Vignette: Turnover 21

Oct 21, 2009 02:26

When: 13/28/20
Where: Around High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani's turnover.

Milani hadn't felt well all day.

She'd bustled around with much of her usual energy, but Alieva had been eyeing her off and on and finally put her foot down: go lie down, she said after the headwoman had lost track of what she was doing for the fourth time.

Zoning out. Staring off into space. Shells. Milani hardly ever did that!

Still, she'd left the rest of the decorating to the assistants and after a quick check over some lists, she'd gone to take a nap that had done her a world of good.

By nightfall, she'd been able to put the pretty clips K'del had gotten her into her hair, slipped into the gown that was going to make several jaws drop and been able to have a little bit of fun.

This turn, she didn't even think about going to Ista. Or a certain pool.

She did wish A'son a happy new turn though when she saw him, briefly.

Later she blushed over K'ndro's gift and kissed him very soundly in thanks.

She'd meant to get presents but it had slipped her mind.

She'd meant to stay up too, for most of the party, but in the end, she delegated the clean-up to Giorda and went to curl up on K'del's couch, nodded off in front of the fire before midnight even touched the Reaches.

And what she dreamed was quiet and sweet and left her with a feeling of hope and looking forward the next morning.

$k'del, $k'ndro, @hrw, $a'son, #headwoman, turnover 21

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