Log: Teris Gets Up In Milani's Business

Jan 25, 2010 00:58

Who: Milani, Teris
When: Evening, day 7, month 11, turn 21 of the 10th interval
Where: Snowais, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani asks Teris about tithes. Teris has some choice things to say to Milani.

Snowasis, High Reaches Weyr(#555RJ)
The Snowasis is rarely quiet, and even then, the high-ceilinged former weyr is kept from echoing by the fantastical booths tucked into its convoluted perimeter. The secluded seating spaces have been shaped from the truncated stalagmites that escaped the smoothing of the main floor, and are both softened and separated by colorful hangings that are thick and opaque enough to make each corner its own private nook.
Some of the smaller stalactites still roam the ceiling, their jagged teeth tracing a bumpy, inverted spine to the hearth. There, a thick rug with a low klah table and comfortable armchairs and couches sit, their upholstery and cushions changed sporadically to match the season: bright, light colors in the summer, fresh greens and yellows in the spring, warm autumnals in fall, and clear, rich hues for winter. Small tables litter the rest of the cavern, enough to fit up to four people each, while stools stand along the smooth wooden bar behind which is the passthrough window to the kitchen. Glass-paneled cabinetry behind the bar provides a clear view of the available liquors, the many colors reflecting the soft light of glows tucked into strategic niches around the cavern.

It's been a couple hours since the usual dinner time now and Teris has been here sitting at a table by herself working slowly through a bottle of wine while she looks over some hides, consolidating notes and catching up on work left in the wake of Ezalea's departure from the Weyr. Judging by the wine, something Teris usually only has a glass at a time of at most, she's probably been pushing a bit hard to make sure the slack is taken care of.

Given tithes and the destruction of part of the Weyr, Milani is understandbly, pretty weighted down with papers herself these days and her ubiquitous clipboard is heavier than usual. It's with her now even off-duty, with her abacus stacked up on top. Milandra is nowhere to be seen, but given the hour, it's highly likely the baby's asleep in the nursery or with some flavor of family. Blue-green eyes find Teris and the headwoman heads her way, plops down in the seat across the way. "Teris, there you are, thank goodness. Are those Ezalea's notes? What a mess huh? No juniors," and her head shakes back and forth, a sympathetic expression on her face.

There's surprise in Teris expression when Milani ends up sitting at the table, her table, across from her so unexpectedly. A moment later that surprise turns into slightly narrowed, questioning eyes, "They are. Can I help you with something, headwoman?" She doesn't seem terribly concerned with any shared sympathy but if there is any business to be attended to, she's apparently all ears. "A mess," she agrees, at least, if tersely.

"Mm, she was working on some of those last tithes expected in from the small holds around Balen, I just want to make sure it's all reconciled correctly. We're only expecting one more train in. The weather's about to turn after all," Milani says with a wry turn to her expression. "But it looks like we're in good shape so far, everyone's working hard to inventory and store everything that's come in and I should have the new inventory reports ready right on time as usual, well before turnover."

"Oh," Teris says, flipping back through a couple of hides before giving up and just saying, "Right." She knew that. Of course she did. "Did you need a copy? I can have one sent to you." Some other time that isn't now, presumably. "Nice to know you still have time to keep all of your people in line," she comments, reaching for the glass that's nearly empty again. The blonde offers a very obviously fake smile to the headwoman.

"Well if you're taking over those tasks for Ezalea for now, it's something we can just work out together," Milani says with a smile. "Though a copy would be good too, you know, never a bad idea to have backups." She shifts a little in her chair and flips over a few things, then looks across at Teris at that remark, gaze fixed on the assistant's face for a moment. "It's one of the really nice things about Weyrlife you know, plenty of helping hands for everything," she notes with a little quick-smile of her own, which isn't really fake but there's something about Teris' manner that's making her a little more tentative or at least, careful.

"I'm sure that will be lovely," Teris says, smile still firmly in place and no more genuine. Working more with Milani just really doesn't seem to be something she's looking forward to. "Oh, yes, helping hands." Then after a few moments; "You've had /your/ helping hands all over the Weyrleader, haven't you." It's not a question, much more an accusation. It's possible she's not holding her wine entirely well. "You really should just pick one and stick with them, you know."

"I'm sure we can get it all worked out," Milani answers, still all business herself, until Teris lays that last on her. Clipboard and abacus are set down and she sits back in her chair, hands dropping to the arm rests. "What does my relationship with K'del -- or anyone else for that matter -- have to do with tithes, Teris?" she asks, quite calmly, head cocked to the side.

