Log: A Little Evening's Entertainment

Feb 14, 2010 17:12

Who: Milani, Saliqa
When: It is a winter afternoon, 14:17 of day 14, month 13, turn 21 of Interval 10.
Where: Inner Caverns, High Reaches Weyr
What: Saliqa has an idea for the convicts that Milani's pretty much on board with.

Inner Caverns, High Reaches Weyr
Within the labyrinth of interconnected chambers that make up the inner caverns, this large, long cavern serves both as a crossroads and a comfortable place for weyrfolk to sit, talk, and keep a nosy eye out for who's going where. Colorful, seasonal tapestries add warmth to the smooth walls and reduce echoes, while large niches house clusters of chairs, and a waist-high stone shelf along one wall provides a perch for drinks or work for residents on the go. Worn brass hooks often hold jackets or other outerwear with workboots stationed beneath, the transitory nature of the cavern lending itself to being treated as a sort of communal foyer where snowy or muddy gear can be kept outside of living quarters. Smaller, higher niches at regular intervals hold glowbaskets kept fresh during the daytime and allowed to dim somewhat at night.
The largest tunnels lead to the main living cavern, to the bowl and to the Weyr entrance, but it's still easy for the uninitiated to get lost within this maze.

There's a bit of a procession going on in the inner caverns, made up of the same four girls who invaded the common rooms so completely and then, at the head, an actual stores worker. While the brunette and two blondes are knitted closer together, their heads low and chattering with each other, the dark-haired Saliqa hangs back from the group. Her arms around a basket of newly repaired clothes, she uses one hand to idly pick at the items near the top. Mostly, she casts anything larger aside and could possibly be looking for the partner to the light pink glove lying over her arm. Her inspection slows her down even more, so that the others become smaller points in the distance, their voices fading in with the rest of the noise of the weyr.

Coming the other way with a thick clipboard she's flipping through is Milani, with sling wrapped around chest but only two chubby baby legs protruding to betray the fact that Milandra is actually in there. "Oh, sorry Saliqa," the headwoman says as she nearly bumps the basket, takes a quick sidestep. "I really shouldn't read and walk at the same time."

The nudge is enough to make Saliqa have to give up her search to steady the basket with both hands, lest all these clothes take a tumble. "Oh, ma'am Headwoman!" A greeting much more cheerful than the situation might usually call her, she's all smiles as her own load is adjusted onto her hip to better eye Milani's. "And guest. This must be the... girl." Some cautious revelation, perhaps remembrance as to the father's identity, slows her down until she shakes it off. "No problem, none at all. In fact, I should be so happy to bump into you. I did have something of a request..."

"Milani," the headwoman says with a little laugh and rests a hand along the baby's back as Milandra's sock-clad feet kick to and fro and the sound of burbling rises up from within folds of fabric. "And Milandra," she adds with a little smile downward at what can be seen of the baby's reddish brown hair. "Oh? A request? Here let's step out of the way, or would you like to come to my office? I can get us some tea."

"Ma'am Milani," she adjusts, though not entirely. Saliqa steps a few paces out of the main path of the cavern traffic, further abandoning whatever lead she was supposed to be taking from the others. "And I'm sure it won't be but a moment, I wouldn't want to impose on your time, ma'am-- see, I've just been to the overseers outside, them that watches the convicts, you know, and they told me I should speak to the Weyr, instead. I knew you to be just the woman to talk to, then. See, all I need is a kind word on the efforts to give those criminals a break night." A bright, beaming smile accompanies all this, making it seem positive as day.

"They don't get breaks?" is Milani's somewhat surprised query. "I mean, not that you know, being a convict should be a cakewalk, but I'd have thought --" she breaks off, waves her hand a little. "What sort of break night do you have in mind?" As she jounces the baby a little and shifts her clipboard to one side so it's less of an impediment to conversation.

