Log: Not A Heavy Load

Jan 02, 2010 12:18

Who: Leova, Milani
When: Late morning, day 25, month 8, turn 21 of the 10th interval
Where: Corridors, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani and Leova catch up during a walk to the kitchens and over lunch.

Coming out of the infirmary, Milani leans against the wall for a moment, hands pressed into the small of her back and looking for a moment, none-too-comfortable. Then she starts to straighten, one hand pushing against the wall for a little bit of momentum. Someone's very, very close to due by now and big as a house.

"Tempted to cut your hair off yet?" asks the greenrider who... hasn't exactly /sneaked up/ on her, but who certainly has a gleam in her eye. "Short-short-short. I recommend it. Irritates Big-and-burly to boot." Not that her own has been cut as recently as it could have been, exposing its summer-rusted state: someone's been riding without a helmet. A lot.

Turning at the sound of that voice, Milani makes big eyes at Leova and laughs. "Leova. Hi," she says with a bright smile and holds out a hand towards her friend. "Maybe a little," she holds up her other hand, fingers pinching air. "Babies and really long hair don't mix, do they?" But then she's laughing again. "Why would I want to annoy Mik? He's been a sweetheart," she says fondly about the bronzerider in question and eyeballs the greenrider's hair. "I've missed out on a lot of fun flying this summer, haven't I?" For the rusty state of Leova's hair.

Leova takes that hand, but with an exaggerated yank-and-twist like she's going to haul the much taller woman over her shoulder... except there's no substance to it. This time. Instead she's careful with Milani's bulky self, helping her from the wall and little more before letting her hand swing free. "K'n...? No. He gets a bye this time. If only for the cradle. And so you have, at least, with /me/," and her tone lifts here: perhaps some of the dragons hauling luggage have learned to hoist Milani up instead?

"Thanks," the headwoman puffs out and swings into a ... waddle alongside the greenrider instead of her usually brisk stride. "Mm. And all the foot rubs and backrubs and carrying me around," Milani says with a low chuckle. "He's a good man, Leova," the headwoman adds on softly and tilts a little look over at her friend and makes an exaggerated moue. "Well darn. Hopefully there'll still be some nice weather left after this kiddo comes out. I've /missed/ flying with /you/." No dragons hoisting, but K'ndro's strong arms, yes. And it's been seen from time to time, the big man swinging the headwoman up off her feet to make her rest in spite of fond protests and swattings to his forearms.

Leova gives the redhead a sidelong look, one that ends up with a teasing, "/You/ just think you're lucky because you caught yourself men taller than you. Just as well it's Mik's, though. Seeing K'del try... /not/ the same effect." She keeps her own pace easy for the other woman's sake, and if she can manage to look like she's not chafing at it, so much the better. "Vrianth informs me that with enough ropes, she could carry you. Though Ishawith is better with loads."

"Ha, no, not quite the same effect," Milani agrees, "not that he /can't/ pick me up," she has to point out. "And I am lucky, very, very lucky," she notes more thoughtfully. "Two good men and many good friends." Her shoulder aims a bump towards trying-not-to-walk-fast Leova. "Tell Vrianth that I appreciate the thought, but I'm not a heavy load," the headwoman quips back with asperity, winks at the greenrider. "The other bummer of course, has been not getting out for as many Gathers this summer. But I think it'll all be worth it in the end. I can see though why some women just do not want to do this again." Gaze down to belly, because gee, she can't see her feet.

"How are /they/ getting along? Lately." Leova doesn't smile, though something like it plays about her mouth, hinting. Maybe it's the shoulder-bump that she doesn't dodge, doesn't give way to. "Do they layer their hands on your belly, feel the baby kick, sing a lullaby in parts? As for Vrianth... I'm to tell you that she is refraining from pressing her point, as a loss of sense of proportion can be expected. In your condition. ... Sorry." She looks up, eyeing the top of the corridor as though spinnerwebs could be found there. "Think you would? Do it again."

"I think a little better at least," Milani says carefully. "At least they are in front of /me/," she elaborates with a little quirked sideways smile. "No, they don't. K'del's still a little ... well it's harder for him to watch me with someone else's baby than he thought," she tells Leova candidly, voice lowered. "Mik's over the moon and he does just sit there listening, or you know, waiting for kicks. I don't think he ever gets tired of it. He's like this giant little boy about it, who just got the best turnover present ever." The headwoman pauses for a moment, takes a couple of deep breaths. "Oh it's okay, that's so like her, isn't it? And I'll just let her have the point. Though if she doesn't think she can lift me, well shells, I might almost think that ought to be a challenge!" Big eyes made and her hand pat pat pats at her belly, which for the record, just shifted sideways. Hello kid. "Ask me again after I've gone through labor. Right now, I would," Milani says with a laugh.

