Log: Chatter with E'dre

Sep 15, 2009 13:47

Who: E'dre, Milani, Wroth
When: It is an autumn morning, 10:50 of day 6, month 10, turn 20 of Interval 10.
Where: Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr
What: Millie's taking a moment to cool down, E'dre's keeping an eye on Wroth. Talk about fashion and gossip follows.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr(#276RJs)
The rest of the bowl may be barren, grass barely surviving at best, but here by the lake, it's brilliantly green in the warmer months: thickening and thriving in the silty, boulder-dotted soil just before it transitions to soft sand and thence to the cool, clear water itself.
A large freshwater lake fed by a low waterfall, it not only provides warm-weather bathing space for humans and dragons, but has one end fenced off as a watering hole for the livestock in the feeding grounds. The water there is often muddier than the rest of the clear lake, whose shallows drop off abruptly several yards out into deep water, and whose edge undulates against the coarse-hewn bowl wall: here close enough to just be bramble-covered rocks, there far enough away that a narrow land bridge divides the main lake from a smallish pond. Between are several rocky outcroppings that form excellent makeshift diving points, though only one -- across the bridge -- has a set of narrow, slippery, quite possibly tempting stairs.
Though overall pleasant, the temperature has dropped just below the freezing mark, enough to allow the lightest sprinkle of snow to fall from the skies.

The weather outside is not at all pleasant - at least to one still not entirely comfortable with snow and cold. Bundled up against the small flurries that fall from the sky, E'dre is staring out at the lake. Arms folded in front of him, brows down, and lips skewed to the side he is the picture of a man in deep thought. Wroth is not far off, as the brown has chosen to play-stalk a group of herdbeasts that have come down to drink at the lake. He creeps along the bank, head down and focused, and for now the creatures seem to not notice him.

Snow flurries don't bother the headwoman, Milani's walking along with a somewhat harried air, cheeks flushed not from cold, but heat and she pulls her hair loose of its bun, rumples it up as she walks, deep breaths. She catches sight of E'dre though, marks his posture and nears. "E'dre? What're you doing out here in the snow?" She knows how little he likes the cooler weather.

E'dre turns at the sound of Milani's voice, brows smoothing as a smile replaces the twist. "Ah, you know. Watching him," he jerks his chin in the brown's direction. He evades the question further by rubbing his nose briefly with his glove and then notes her appearance. "Are you running? You look, well, like it." Impish grin, "Not that I think it isn't becoming on you, though I thought you employed people to do the running for you now."

"Ohhh, well you know, you were making this face," Milani says and furrows up her brows, then she laughs alittle and aims to slip a friendly arm through his. "New tithe wagon in and there was a little bit of altercation so I thought I should ... cool off," the headwoman says with a wry turn to her smile. "How's he doing? He looks like he's having fun."

E'dre pats her hand as her arm settles into the crook of his. He looks towards Wroth and shakes his head, "He's always having fun, if he's causing trouble." It does seem to be the brown's motive as he takes a leap over the fence and sends the herdbeasts scattering. "He'll get me in trouble for running them unnecessarily. Makes thema ll stringy, y'know?" A shrug and then he looks down at her with a crooked smile, "Cool off? Someone upset you?"

"Mm, but only if they do actually get stringy," MIlani says with a quiet chuckle. Her shoulders lift, drop. "One of the unloaders was giving me a hard time about how I wanted things done. We found a compromise and I left him to it."

E'dre shakes his head, tsking. "Seems to me those fellows are always trying to be difficult just to /show/ they have power when they don't. Wherry-heads don't realize they'd be done faster if they listened from the start." He watches Wroth retreat and rolls his eyes. "He's gloating and says he won't run them 'til their stringy." Snort. "Anyway, anything come in for me? I've been waiting on some satin..,"

"Mmm, well you know, I can be flexible too, just because /I/ like my system doesn'tmean everyone has to follow it," she says with a touch of self-deprecating humor then looks over at Wroth. "Good boy," she tells the cranky brown approvingly then turns back to E'dre and shakes his head. "No ... when did you ask for it?"

"Sure it means everyone has to follow it, you're Headwoman," E'dre replies with a wink. He rubs his chin a few times, thinking. "I can't remember. Thought it went in before this tithe was expected, but maybe not." Shrug. "I can always go and fetch some. Wroth's just been... difficult in terms of the crafting." He mimics a raspy, snappish, voice, "You need to employ yourself in something more useful than making sparkly dresses for women!" He grins, "He doesn't realize that it is /very/ useful and lucrative."

Laughter for that and her arm squeezes his gently. "Mmm. Well, you know if it wasn't coming in a tithe, then it's on whomever you put the order to to make sure it gets delivered. I can look into it if you'd like," the Headwoman offers. She laughs again about Wroth. "I wonder what he thinks would be useful?"

