Log: Not Smitten

Dec 20, 2007 01:06

Who: Milani, Jolak
When: 19:45 on day 16, month 8, Turn 14, of the 10th Interval.
Where: Common Room/Snowasis/Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
What: Joe and Millie share some conversation and some rye. Joe voices some confusion about Milani's motives that she's happy to clear up. Bluntly.

Common Room, High Reaches Weyr(#868RIJLs)
This small cavern has the crisp smells of a recent cleaning, mingled with its more usual smells of klah, woodsmoke, and people. Baskets of glows are scattered about the room, lighting up dark corners and generally providing a cozy atmosphere. Several chairs sit at a large, round table, and more chairs are against the walls, waiting for use. A large, soft fur is spread out in front of a small stone hearth which keeps the cavern warm for its occupants.

Post-dinner, post-duty, Milani's just coming out of her tiny room having changed out of her uniform and is making her way down the balcony stairs. She's got a towel tossed over one shoulder and a little bag in one hand. Likely headed for a bath or a swim then.

For some time Jolak had been away at Crom, having to stay there for at least a sevenday to make up for the error of his ways - or so he was constantly reminded. Word had it that he had returned just the previous night and was slowly getting back into the groove after the stretch of being at Crom. It didn't seem to outwardly affect him, he was in good health and wore a smile for a passing Milani. There was even a chipper tip of his head with a light hearted "Hello" as he was making for the corridor in which the common male dorms where located.

Milani gets to the bottom of the steps and gives Jolak a little wave. "Hey Joe. Home again, home again?" she questions blithely, swinging around the bannister at the end of the stairs and pausing long enough to chat on her way to the door.

Jolak didn't seem in much of a hurry to get any where, his pace was evenly spaced and his attention easily removed from the direction he was intending to go. Swiveling around on a toe-tip, Joe casually slides a finger through a belt loop on his trousers when he acknowledges Milani with yet another flash of teeth, "Yeah. And I'll tell you that I couldn't be happier." He goes to half leaning on the nearest object, which happens to be a low backed chair, making him lean at an akward angle for how casual he was seemingly trying to be. "Going for a swim?"

"Well I'd think so." Milani makes a face. "Crom. Bleh." Then she nods a few times. "Mmhm. I plan to take advantage of the fact that it's still warm enough to do so. Want to come along?" The girl seems to be in a good mood, no needling evident.

Joe makes it look as if he has to consider coming, even though it sort of is evident he has nothing to occupy his time - duties already over for the day and inventory records all caught up. A brow does arch over his left eye, "My feelings exactly," he chuckles lightly, "Sure. I'll come along." It doesn't seem as if he needs anything of importance and steps over toward Milani, "I've been out of the loop for a while here. What's everyone been up to?"

"Um ... well y'know, either trying to beat up B'yan, or not. All the usual gossip about who's banging who in the back of Stores and that bar spot is opening up." She gestures vaguely in that direction. "Are you still not talking to your brother?" Okay so she's back to asking blunt, relatively impolite questions as she moves towards the door.

"I thought they'd be over that..." he gives a slight bored look, adding along with it, "it's not like the guy was at fault. It wouldn't have made a difference if he was caught too. Maybe it would've, in regards to the Weyr's rep." His mouth suddenly tight as he laughs at the mention of whose banging who, head tilting slightly at the news of a bar spot, "What bar spot?" Blink. Blink. His eyes move to follow in the direction of her vague pointing, rubbing his ear as if to mentally store the information for later. The blunt question has him eyeing her sideways, following along beside her, "I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since we were released. It's not really my fault for us not having words. Just never had the opportunity yet. Yanno?"

"They redid this weyr that had weird formations and made it into a bar." Milani gestures again in the direction of the entrance to the Snowasis. "Just curious," answers the girl with another bright grin, nearly at the exit out into the corridor. "So, swimming or not?"

"I'll have to check that out later," he cants his head to the side trying to get a good look at the entrance as they near the exit out, "it certainly would beat having to go to the nearest Hold or merely sipping on a drink in the living cavern." He nods with a stiff smile for the topic of his brother, "It'll work out eventually. One day he's going to cross paths with me and we'll share a word or two." The tone of voice he carries may reflect a little uncertainty in that fact but a general opptomistic point of view. He waves his hand toward the corridor they must wander through to get to the pools, "Swimming."