"They have breaks, I'd think... or, at least, I'm fairly certain they change shifts," Saliqa's eyebrows draw down as she digs through her head for any helpful knowledge. Coming back up, she dismisses the official side of it with a shrug and a quick exhale, "But, anyway, I was thinking more like... an evening." Her eyes pin on Milani, watching for each reaction as she continues, gauging carefully, "An extra serving of food... small entertainment. They're here as punishment, but I just take a look at the conditions and think it would be remiss of you-- I mean us-- I mean, any person, really, not to think that one night to relax wouldn't do their minds well for this rehabilitation thing."

"I meant ... a rest day, not just a short break," Milani says with a further furrowing of brows. "I mean even prisoners deserve --" she breaks off and her gaze fixes on Saliqa's in turn. "I think you'll find that I pretty much agree with you entirely," the headwoman says in a firmer tone of voice. "What kind of small entertainment are you thinking of? Food is easy enough to take care of."

"Honestly, I can't tell you I know that. When I made this suggestion to those out there, they sort of eyeballed me in a curious manner and told me to talk to you, so..." The merchant girl spreads her hands as to what that means. Saliqa's hesitation, though, melts away into another bright smile at Milani's agreeing, where it after firms out to a thin line of thinking -- she means business now. "Hmmm... usually we'd sing a few silly ballads and haul out the decks of cards-- well, the women, we knitted, but I've heard the songs enough to repeat now. Not sure what those kinds of rogues would think of it, though," a nail springs to her mouth and she nibbles at it in a most unladylike manner. "Maybe... only those that can be pointed out as having been on best behavior lately... or is that just as mean of me?"

Briefly, MIlani's own smile answers Saliqa's, then she nods thoughtfully. "Nothing wrong with making it you know, a carrot. A reward for good behavior. Sort of fits in with the idea of incentive for rehabilitation, right?" she points out with a sideways grin and bounces MIlandra in the sling again just a little. "Maybe check in with the harpers to see if they have any contributions to make on the musical front?"

"Right!" Saliqa's poised pause after this brings up an almost confused look on her face; she seems to have expected more of an argument. Her shoulders relax and she gives the basket on her hip a tug higher to make up for the sliding down it's been doing. A hand idly makes sure the one pink glove is still on her arm. "If you allow me be involved, I'd be only too happy, ma'am. I've met one of the harpers here for a commission and it should be quite timely to speak to him on the matter when I deliver his item."

If Saliqa expected an argument on this one, she picked the wrong person to talk to. For whatever reasons, Milani seems pretty amenable about taking care of the Reaches' temporary 'guests'. "Oh that works out pretty well, sure. Make sure you talk to the newer one too. Addiene. She teaches the children and might have some good input. I can check with the cooks about what sort of meal we can put together that won't you know, push the budget too much." Beat. "Balancing act and all with the whole making sure to treat them well, but without looking like it's rewarding people who are on punishment detail," the headwoman adds with a little shake of her head.

Perhaps the hoity-toity way she struts about usually just means Saliqa's /always/ expecting an argument. Whatever the matter, the two women are pleasant now, as the younger bobs her head to go along with the developments. "Yes, it can't be too much of a spectacle. Speaking of which, I'd imagine the living caverns to best suit a crowd and some music, but the, ah, the common residents may, as well they have the right, complain about the space being taken up... there's already a bit of a beat to the good seats at dinner time, I've unfortunately found..."

"Hm. It would be the best space," Milani says slowly. "Or the hatching sands, but Iovniath will be keeping an eye on those, being so close to laying." She pauses, considering further. "There's a few other larger caverns that might be suitable though. Give me a day or two to look into it, I'm sure we can find a space."

"That's fantastic, alright, okay." There might be more on Saliqa's tongue but, sporting a little smile for the baby on Milani's front, she steps a bit out of the headwoman's way. "Thank you for your support, ma'am. Milani. It's a nice touch to show the kind hand. I knew I could count on you. But I did promise not to take too much of your time, so! I'll go on my way..." She even turns slightly to the side but, face darkening, she turns back again a second later. A cautious licking of her lips as she eyes the floor and uses it to summon the quieter, "I should... tell the Weyrwoman, as well?"

