Log: Teris Gets a Kiss

Mar 11, 2010 22:11

Who: Milani, Teris
When: It is a winter night, 18:10 of day 5, month 3, turn 22 of Interval 10.
Where: Headwoman's Office, High Reaches Weyr
What: Teris has some questions for the headwoman: she wants a room of her own, a reason for the challenge Milani chose for the hunt, and a kiss.

Headwoman's Office, High Reaches Weyr
This room is too small to really serve as anyone's room but a little too big to be relegated to closet status. Oval in shape, it has a large wooden door that grants or bars access and smooth walls carved with inset shelves that hold tidy rows of scrolls and ledgers. To the right of the door, a table large enough for six to squeeze in at is often occupied by the assistant headwomen during tithe season and a pitcher of water and glasses stand ready to serve in its center at all times.
Squarely in the center of the room is the headwoman's desk, a massive affair of well-polished wood and many drawers bearing neat stacks of hides, incoming and outgoing baskets, many paperweights and a glowbasket stand with several small baskets that allow the light level to be adjusted to suit the task at hand. The rear wall of the office, behind the desk bears a vividly hued tapestry depicting a tithing scene with wagons pulled into the Weyr being unloaded. To the left a small hearth shares a flue with the main fireplace in the common room and is capped with a stone mantel that currently holds a collection of small rocks, shells and other knick knacks that presumably belong to the Headwoman.

Supper's still going, but Milani's already made her tour of the living cavern to eat, feed the baby and so on and is seated at her desk with the door propped open, going through paperwork.

Teris has at least had the decency to bathe and change after her chores for the day before her own dinner and as such she doesn't smell like the stable when she comes to visit the headwoman's office. She pauses in the doorway with a polite knock. "Do you have a moment?" she asks in lieu of an actual greeting.

Blue-green eyes lift from papers as the knock and the query draw her attention. "Sure, come on in, Teris," Milani says with a little smile and a gesture to the candidate. "Long day?" she inquires conversationally and sets her blotter down atop what she was writing to dry the ink and keep it from smearing.

"Not as long as any other, really," Teris returns with a smile that's polite more than sincere. "Thank you," she says, though, as she comes in and finds herself a seat as though she intends on getting comfortable. "And you?" it echoes that conversational query.

"Good, chores aren't weighing too heavily and all," the headwoman says briskly and nods towards the pitcher of water on her desk. "Drink?" she looks over at Teris expectantly and smiles again, though it's brief. "The usual - busy, but at a reasonable pace, though this clutch has certainly brought some interesting characters into the candidate barracks."

Teris shakes her head at the offer of water. "No. Thank you. I'll be headed to dinner shortly," she assures the headwoman, which means she doesn't think this will take especially long at least. "Interesting characters is a bit of an understatement. I'll be happy to be out of there. Which is... one reason I came to see you."

"Oh make sure you get some of the pot pie if you can, it's really tasty," Milani offers over with a little nod and folds her hands atop the desk, gaze steady on the candidate. "It can't be easy to have such a ... mixed bunch," the headwoman tries for diplomatic. Her brows lift, expression encouraging Teris to go on. "Yes?"

She doesn't comment on the pot pie save for the nod of her head, suggesting she'll keep it in mind whether she actually will or not. Teris sits up somewhat in the seat she's taken and offers another of those smiles of hers. "I want my own room."

"As a candidate?" Milani asks for clarification, hands lifting up off the desk's surface and fingers threading together to make a perch for her chin as she continues to regard the candidate quite seriously.

It's difficult to tell by her neutral expression if that is what she was suggesting but the question following might be somewhat telling. "Would you allow that?" Then Teris does shake her head and re-clarifies, "After."

"It's not a question of allowing it or not," Milani replies with a little lift of her shoulders. "It's a question of availability and whether or not you care if a single is the size of a closet. Like, is the privacy more important than having a lot of space. Because there /are/ a few really small singles available, but they're tight. I had one like that when I was Hayda's assistant." She takes a breath, lets it out, mouth quirking to the side, expression wry. "Of course, you might impress and then it's moot anyway."

