Log: It's Finally K'del's Turn

May 04, 2010 19:04

Who: K'del, Milani
When: It is a summer afternoon, 14:36 of day 27, month 8, turn 22 of Interval 10.
Where: K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: Millie gets off of work early and has a very personal offer for Kas as well as some fun at a gather.

K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr(#1716RL)
Rank certainly has its privileges, and among them are amply appointed apartments. The short flight of stairs from the Weyrleader's Complex opens up into the larger of two chambers, formally decorated and clearly designed to cater as much to important guests as the occupant's personal living. Old, but obviously expensive, llama wool rugs dyed blue-and-black cover the stone floor, leading towards the second chamber, the stairs, and the rush-filled dragon couch and ledge beyond it. A formal seating arrangement - a sofa and chairs, all blue-and-black - sits around a large, tiled fireplace, whilst along the other wall, a finely made, if now somewhat antique, desk sits between a bookshelf and a tall cupboard to which tack-hooks have been attached, riding gear arranged neatly inside. Two tapestries hung from the high walls depict overdone splendour for High Reaches Weyr, one a long view of the snow-covered bowl, and the other a hazy impressionist piece of dragons flaming over a springtime countryside.

The inner weyr, made up of a sleeping cavern and a private bathing area, is smaller and cosier and distinctly less ostentatious. An oversized wooden sleigh bed fills much of the space, the mattress piled high with overstuffed down pillows and comforter, their covers dyed in varying shades of navy blue, light blue and bronze. There's a nightstand on either side, both with reading lamps, and against one of the other walls, a tall, heavy wardrobe made from a dark wood that matches the bed. The bathing area is part of the same cavern, a folding screen shielding the toilet and slightly raised, double-sized bathtub built into the stone, and a small shelf holding toiletries, shaving equipment, and clean towels.

>---< Local Weather for HRW >------------------------------------------------<
Current Temp: 66 F Today's Lo/Hi: 58 F / 78 F
Belior: waning crescent Timor: waxing gibbous
Weather: sunny
The sun is high in the sky and there is not a cloud in sight. There's a
breeze that tempers the heat with no humidity lingering in the air.
>-----------------------------------< 14:36 D27 M8 T22, summer afternoon >---<

It's /gorgeous/ outside and Milani's off duty early. She's put on a cute little dress and swings on over to K'del's weyr, climbing the stairs quietly to avoid alerting Tiriana if she's in and not speaking until she's inside. "Kaaas?" she calls out cheerily and leans her head around the doorway. "You home?"

Although pretty girls in cute dresses showing up are not exactly unusual in K'del's life, it doesn't stop him from lifting his head and positively /beaming/ at the Headwoman as she makes herself known. He's sitting at his desk - or rather, /was/, because as soon as he sees her, he launches from his chair to cross the distance between them. That bare-footed wander ends with arms twining around Milani, and a kiss aimed for her mouth.

Launching earns a brief look of surprise, followed by simple delight as Milani abandons the door frame and lifts her arms up to wind around K'del's neck. She leans up to meet that kiss warmly, enthusiastically and one hand follows the curve of his neck upward to thread fingers into his hair. "Mm. Hi," makes its way out breathlessly when she breaks away, head tipped back. "I'm off early and was wondering if you'd like to hit a little gather with me, if you can get away," the headwoman offers with a bright smile. "You know. Like old times."

"Hi," says K'del, with a quirky grin, as though he's just managed to remember that, usually, one says hello with /words/. Not that he looks repentent or anything, oh no. If it's possible, his expression lights even further at her suggestion, despite the calculating consideration that has him saying, after a moment more, "If you can give me five minutes to finish what I was working on? Everything else can wait." Gathers, clearly, are much more important. His arms squeeze tight, then release, though one hand reaches to entwine hers, to draw her into further into the room as he makes for the desk again.

That unrepentant expression draws Milani's other hand up to his cheek, the look in her eyes for a moment, tender. "Sure, take your time. Though I can't promise /not/ to be distracting," she teases a little and drops a kiss to the angle of his jaw as he squeezes her close. Fingers thread between his more than willingly and she follows along to the desk, will drop into his lap if he sits again. "What are you working on?" Curious about his papers and peeking at them.

K'del does sit, and, despite the distraction inherent in the situation, doesn't seem to object at all to Milani's presence in his lap. He does a decent job of actually geting to work, though, reaching for his papers again as he explains, "Lord Rynien has some cotholders disagreeing over--" He has to flick through the pages to confirm it, "a llama herd. He asked if we could keep a closer eye on the area, just in case someone is actually at fault. Boring, but... good to keep Rynien happy."

"Disagreeing over llamas. Shells. Well at least they're not getting tetchy about /us/," Milani says with a shake of her head. "And it's definitely good to be able to keep High Reaches Hold happy. After all the muttering from Balen and Aughan being an ass," the headwoman says bluntly, one arm curling around K'del's shoulders while he continues to work. "We're expecting the first tithe trains in next seven. It's going to be really busy for the next two months. So I thought today would be a good one to get away, spend some time together."