There's a quiet laugh early on, and then a quieter, "Can understand that," the greenrider's pace slowing as though hushed along with Milani's tone. "Funny, though. Reminds me of Cadejoth. The giant-little-boy bit. Presents." Only, it's more like pre-sents, with the last syllable drawn out into a reminds-me blur. "Have you heard anything about Nahali..." But. Milani pauses. /Leova/ pauses. Makes it into more of a full-fledged stop, even, and never mind the rest of the chatter because, "Millie. Those aren't /pains/, are they?"

"Yeah, I feel a little bit bad about that, but you know, if he wants to be sure, then we can't keep up an open arrangement," Milani says with a little practical lift to her shoulders, chuckling at mention of Cadejoth, though she's also eyeing what's probably baby butt bemusedly. "Nahali?" she starts to question then laughs and shakes her head. "No, just those what're they called, shoot. Brockton-whatever. The fake ones. Madilla told me the name, but I've forgotten. And mostly too, just shells kid, there's no more room to move!" this directed towards the mover and shaker. "Anyway, Nahali?" she prompts as she starts walking again.

When was healer-talk like this ever so reassuring? Milani moves on, Leova rejoins her with a relieved, sideways smile that's more for the woman than whatever her belly might be up to. Blocking her friend from a pair of kids chasing each other down the hallway, "Nahalith. Or Iovniath, for that matter... And at least, not open until he's done the job, hm?" Her brows /wiggle/.

Milani a grateful smile is granted to the greenrider for that block-job and then her brows lift. "Oh ... no, they both seem perfectly healthy? I mean Iovniath looks about the same as usual," the headwoman elaborates. "No funny rumors running around." She starts laughing again maybe more for the wiggly brows than the actual remark, but that too. "Oh shells. Well yes. I mean, I was being careful before. Mostly. Except ..." her hand moves and her expression sobers. Except for that one really big oops.

A quick nod from Leova, a speculative glance after the kids, and, "Good to know." And, lower, "Right." She doesn't say anything more just then, keeps her moving-on more literal than figurative, as though it could take all her concentration to deliver the other woman to the kitchen before lunch gets entirely cold.

"Is that something I should be listening for?" Milani queries after a moment, head tilting. The corridors are finally (finally) giving way to the kitchen zone and the headwoman actually seems to be moving a little bit more quickly. "I mean, it hasn't been that long since Iovniath last rose and I don't know about Nahalith's cycle so well." Her brows knit faintly and her head tilts a little, ahead. "Got time to settle for lunch?"

The greenrider demurs, "Just whatever-it-was you said, made me think." She's got an offhand shrug to go with it, nothing that'll get in Milani's way, not with the momentum she's picking up. "Reckon I do, even if it's just an eat-and-run before shift. Though! Did I say, those teething rings? The skybroom, it /shouldn't/ splinter, but if your offspring winds up with dragon teeth, bring 'em back and I'll fix them."

"Ohh," Milani nods a few times and lifts her hand, pushes it through her hair and nods. "I suppose it is just over two turns ..." she murmurs softly and her gaze goes distant for a moment, then refocuses on Leova. "Great. Then we can talk some more. Just I'll need to sit at table with a chair. I don't /fit/ in the booths anymore." Big rolling eyes. And then a beaming smile. "Well, if there's issues, I'll bring them by, but unless they breed them with teeth like that in the trading caravans, I don't think it'll be a problem."

"Seems longer than that," low-voiced. But it's brief, and then Leova's back to just listening, laughing, running offensive line for Milani to get by without any trays of dishes being banged into her. She pulls out a chair, even, "Guess I'd better ask Mik to open wide, take a look. Though maybe it doesn't count, being the first batch, maybe his fell out..."

"It does sometimes," Milani agrees, head bowing for a moment or two. When they make it to the kitchen, she settles down in that chair with another thank you smile and props her chin up in her hands to chatterbox some more about things in the lower caverns and a little about hopes and fears for the coming labor over toasted cheese sandwiches and fruit salad until Leova has to scoot for that shift.

leova, @hrw, *baby2, #headwoman, vrianth

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