"If you're trying to suggest that I have a wealth of space now," Teris begins with a meaningful arch of one, thin eyebrow. She doesn't continue the thought, though, trusting the other woman to catch her meaning. "Are you certain that's all that's available?" she asks in a quietly skeptical tone. The last purses her lips briefly before she offers, "I suppose it's a possibility." But it's clearly not one she's counting on.

"We don't really have many single rooms at all," Milani explains. "Most rooms are at least doubles or triples, though sometimes for a little while a double might lose a roommate. There's some open family quarters, but those are for families." She turns a little, bends to open a drawer and draws out a folder. "This is the list of available rooms and spots in rooms and well ... some of them might shift depending on how things go with the hatching, because a couple of the residents might wind up in the barracks." She extends the folder across the desk to Teris. "If you'd like to go take a look at some of them, I have the keys."

Teris leans to take the folder and open it up for a look. "I suppose a double might work," she murmurs but not as though she actually favors that idea over a single. Once she's seen whatever she wants to see, she closes the folder again. "I'd like to look at them," she notes, but adds a moment later, "It can wait, though, I think." She offers it back to the headwoman with a, "Thank you." Beat. "Why a kiss?"

Milani nods and takes the folder back, starts to tuck it away, then looks back up at Teris. "Mm, might be best to see how things shake out because there could be more available afterward," the headwoman says with a little smile, then laughs. "Because I was poking fun at the idea that I'm a very loose woman," she tells the candidate quite seriously.

"Yes. Best to see," Teris agrees about the room if somewhat reluctantly. She doesn't laugh along with the headwoman but she does offer a small, tight smile. "Just an idea then, hmm? Not the reality? Have you kissed any of the candidates?" she wonders, actually more curious than judgmental at the moment by all appearances.

"I offer both options," Milani says as she slides the folder away and closes the drawer. "A real kiss, or a card with one on it. The other part of the challenge was to see how people might find their way around the kissing thing if they objected to it, because there's leeway there to come up with something," the headwoman explains. "Like last clutch when your brother asked the Weyrwoman to black up his eyes instead of punching him."

"If they objected to it," Teris repeats that in particular, eyeing the other woman in a studying sort of fashion. "What about you? Do you object to kissing anyone? Or would you kiss me if I wanted a real kiss?" There is some small bit of fondness that enters her expression at the mention of her brother. "If only he were so clever all the time."

"Mmhm," Milani confirms about the objecting. "I put the challenge out there so no, I haven't objected, though I have handed out quite a few cards," the headwoman answers. "Of course there was that one candidate who was /awfully/ grabby and I had to thwack him over the head with my clipboard to get him to back off. A kiss does not mean a roll in the hay," she says with a quiet snort. "There's been about half a dozen who've gone for the full deal, including Taikrin." If anything she looks faintly bemused by the request from the candidate. "I would you kiss you if you asked and B'tal was pretty brilliant with that one, /and/ funny." Her chin props on her hand and the headwoman's expression also shades fond though a much lighter sort.

"It's good to know that you do, in fact, have some limits," Teris says, voice light and smile somewhat less tight but still not very real. "I suppose if there's no docking for points in not being original, I'll just take the card. All due respect but my interest in kissing you is rather low and K'del isn't even here to enjoy it." Which is just a shame, isn't it?

"Everyone has limits, Teris," Milani says mildly and pulls open another drawer and extracts a simple white card with the kiss on it outlined and the brief explanation of its contents on it. "Here you go," she says quite calmly though she starts laughing outright at the candidate's quip. "It would be quite a shame. He's been looking hopeful about that kind of thing for a long time." Blithe.

"Some more than others," Teris returns in her own mild way and she watches the headwoman pull out the card before she rises to take it. "Thank you. And Taikrin, you said? Perhaps she and I will have to go give our lovely Weyrleader a visit." The candidate turns partially toward the door, glancing down at the card, "Thank you again, headwoman. I'll be back to discuss my room again when this is all sorted out." Another smile and then Teris is heading toward the door to go get that meal she's delayed.

"Yes," Milani agrees simply as the car is handed over and her hands drop back to the desk's surface. She rises as Teris excuses herself, grin wicked. "I'm sure you'd make his night," she remarks drolly for that suggestion and inclines her head about the room. "I'll wish you luck either way," Milani says sincerely.

teris, @hrw, iovniathxcadejoth2, #headwoman, search: winter2010

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