"No, don't worry about it," E'dre is quick to reply, patting her hand again at the squeeze. "I don't want to add to your work. It can wait." He shakes his head at her last, looking towards the brown who has settled himself in a snowdrift. "Y'know, I don't think it'd matter if I was a wingleader or something else Weyr-related; he'd still find something to complain about. It's his nature." Another shrug, "Enough about /us/. I can't remember the last time we chatted like this...," he pauses, smiling at her. "What's new with you?"

"All right, because you know, I do have people for that kind of thing," Milani jokes, echoing his earlier words. Her gaze slips over to Wroth again and her head shakes. "If ever there was a more unlikely pairing," she tells him fondly and takes a breath, lifts her shoulders. "Work, tithes, nothing much new, though I did get to a few gathers this summer with friends. Carobet. Madilla. You know how much I like dancing and well, my dance partners tend to /love/ that dress you made me turns ago."

E'dre chuckles, "All right, get your people to look into it. Tell them to snap to it, y'know, because I'm such an impatient man." His eyes twinkle as his smile widens at her last, "Oh yes, /that/ one. I should've made you a new one by now - it's so outdated in a fashion sense. Though most men don't seem to notice if its last seasons design or not." His smile turns wicked, "But I do have an eye for the proper cuts of things, don't I?"

Milani drops her chin and giggles at that teasing statement and she leans in to bump her shoulder against his lightly. "With a neckline like that, I don't think it really matters how up to date it is," Millie tells him teasingly. "I did go down to Weaver and get some new things. Amerie brought me all up to date, but just because something isn't the latest doesn't mean you have to drop it. It's a lovely dress and I like the way I look in it."

"I'm sorry, but to some of us, its just... /wrong/ to be seen in last turns fashions," E'dre comments, teasing in tone though there's truth behind his statement, "It's a professional matter, you realize." He nods his head, "Amerie did? Glad to hear it. Though you've always had a good eye for what fits you nicely," he tweaks her nose lightly, "And you do look stunning in it. I'm sorry I didn't get to take you to any gathers. It would've been wonderful to have you on my arm to show off to strangers." Grin. "But I'm sure you had fun without me all the same."

"I know. I'm not enough of a fashion maven for that though," Milani says with another little shrug and wrinkles her nose under that tweaking, leans to rub her nose against his sleeve. "Well speak up for the rest of the autumn or for turnover even," she tells him playfully, my whole dance card isn't full yet."

E'dre playfully dusts off his sleeve where she's rubbed, nose scrunching much like hers just did. "Careful, you'll wrinkle the fabric! Then I'll have to change." He looks down at his outfit, looking a bit mournful, "Maybe I should anyway. Winter always makes me look like a puff-ball and drab. It's hard to be fashionable in the cold." He heaves a dramatic sigh but brightens, "Yes. I'll have to take you to one. Your pick, and I'm your man." Pause. "Wroth says he will even fly us together."

"What, you can't do layers?" she teases him further but smooths the fabric down with her fingers too. "Mmm ... let's see. Tillek's brewfest is really soon, how about that one?" she proposes with a little tilt of her head to the side. "And oh, generous. Thank you Wroth!" she actually turns to direct this at the brown, not his rider.

E'dre nods his head, "That sounds perfect. I don't get as sloppy on beer as I do wine," he winks at her and then snorts as she thanks the brown. Wroth straightens his posture to look more regal. "Really, he has his alterior motives. He thinks if he brings the Headwoman he will have more status than the others. Guess that's /sort/ of true."

"Really? Hmm. I just drink enough to get a little happy and not get to the point of sloppy." milani just smiles over at Wroth indulgently and leans in to murmur to E'dre. "I don't mind flattering him a little if it helps."

E'dre returns the murmur, "He's unlikely to blast me today because of it, so I thank you. /I/ just choose not to let him know he deserves it." He looks towards the sky and the threatening clouds. "I think a bigger storm is going to be falling soon. Shall I escort you to wherever you were going before we ran into each other?"

"Well good. Blasting, no fun," Milani says and takes a breath. "Oh I was just coming out here for a few minutes. If you like though you can walk me back to the office."

E'dre nods his head and pulls free of her to give her a little bow before he takes up her arm in his once more. "I'd love to. Then we can look into that matter of the satin and I'll leave you be for the day." He starts to walk off, ambling to continue their conversation as they walk. "Any bits of gossip you feel like sharing with lil' me?"

"All right, we will then," Milani agrees laughingly and she falls into step with him and keeps him entertained with the lighter gossip from the caverns for a while.

wroth, e'dre, $carobet, @hrw, $tithe, #headwoman, $madilla

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