Blowing out a puff of air, K'del agrees, "Exactly. Rather be helping someone else with a problem than being part /of/ the problem. Least Balen and Aughan've both been quiet of late." He lifts one hand to slide idly down her arm as he writes with the other, reading over his words carefully before adding more. It can't be taking /too/ much concentration, though, because he manages to continue the conversation - eventually, at least. "Shells. Feels like summer just started, you know? And here we are, into tithe season. Makes good sense, us taking today." His signature gets scrawled at the end of the document, which then gets folded and sealed, and put into the outtray. At which point... his arms go back around the Headwoman, snuggling gently, albeit not for too long because, "Guess I should get myself gussied up, then!"

"You know, oddly enough? Aughan being quiet? Kind of scares me," Milani admits. "It makes me wonder what he's up to," she says with a little nose-wrinkle. "I know, time flies," she says fondly and lifts her hand up to run lightly through his hair. "Mm, you should definitely get gussied. Maybe that ice blue shirt? It looks nice with your eyes," she tells him fondly and gives blond curls a tug. "I also wanted to ask you about something." Pregnant pause. "Milandra will be a turn old in two weeks," Milani adds after a moment. "And ... I know I said two turns before, but I'm feeling pretty good about things and she's weaned. If ... you'd like to try for a baby that's ours?"

A careful nod marks K'del's agreement on Aughan, and a more contented one approves of her choice of shirt. But K'del freezes when Milani asks her question, and though his arms return to their just-vacated positions around her, it takes him a few moments to respond. "You know I would," is what he says, finally, barely more than a whisper. "More than anything. But what if I /can't/? What if I'm just not capable of getting anyone pregnant?"

He freezes and it surprises Milani, her hand soothing down his neck again and over his shoulders. His whispered query widens her eyes a little and her other hand lifts to curl under his chin, tries to lift his eyes to hers. "If you can't ... I'll still love you," Milani says gently. "And ... well ... there's only one way to find out, isn't there? Which ought to be a /lot/ of fun?" Brows up there and her head cocks to the side, a winning quality to her half-grin.

K'del lets his eyes lift to hers, and though there's uncertainty in them to begin with, it fades steadily as she speaks until he can't help but laugh. It may still only be a /quiet/ laugh, but it's a laugh nonetheless, and one accompanied by a nod as he reaches to take her hand from his chin so that he can kiss it. "A /lot/ of fun. You betcha. Give it our best shot, right? And... just see what happens." Maybe he's even beginning to sound hopeful about it.

"Exactly," Milani says encouragingly and beams at him as he kisses her palm. "This means only you though, for me. For however long it takes," she continues in a more serious vein. "So that we're sure. You ... don't have to stop with anyone else. But I will," her teeth catch at her lower lip and she peeks up at him, a little pink in the cheeks. It could be an odd thing to be embarrassed about under the circumstances. "/Anyway/. Definitely, we should give it our best shot, starting tonight. So. Go get gussied up Weyrleader! I want you to dance with me and then ..." what she describes involves being very naughty against the side of a wagon.

Though Milani's description of the misuse of that poor wagon draws a distinctly salacious expression from K'del, he softens it as he backtracks to the more serious topic, using the tips of one hand's worth of fingers to caress her cheek. "From what I got told once, the more... stuff I have for you, the better the chances are of some of it being good." Which makes him look a little awkward. Seriously, though, "Can't promise I won't sleep with other people - never have been any good at that - but... promise I'll do my best for you. And if you need it..." Well. His crooked, slightly smug grin seems to suggest he won't mind that at /all/. With this off his chest, he hoists Milani off his lap, setting her back on his feet as he adds, "But! Dressing. Clothes. Shirt. Back in a minute?"

"Really? Is that how it's supposed to work?" Milani's expression could best be described as comical in understanding. But. She only smiles at him and runs her hand through his hair again. "I'm not asking you to promise me that," she says seriously. "But I don't want there to be ... any uncertainty this time," Milani adds quietly and looks down for a moment. He'll understand why. The touch of his fingers to her cheek lift her gaze back to his face and she leans in to kiss him gently before he heaves her off of his lap. "Yes! Go! Be all handsome. See? I'm all ready!" and she poses a little for him in her pretty dress.

K'del's shrug and the words that accompany it indicate he /still/ doesn't have much idea, "That's what a healer told me. Shells if I know, really." He accepts what she has to say after that without question, and his own expression turns darker as he nods: oh yes, he understands. Enough that maybe that kiss is a little more fervent and reassuring than it needs to be. Maybe. If there is such a thing. "You look beautiful," he tells her, firmly, as she poses. "/Beautiful/." And with that, and a little glimmer of a smile, he heads off into his private quarters to get changed. It doesn't take him long, and then they're off: for dancing, laughter, and /distinctly/ naughty things up against that poor, misused wagon.

$rynien, @hrw, $baby3, $milandra, #headwoman, $hrh, k'del

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