"Oh, were we still talking about tithes?" Teris asks, all innocence and not especially convincing about it. Subtlety and wine just don't generally go hand in hand very well, especially when one isn't usually very liberal with the latter. "Tell me. Is it some lingering insecurity that makes you latch onto these poor boys the way that you do or are you just the flipskirt that they say you are?" She, too, is calm. Frigidly so.

"I did come over here to ask you about tithes and Ezalea's notes, yes," Milani answers and eyes that wine glass, then Teris in turn. "I really have no idea what you're talking about. But if you really have to know, K'del and I have a very solid relationship that's based on love and trust and K'ndro and I are very good friends. None of us are particularly well-suited to monogamy and I think it'll be a hot day Between before either of them is interested in an exclusive relationship with anyone. So I'm really not quite sure what the problem is?" Both brows up there.

"What can he possibly know about /love/?" Teris demands, if a little rhetorically considering it's unlikely she actually expects a reasonable answer from Milani on the subject. "The problem is that you make him look bad. It makes the Weyr look bad. And the Weyr, if you haven't noticed, doesn't need any extra help looking bad right now." The cool crispness of her voice actually takes on a note of heat there, possibly hinting at something else motivating her words than what she's saying.

"A lot," Milani says quite seriously in answer to Teris' first. "He's one of the most loving and loyal people that I know," the headwoman says candidly. "He's a good and honest man. He's still learning a lot about being a leader, but I /know/ he'll get there someday." Pure confidence there. The rest of Teris' speech just earns a boggled look. "You know, if I didn't know better, Teris, I'd think you were from a hold instead of weyrbred." She considers the other woman for a long moment though, that heat in her voice maybe tipping Milani off. "Seriously, what's this really about? Because the very idea that anyone gives a wher's ass about who the Weyrleader is with, is ridiculous."

"K'del is a boy," Teris returns waspishly. "Not a man. And K'ndro isn't much better." The blonde waves a hand at the headwoman dismissively, though, and pours herself another glass of wine without asking if the other woman wants any. "Someone has to be aware of the way the Weyr looks to the holders. Obviously it hasn't been something on the Weyrleader's mind. You all talk about how much of a bitch Tiriana is but at least she's had a steady relationship with the same man for some time now. It looks good. I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand."

"You can't expect the Weyr to turn into a hold, just to make holders happy," Milani points out quite reasonably. "Relationships like that in a Weyr are rare. And I haven't called Tiriana a bitch. She's not a very nice person and she's often very thick about things, but she's smart enough to leave most of the Weyr diplomacy to people who can keep their tempers. She's come a long way since she tried to deck Satiet one, or -- well any number of incidents where she couldn't control herself." And there's a little hitch in the way the headwoman says the former Weyrwoman's name. "At any rate, the point here is, that there's nothing wrong with the way K'del conducts his relationships. And there's nothing wrong with the way Tiriana does either. They're just different ways, and they're both perfectly acceptable. As for the people out there in the coverage area, I'm telling you, they don't care. All they care about right now, is whether or not we're helping them out with the rocks they need moved, whether or not their tithes were delivered and whether or not it's worth it for them to tithe to us. Who's rolling who is so beyond not important, it's not even funny. So whatever bug is eating your tail about K'del or me... figure it out and get over it, so we can actually do our jobs and make sure that all these people who're relying on us, can actually rely on us." She pushes forward then, back leaving the chair and leans down to pick up her things. "Thanks for offering to make a copy of those notes. I'd like to have them by the day after tomorrow. I'll also expect you an hour before the noon meal to go over the reconciliations, I'd really appreciate your eye for detail on those items that Ezalea was handling." With that, Milani pushes to her feet in anticipation of leaving.

There's an intense sort of listening going on as Milani speaks and it's probably not for lack of any responses that Teris remains quiet. If looks could kill, though, she'd at least have one less person to deal with. Granted a lot more work on her hands. Her jaw sets in a way that almost looks painful but through it all, Teris keeps her calm and in the end she simply waves an acknowledgement and offers a slight inclination of her head to the headwoman's final words. She'll be there. And she'll probably be pretending that this never happened.

There's an intense sort of listening going on as Milani speaks and it's probably not for lack of any responses that Teris remains quiet. If looks could kill, though, she'd at least have one less person to deal with. Granted a lot more work on her hands. Her jaw sets in a way that almost looks painful but through it all, Teris keeps her calm and in the end she simply waves an acknowledgement and offers a slight inclination of her head to the headwoman's final words. She'll be there. And she'll probably be pretending that this never happened.

That quality to Teris' gaze is not missed, but Milani doesn't flinch from it. Tiriana's not the only one who's come a long way from the teenagers they once were. "Have a good evening, Teris," the headwoman offers in parting and on her end at least, it's sincere, regardless of the daggers in the assistant's eyes.

teris, $k'del, $meteorites, $k'ndro, @hrw, #headwoman

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