Log: Unraveling Eila's Yarn

Sep 10, 2009 02:46

Who: Eila, Milani
When: It is an autumn night, 19:51 of day 19, month 9, turn 20 of Interval 10.
Where: Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
What: Millie helps Eila unravel yarn and gets her set up with fresh linens.

It's mid-evening, shortly after dinner for Eila: a plate is nudged out of the way atop her table serves testament to this, in her little corner of the grand cavern, and a cup of klah steams at her elbow. The bluerider is ignoring it, for the moment, in favour of her object of interest. Fingers laced through thread and wool, she is untangling what looks like an endless, enormous mess of yarn, quietly intent on it. Her only audible expression of dismay comes when her elbow bumps that precarious mug, nigh knocking it over, and Eila exclaims her frustration, "oh -- shard it all!"

Dressed down for off-duty, Milani cruises in for a late meal, stopping by to load up on leftovers. Puddle is lazily draped over her shoulder chirping now and then as if to say: "Get me some of that." Funny enough, Millie does get a little of whatever for the loose-limbed brown. That exclamation while she's looking for a seat draws the headwoman and a helpful hand sneaks out to tuck the mug back out of the way. "Hey you. Got room for us?"

She's clutching that wool, aiming a look down at it that would make any other respectable yarn shrivel to ash, though of course it just /sits there/, impudent thing, when Milani approaches, and Eila's expression quickly melts to one of welcome. "Sit, sit!" The bluerider motions with her wad of wool, flipping the end-bit at Puddle with a little grin for the 'lizard. Once she's set the mess down, there's a nod of thanks for the rescued mug, and Eila retrieves it and takes a long drink before, "Hey you, yourself. How have you been, Millie?"

Milani slides her plate onto the table and sits, while Puddle flits down to check out the wool with a curious chirrup and promptly curls up on the stuff not so much to play but to laze. "Lazybones," she accuses the firelizard and smiles over at the bluerider. "Pretty well thanks, it's tithes season, all kinds of exciting in the caverns," she winks over at Eila. "And you? Wool giving you fits and mugs trying to wander away?"

Eila wags a finger down at Puddle when he makes himself comfortable, admonishing playfully, "It was one of your foolish friends who made this mess in the first place, did you know that?" Directed up at Milani with a crooked smile, "Rylar got into my sewing basket while I was sick, and I didn't have the energy or heart to sort it all out /then/, so." So: the chaos. "Always seems like it's tithes season, doesn't it? At least there's never a dull moment." She sighs, happily content. "So long as those are my biggest problems, I'm happy."

Chirp? Puddle looks up at Eila passively and rubs a piece of the stuff against his cheek. Nice yarn. "Ooof, tough. Want help unwinding that, as long as PUddle doesn't doze off in it?" Laughter follows about tithes. "Mmm, it happens. It's autumn. I'm hoping it'll be a really smooth one though. No more weird stuff," MIllie says with a shake of her head. "And that's a really good attitude to have. Have you seen your family much since you got back?"

After setting down her klah again, Eila draws one free strand across the tabletop, wiggling it enticingly. Look at the purple thread-worm! But before an attack can be made, the rider's gathering up a fistful of wool to set back at work, and for Milani's offer, she nods encouragingly. "Finish eating first!" Is her only condition, said all Adult and Motherly, followed by an impish grin. "... weird stuff?" She echoes, then catches her lip with her teeth and a shake of her head. "Right. Weird stuff. I have, on and off," Eila adds, "went down just the other day, actually, to let them know I was still hale and healthy!"

Puddle just rolls over though and blinks at the wiggling thread-end. L.a.z.y. Millie nods a few times. "Thanks, I'll grab an end in a minute." She also lines up a few tidbits for the brown who bestirs himself for food at least, rolling over to go fetch a piece of food. He turns over on his back again, nibbling, little rear paws curled up against his body. "Mm, weird stuff, like thousands of beads and so on." A beam about family. "Good, good. And all settled back in up in your weyr? Do you need anything? Fresh linens, furniture ...?"

