Log: Commissioning Some Artwork

Aug 30, 2010 00:00

Who: Agnethe, Milani
When: day 14, month 8, turn 23 of Interval 10.
Where: Commons, High Reaches Weyr
What: Millie runs into Agnethe doing some soot-art and commissions some sketches to refresh the children's cavern walls.

It's a pleasant summer afternoon, warm enough outside that most of the weyrfolk are taking advantage, leaving the common room mostly empty save for the occasional resident passing through to get from one room to another. Save Agnethe. She's seated herself at the stone hearth, presently fireless, and though there's a book facedown on the stone beside her, she has gotten herself engaged drawing in the soot with one forefinger. What started as a doodle has turned into a much more elaborate design, spanning one side of the fireplace to another. A nice productive way to spend the afternoon.

The door to the headwoman's office opens and Milani steps out with two other women. "... take that over to the kitchens and go check in store room 3 and we should be all set," echoes around the space briefly before the little group breaks up. The headwoman turns to pull the door to the office shut and locks it behind her, then turns to waddle, more than walk across the room. "Ohhh goodness," she exclaims as she catches on to Agnethe's pasttime. "You know, I'm torn between saying 'how creative' and wanting to send for someone with a bucket and scrub brush if there's enough soot around for that," she says with a little laugh, pauses to press her hand into the small of her back, probably because she's very visibly pregnant.

Agnethe's entirely misses that initial exchange between headwoman and the other, as absently focused as she is on the tracing of patterns - it isn't until she's addressed directly. She jumps slightly, looking up with widened eyes, and then offers a low laugh. "A little goes a long way," she says, reassuringly, turning a thoughtful look to her hand and the fingers now thoroughly blackened. A purse of her lips and that hand gets swiped along her skirt, leaving three stripes in its wake, and then she offers Milani a smile. "Headwoman, yes?"

Laughing again: "Yes, I suppose so. Some artists might consider that a good thing, most of the people who do the cleaning, not so much." Milani nods though, as her rank is named. "Yes, Milani if you haven't caught the name by now," the headwoman states and shifts over toward one of the nearest chairs, lowers herself down into it. "Not much going on today?" she queries with a little nod toward soot-drawing.

Agnethe shifts around on her perch, moving over and twisting so that she can rest her back against the stones of the hearth, pastime abandoned in favor of human companionship. "Milani," she repeats, with a nod as though confirming it, if only to herself, and she supplies her own name in return. "Agnethe." She tilts her head, watching the very pregnant woman settle herself into a chair. "Not much. Not now. Keeping myself entertained," she adds, with a flicker of her eyes towards the soot drawing. "Back to work soon, though. In case you're checking up." That bit is said with a twist of wry humor.

"Agnethe," Milani echoes and she smiles a little. "That's pretty," she adds and settles her hands atop her stomach. "Mm. Do you like drawing, that kind of thing?" Then her own mouth quirks, echoing the wry quality of the former convict's. "Not really, though it's good to have a sense for how busy people are or aren't. You know, if the work is working out and all that." Beat. "Is it?"

Agnethe follows the woman's lead, folding her own hands over her stomach in an unconscious mirror - though with somewhat less effect, given her lack of a matching belly. "Enjoy it well enough. One of the few things I'm good at. Well..." She reconsiders that statement, with a quirk of a smile at the corner of her mouth, and then amends quietly. "One of the few acceptable things." As for the work, as the headwoman asks that last question she gives a slow nod. If there's any hesitance there she doesn't elaborate on it, specifically. "Working out. Able to do some artistic work, diagrams, murals, designs. Other than that, I'm finding odd jobs where I can. Where people will take me." On that note, she'll give a gesture towards the headwoman herself. "Ever need anything, look me up. Tryin' to keep busy."

That actually makes Milani laugh again. "Acceptable. Right. Because what you did before was that unacceptable." She nods a few times as the former convict lays claim to being able to find time for the arty work. "You know, the children's caverns could use a little bit of freshening up, or some new designs on the walls if you're interested."

Agnethe gives a little shrug, though there's a smile on her face - unacceptable enough that she ended up, through twists and turns, here. That suggestion, regarding the children's caverns, causes the smile to fade perceptibly into a more thoughtful expression and the girl will cast her attention in that general direction, towards where the caverns lie. "I would be," she murmurs. "Could come up with some designs. Make some sketches for your approval, of course, if th'offer is genuine."

"Yes please," Milani answers promptly about sketches and ideas, though she blinks at that last. "Why wouldn't it be?" she asks, considering the other woman curiously. "I mean, it's the kind of work you like best and those," a little nod toward the soot drawings, "look interesting."

Agnethe watches Milani for a long moment, perhaps gauging her sincerity, with only a slow blink before she responds. "There's some that don't much care for folk like me being here," she finally says, as tactfully as she can. But, as the offer apparently is meant, she gives a brisk nod, sitting up a little. "Well, thank you, then. Ma'am. That's just timewasting, there," she says, of the drawings in the hearth. "But I'll get to work on it. Have a few ideas for you as soon as I can. 'Preciate it," she adds a little offhandedly, brushing a hand over her tousled hair.

"I know," Milani says with a little sigh and lifts her shoulders. "The way I see it, you've done your time and there's no reason not to let anyone willing to work ... work," the headwoman says with a little puffed breath. "So unless you start proving otherwise, I'd like to see your work and I'm willing to offer a fair price for freshening up that cavern." So saying, Milani's hands part, come to rest on the arms of her chair and she pushes upright with some difficult. "And /shells/ do I ever wish this was the last month and not two more to go."

Agnethe nods, accepting the woman's response readily, and as the other stands so will she, pushing to her feet and brushing whatever soot remains on her hands off on her dress as she does. "And as I said. 'Preciate it." The last comment gets a laugh, a crinkle at the corner of her eyes. "Understand time goes slower the further along it gets. That the case?" she says, with sympathetic amusement in her tone. "Hope it goes smoothly for you, ma'am."

"Pretty much at this point," Milani says with a little groan and holds out a hand to shake Agnethe's in spite of any lingering soot. "This is my second, so it should be easier supposedly than the first. Which hurt like hell, but was pretty smooth, so, I'm optimistic."

Agnethe will offer her hand in return, an automatic gesture in return, a naturally graceful hand that's been thoroughly roughened through manual labor. "Well, least you know what you're in for the second time 'round. Anticipation tends to make the unknown seem worse'n it is," she muses, and with a squeeze of the headwoman's fingers she finishes with, "Been a pleasure meetin' you properly, Milani."

Milani's handshake is brief but firm for a woman. "It does at that. There's a lot to fret about the first time around." Her head bobs and she smiles. "You too, Agnethe. I'll see you soon. For now, I'd better waddle on over to the lavatory and then make sure that people are on task in stores. It'll be tithes coming in before you know it!" Which is said with what some might construe as odd chipperness as the headwoman gives a little wave and does in fact, waddle off.

@hrw, *baby2, #headwoman, agnethe

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