That enthusiasm brings a renewed smile to Milani's lips and she nods just once. "I can't imagine it's ever easy to be convicted of anything." Beat. "And I know what the inside of Crom's prisons look like." A further pause. "Though not her mines." Softer, more thoughtful and she gives herself a little shake. "Thank you Saliqa, come by tomorrow or the day after, early morning or just after supper are usually best to catch me." And then she's considering again, tilts her head to the side. "How are your ... relations with the Weyrwoman? Because it could come out better if the request comes from you than from me, but there's ways to work that too."

Saliqa's tongue does the rounds inside her cheeks to keep her quiet while she thinks until she comes out with the measured answer, "The Weyrwoman and I... differ in opinion," she tips her head, lips pulled to the side as she seems to test how this one sounds on the air before continuing, "But I have respect for her as a woman." That one out, a moment of what could almost be surprise passes over her features before she schools them back into form.

"Mm. I think it's hard /not/ to disagree with Tiriana about /something/ sometimes, because she always seems to take the opposite opinion, no matter who she's talking to," Milani remarks philosophically and considers for a moment longer. "The only reason I mention it, is because if it comes from me straight up, she might put the kibosh on it out of hand unless I make the whole thing sound like her idea in the first place."

There's a flicker of what might be amusement behind Saliqa's eyes at this description of the Weyrwoman, and she isn't quick to disagree or anything. Tapping fingers restlessly against the sides of her burden, her gaze wanders over Milani's shoulders for the processing of all this. She's still staring a bit off in another direction when she finally ventures, "You want... me to try and make it seem like she came up with the idea first?" This sentence is also tested upon saying; her voice weighs each word as it comes out. And she isn't sounding /entirely/ put off of the idea when it does.

"We have a ... long history, Tiriana and I," Milani says with a faint note of regret in her voice. "I'm certainly willing to give it a whirl, I've figured out a thing or two about working with her after all, or I wouldn't still be standing here," again, philosophical, though her voice is kept low. Not that the foot traffic is all that busy right now. "But if you feel up to the task, see if you can lead her to it. Make her feel good about doing good, if possible. And it'll probably all go a loooot more smoothly," the headwoman says with a meaningful lift of her eyebrows.

In acknowledgment of that low tone, Saliqa has made herself lean slightly forward into the headwoman's personal space so that their conversation retains that intimate atmosphere even in the larger hallways. She kneads the fingers of her free hand into her skirts, while the other continues to clench reflexively on the basket rim. "I'd like to think you're telling me to appeal to her better nature, but I have a feeling it's a bit more manipulative than that." She thinks on it a few seconds more before those brown eyes light right back up. "Alright." Challenge accepted. "Alright, sure. Why /can't/ I speak to her about it."

"Sadly ... manipulative, yes. Though there might be some kind of ... soft core to reach," Milani says quietly, thoughtfully and takes a breath. "Very well then and if you do need help, just let me know," the headwoman says with an encouraging smile.

If there is, Saliqa now seems bound and determined to find it. At least that's the impression her serious eyes and firm nod give. "Thank you, I'll let you know as soon as I've any news on the matter. I'm sure it couldn't hurt to talk to the cooks already, of course, no need to spring it on them or anything... alright. You have a fine day, ma'am." She bobs in a little curtsy-substitute the best she can with the basket and then turns to head off wherever it is her Crom-sisters have gone to.

"There's also ways to open up /that/ conversation without specifically mentioning what exactly it's for," Milani notes with a wink, then she nods as Saliqa excuses herself. "You too, Saliqa. Until soon." And Milani casts an eye at the contents of her clipboard again, then heads off briskly in the opposite direction.

@hrw, saliqa, $convicts, #headwoman

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