Eila laughs, "What a slacker. Barely even moves for /food/. What a pair him and Rylar would be, Pride and Gluttony." No offense, of course, Puddle, and the bluerider extends one of the last scraps off her own plate to the brown as a peace offering. There's an abrupt giggle from Eila as she remembers the beads, eyes widening. "Did you ever put any of them to good use? I can imagine them just sitting in store for /years/." She considers a long moment thoughtfully at the Headwoman's offer, hands working busily. "I, hmm. Fresh linens would be just /wonderful/. But I think my furniture's weathered my absence."

"Yeaaaah there's a reason I called him Puddle," MIlani says laughingly and eats a few more bites. Puddle accepts all scraps happily and munches. Without moving. "Mm, a lot of bug curtains for weyrs for summer," the headwoman describes about the beads. A bob of her head and Millie fishes a scrap of hide out of her pocket, makes a note. "LInens, got it. Two sets?"

"Oooh, bead curtains. That's a good idea!" Two! Eila holds up her fingers in agreement, along with a sincere, "/thank/ you. Mine are smelling a bit ... musty." 'Musty' might be a forgiving term, judging by the face she pulls. "Tried to air them out over my ledge but Kelerith thought it was great game and nearly took off with one of them," the girl rolls her eyes upward, begging patience.

"Mm, nto that it's /super/ buggy up here, but you know, every bit helps," MIlani says with satisfaction about how that turned out. "Mmm ... I'll bet and that Kelerith!" But the headwoman's exclamation is fond as she sets aside a mostly emptied plate and fishes around for the other end of yarn to start detangling while Puddle yaaawns finishes off that last morsel and rolls over for another nap.

"They're pretty, too. I like the tinkly noises they make," Eila admits with a girlish sort of tilt of her head, and then a laugh: "I sounded just like Persie for a second!" /That Kelerith/ indeed, and the rider can't help her loving, if worn, sigh, but soon enough she's digging around for an end to produce for Milani, and industriously tugging and peeling at her own ball of yarn.

Fondly, Milani grins at Eila. "You did and that's not a bad thing. She's so upbeat when she's ... bubbly you know?" The headwoman's fingers pick nimbly through the wool, finding ways to loosen it and slowly some order starts to be found on her end of the mess. She also takes bites from her plate from time to time. "So if you want a bead curtain for summer, I can ask the kids to put one together for you. Tinkly. Though ... do think Kelerith would try to disassemble it?"

Eila's eyebrows dip down for a moment as she works away at a particularly taut knot, but her voice is bright when she agrees, "She's so bubbly, when she's bubbly? You can't help but get all caught up in it." The rider carefully -- so carefully! -- sets down her bundle to take a swift sip of klah, and then she's back at it, saying, "I'm sure he would try at least! But if it was hung a little deeper into my weyr, since he can barely fit in as it is... Would that be manageable?"

"Yes," Milani agrees about Persie. "It's hard not to smile when she is." THe headwoman keeps worrying at knots, nods. "If he doesn't fit, that'd work, definitely. I just wouldn't want you to wind up with beads all over your weyr!" She lets out a little whoops as that tangle yields. PUddle cracks an eyelid open but then goes back to sleep. "So we'll get you set up with that too and I'll go get you those linens for tonight. Actually, I should go do that, so sit tight and I'll be right back with those!"

"I didn't think of that," Eila, consternation writ all over her feature, looks up. "I'll just have to impress upon him have /little/ a mess it would make, should he break it," she says with the attitude of one well-versed in speaking Kelerith, and then she directs a bright grin up at Milani. "I'll keep guard, since it doesn't look like Puddle's up for the task!" She straightens, playful-watchful, and chirrups a-la-Persie, "Thank you, Millie! You're the best Headwoman ever!"

"Mm, no beady mess for Eila!" Milani wags a finger as she pushes to her feet, eyes Puddle. "No, he's not a good guard, though he's okay with messages." She smiels at the bluerider warmly and slips away. Not more than a quarter of an hour later she's back with the linens stacked in her arms to turn over to Eila with a smile. After more yarn untangling and chat, she'll collect Puddle and head off with a wave and a cheery: "Sleep well and unmustily!"

$kelerith, @hrw, $persie, $tithe, puddle, #headwoman, eila

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