areas of life." Laughter is there in his eyes. "And in the snow? That would be the worse possible place for me to expose myself. I'm a man, think about it." His forefinger and thumb pinch closer together and he winks at her. "Work uniform? Pity. It should be more accenting. Aren't these riders always all over you women anyway?"

"Worried about your size?" Milani fires back, eyes dancing with amusement and she leans back against the bolt of fabric, hands folded behind her, tilts a look up at the ceiling. "Hayda likes everyone to look proper and well put-together. She's not really into us being very flashy while we're on duty." Her gaze flicks back down to the tailor, mirth on her face and her shoulders drop back a little more. "Only if you /let them/."

"So let them if you want to," Aleudre answers, still easy with his smile and this casual flirtation. "And I'm not worried about my size, I thank you for checking though." He rocks back on his heels and clasps his arm from behind. "If you want to see, we could always go enjoy a steam bath. I heard that warm water is pleasant to soak in when the cold gets into your bones? Or am I repeating the wrong bit of gossip I heard in passing?" There's a sensuality to his look as he lifts a brow and his smile goes a little crooked.

"Haven't wanted to yet." Milani answers chirpily, then pauses and her face grows more serious. "Except for once." And then she bursts out laughing at his invitation. "Sure. But you can't really /do/ anything in the baths now can you?" Her own expression is completely devoid of anything like sensuality, except for the slightly coy angle of her head as she regards that crooked little smile. "I do however, have a room, with a door that locks." And her chin lifts just the slightest bit as if daring him to make fun of her for her own forwardness.

Aleudre shakes his head with another low chuckle. "I don't see why it'd stop me - maybe for a time, but that in itself can lead to more fun." He's attempting to play at words, and attempt at least to not be outright lewd. "I would never," he drops the playful tilt of his face into serious lines, "ever try to enter your room." A pause, and then a slow smile creeps up. "Unless invited."

"Oh so you're /that/ bold are you?" Milani teases some more. "Tsk. Whatever would my mother think!" And she's making big eyes at him again, big doubting eyes about what he's saying until the last words, which make her laugh again. The girl pushes away from that bolt of fabric and slides her arms slowly around the tailor's neck, dropping one foot down behind her and bending her knee so she's at roughly the same eye level as he is. "You do know I'm only sixteen right?" And she's quite serious as she says those words, teeth catching at her lip lightly. "Just a kid ... " those words are with a sort of ephemeral lightness, almost sad.

"Well," Aleudre manages, caught in a moment of intense satisfaction as her arm moves around his neck and she comes to eye level with him. He is not an unconfident man and so he dares a brief kiss on her lips. "I am by no means an old man and you are not so young that I can't indulge in your company without fear of being beaten to a pulp." He steps back from her, gently removing her arm from his neck. "But now this man has to go to work and you, my dear, had best go and make sure you don't pin those beautiful eyes on a rider. Maybe later, I can entice you to those baths." He gives her a polite bow and rises, his brow cocked and his eyes daring her. "If you want to, that is." And he steps around her and heads out of stores with a whistle on his lips.

milani, aleudre

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