"We could go take a peek now. The ledge is pretty." Milani grins again, mischief dancing in her eyes. "So you go and hit drinking holes huh?" The girl's voice holds the light lilt of teasing though also curiosity. "I hope so. That you guys work it out. Family should stick together." That's her opinion anyway.

"Only if you wanted to postpone your swim," he seems content to do which ever, but is already making a back track of his steps, leaning his body toward the new watering hole. With eyes lighted up, he gives this curious little smirk that wrinkles the skin at the sides of his eyes, a look that could be called an impish delight; "When ever I can con someone into flying a group of us around." A sligh laugh of amusement as he hefts his chin toward the alledged bar, "Whose tending there? Anyone good?"

"I guess so, I'm not exactly an expert," notes Milani with a loose shrug. "One of those things I probably need to learn about. And I don't mind waiting a little." Her eyes slide towards the young man. "Con huh?"

Jolak head tilts as he tries to see into the entrance again, eyes flashing back to Milani, "There's a few good ones down at Ista. I've only been there twice, though it's easy to spot the good ones from the bad ones. The bad ones will fill your cup with more water than anything else." He abruptly nods, "One drink and then swimming. It'd be nice to enjoy the water while it is warm outside." A pause as he winks at her, "I'm not so lucky to have natural charms like a certain assistant headwoman. It takes a bit of swindling to convince a rider to give a mere weyrbrat a lift any where outside the Weyr. There's one brown rider who does it quite often for me, but I can't ask when he's working." Another nod toward the Snowasis and he's stepping toward it, eager to explore the revamped weyr.

"Seriously? Even when you've paid up?" Milani's head shakes a couple of times. "That's just wrong." She walks on down the hall towards the bar entrance. "Oh I wasn't saying we should get a drink. Just poke around y'know." One brow cocks his way at the compliment and she winks back at him. "Yep, swimming is definitely good."

Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr(#7315RIJ$)
Large with high ceilings, this cavern's most striking features are the little nooks and crannies along the perimeter and the seemingly dangerous jagged overhang of stalactites just above the hearth. More corners have been made from six, slightly curved walls with half-razed stone blocks rising from the ground as well as outcroppings of hollowed walls, making the layout cumbersome for a private dwelling, however decorative curtain rods and opaque fabrics have been installed to turn each defect in the cavern's shape into its own private corner.

Near the hearth, beneath the stone fixture hanging from the ceilings, a thick rug with a low klah table and comfortable armchairs and couches have been set, the upholstery and cushions changed sporadically to match the season: bright, light colors in the summer, fresh greens and yellows in the spring, warm autumnals in fall, and even warmer hues of rich colors for winter. Small tables, fit for up to four people each, litter the landscape, while a wooden bar construction claims the wall where a dolly window to the kitchens is unlatched. The cabinetry installed has glass panels, so the various liquors available are visible.

"They want to make profit," he states simply upon wandering into the bar, his eyes immediately sweeping the vacinity. A low whistle of awe indicates the approval from the youth, "This is awesome!" he laughs with pitched excitement in his voice. "You said there's a good view from the ledge?" a perked question as he looks with a certain amount of temptation toward the cabinet with glass panels.

Milani ambles along the perimeter of the room, one finger trailling alog the back of a chair. "Yeah, they did a really nice job." Her head nods towards the ledge. "More that the ledge itself is nice. Want to see, or are you going to filch yourself a drink?"

The temptation of a smooth rye has him about to make for the bartop, until he looks back for Milani finding her not where she was a moment before. He has to track his gaze around and when he finds her, it never leaves her again as he traces her finger-stroke against a chair. "I'll take a gander," he states with a sudden odd quality to his voice, a heavier pitch, like his voice had become noticably more husky in its sound. Though he spoke of seeing this ledge, his eyes continued to flow with Milani's movements.

Milani peeks over her shoulder at Joe, brows lifted again. "C'mon. There's plants and stuff. And then we should go hit the water before it gets /really/ dark out." Her eyes track back beyond Jolak to the cabinet. "The bottles are pretty. Does the stuff in them actually taste any good?" Seemingly oblivious to the extra scrutiny, she steps out towards the ledge.

A mental shake has his inspecting gaze flung else where, toward the apparent ledge that should fascinate him. "Plants and stuff?" a slight smirk on his lips as he takes a few swooping steps to catch up to Milani, stepping out onto the ledge, "You have to acquire a taste for them. Some people like the bitter ones, others the sweet tasting ones. Some not at all."

Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
This ledge is a good size, allowing two large dragons on it at the most, however the furniture and decorations do very little to allow dragons to land. The stone has, through time, become smooth with the sting of High Reaches' biting winter winds. Lacking are the telling talon marks of an occupant at any time within the past decade and the ledge has been weeded and cleared of greenery. Situated along the western bowl, this ledge offers a view of the lake in the distance and has a set of wide steps curving along the bowl wall to the ground.

A stone half-arc shelters half of the ledge from the extreme weathers, where a iron-wrought bench and two patio-like tables have been set up. Little niches, carved out of the stone in a rustic fashion hold glow baskets to provide light at night. The very edge has been decorated with wooden boxes of potted flowers that blossom beautifully in the spring and summer.

The evening is clear, not a cloud to be seen, giving you a perfect view of the stars. while Timor shines in half moon though the smaller Belior closes its eye to dream. The strong winds howl through the bowl and the summer air is pleasantly warm.

"See? It's like a little garden on a ledge," explains Milani, gesturing around the space with a bright smile. "And there's a good view of the lake." Her arm gestures that way, where figures can dimly be seen at the lakeside in the vanishing twilight. "All in all, I'd say it's a good hangout, don't you think? As for drinks, I like wine well enough. And some of the stuff that comes down from Nabol. And I've had brandy like, twice. That's nice even it it burns something fierce."

Jolak glances at the auspicious boxes holding the colour blossoms, though in the dim light casted off from the various recesses, it's hard to really appreciate the natural splendor of them. Instead he reaches the ledge's precipice, eyes dropping down and then flashed straight up toward the moons and their thousands of sparkling companions. "It is quite something," he settles his chin lower as he casts a look back at Milani, "I'm sure it would do for a hangout," he agrees with a firm nod of his lowered chin. Moving back a step from the precipice, he rolls a shoulder as he tucks his hands into his pockets, "Rye is strong, goes down smooth though. Makes a person pretty drunk fairly fast, depending on how quick you get it in your gut."

Ambling along one of said little boxes, Milani bends to smell one of the flowering plants. "Yeah, even better than the living cavern. Feels less like a big refectory and all." She grins over her shoulder at the young man and moves on towards the edge of the ledge. "Huh. Sounds dangerou, but I'm game to try a glass. Why don't you go get some and we can sit right here." She drops down to the ledge, legs dangling off the side over the low drop to the Bowl floor. "Then it's a short walk over to swim after." Her towel she piles to one side and plops her little bag on top of it, leaning her weight back on her hands.

"It'll do." There's a brief stint of silence from the young man as he considers the ledge, the stars, Milani, then back again in a certain cycle of consideration and ponderings. "Dangerous?" he abruptly chortles, a challenging half-laugh, "only if you over indulge. Like cookies." He winks at her, hesitant for a moment about fetching a glass until she plops down on the overhang; then a simple, "Be right back." He disappears into the main staging area of the bar. A certain amount of time passes, almost to the point that might make the girl wonder what in the world happened to him. Just when those thoughts might flash before one's mind, Joe returns with his hands full - a short glass in either hand but full of the dark brown liquid. "Here you are," he offers up a drink from his left hand, making to sit with her only when he's relieved of that one glass.

Milani quirks a curious look over at Jolak then sticks her tongue out at him briefly. "I've heard enough lecturing about cookies. I've cut back." That last with a defensive widening of bright blue-green eyes. She's taken to whistling a song of dubious quality when he returns, feet kicking back and forth as she looks up at the stars pricking out in the twilight sky. His return tilts her gaze over and one long arm reaches up to claim the offered glass. "Cheers!" she says gaily, toasting, before taking a cautious sip.

Balancing his glass in one hand while the other glass is retreived, Joe wobbles a bit as he gathers himself down to take a seat - splashing just enough of his drink on his hand to prompt a quick sweep of his tongue to wipe it off. Zealously, he toasts right along with her as he settles right close to her, his legs also left to dangle down over the hang; "Cheers!" Insteat of cautious sips, he takes a few hearty ones before his lips smack together as the rye works it's way down, "that's good stuff," he announces with an inspection of the liquid within his glass, ever watchful of Milani even if he's only watching her from his peripheral vision.
From afar, A'son is sooo behind in logs.

Milani rolls the liquor around in her mouth experimentally before swallowing. Finding it lacks that burn she referred to she takes another healthier swallow. "That's a lot easier to drink than brandy or cheap wine." Another sip follows and she tilts a curious look over at him to match his watchful one. "What?" Still blunt and apparently not so oblivious after all.

The burn in his cheeks is from the liquor - or he likes to tell himself as he finds himself quickly casting his gaze back out toward the weyr-scape. He takes a few more mouthfuls of the rye as if that would clear up the lump in his throat. In response to her though, he eventually finds himself shrugging, eyes sliding over the rim of his glass as he catches himself drinking again from it. As it lowers he mutters, "I'm not sure to be honest..." his words tender though with a certain amount of awkward prevalence to his pitch. Another moment passes before he tries to go on and explain, "Do you ever feel like you should know what to do but you just... don't?"

Milani takes another swig from her glass, a slow grin forming on her face, eyes twinkling at the blush in his cheeks. "You're blushing," she points out unsubtly and shakes her hair back over her shoulder, leaning back on that hand a little more, perhaps deliberately fetching in that move. "Rarely," she answers his latter question directly. "I mean, sure, sometimes, but no. I tend to make up my mind about things and just act. Or talk. Of course my mother and Hayda are trying to get me to think more first before I open my mouth. So. What is it you're not sure about?"

There's an obvious tension forming in his shoulders as she catches him with the blush, a cough quickly made as he tries to deny it with a poor attempt, "Am not!" There's no more to it than that, a simple childish denial. As if trying to put it out of his mind, he draws the rim of his glass toward his lips again. "Usually things are quite simple in my mind. There are few things that make me stumble and fall." Eyes are into his glass as he swishes about the liquid, and after an inhale of air, he speaks his mind, "I'm not sure about you-" a look cast at her, "you're kind of like one of those yellow blossoms mixed in with the orange ones - a seed that bloomed into a flower which wasn't what was expected." He scratches his head, his brows knit, "I sometimes think you're... smitten with N'thei or something..." he furrows his brows, "and then I mean...just the things you do around me.." he gives a disgruntled wave of his hand, not getting out exactly what he wanted to say. "I guess I appreciate your friendship is all. I'm fond of the fact that you can share a drink, a cookie, or a swim with me on occassion." Foot in mouth. Foot in mouth. The youth puts his drink to his lips rather quickly, averting his gaze.

Milani just smirks and shrugs and tilts her glass up again. "Not sure about me. Hm. And that's mighty poetic of you." Then suddenly she's bursting into an unfettered spate of giggles. One hand lifting to her mouth to try to catch them or at least prevent any liquor from spraying out. Her head ducks for that matter as the laughter shakes her shoulders and her glass wobbles a little in her hand as a consequence. It's a good thing she's drunk nearly all of it. Of course, the rye could also be why she's laughing quite /that/ hard. After a minute or two she looks up at him, eyes merry, her own color a little higher than usual, though it's /definitely/ from the drink and the laughing. "I am not /smitten/ with N'thei. Of all people. That's funny. Good one Joe." Her gaze sharpens a little on him and she empties her glass and hands it back to him. "Neither am I smitten with you. Friends about sums things up there. But I like to tease, if you hadn't noticed. So if you're ever confused, just chalk it up to that." She dimples a warm smile at him then and reaches up to tousle his hair fondly. "Now. C'mon. Let's go swim. I think I need to swim off that drink."

The rest of his drink goes down in rapid succession. Not an easy topic he can bring up. It was awkward enough trying to determine what any woman was thinking and what her actions meant when her words were not in synch. He glances at her after her giggles settle down enough so that he can be heard over them, "Okay okay," he sighs with a half corked smirk, "It's kind of a relief to know! I mean, you do know how to tangle up a guy's head!" He laughs at his own misconceptions, a grin shared with her at his own expense, "It's not hard for me to get confused. It's not like I got turns of experience up my sleeve or anything. I'm new to this! You could at least give me a break." He gives a good natured chuckle at the tousling of his hair, "Alright," he says in a final sigh, making it sound like one of defeat on purpose, "I've kept you long enough from swimming."

"I do?" Milani blinks innocently at Jolak then beams widely. "Well good. Y'know all the old aunties in the Common Room say that you have to keep a man guessing." Laughing again she shakes her head. "More seriously, you ever want to know something, just ask. I'm blunt." As if she needed to say that. Her towel is hooked up again and her back and both palms drop to press against the stone of the ledge pushing her off it into a neat jump down to the ground. "Race you there!" It's an unfair challenge given he has the glasses to return and her legs are long. But she's off anyway, laughing as she goes and heading for the warm water that won't be warm for much longer.

milani, jolak

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