Log: Outfitting Avey

Jun 16, 2009 16:02

Who: Avey, Milani
When: 13/13/19
Where: Living Cavern/Stores, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani helps Avey dress for the cold.

Avey trudges in from the bowl looking practically blue, and wearing clothing that isn't at all appropriate for a Reaches winter. Her boots are simple leather, not lined; her trousers are too thin; and though she's wearing a riding jacket, it's not heavy enough to keep out the frigid wind. The kitchen's heat draws her like a magnet, and she moves to stand right next to the doorway, trying to warm up.

It's breakfast time and Milani's just finishing up the last few bites of some toast, a klah mug near her hand, though it's not steaming anymore and is likely close to empty. The headwoman looks up as a latecomer's shadow darkens the doorway and she focuses almost immediately on the relatively new transfer. "Well hello there," she calls over, not having seen Avey since the greenrider first arrived and got assigned a weyr. "You look like you could use a trip to stores for winter clothes."

"I do?" That doesn't seem to have occurred to Avey. She looks down at her clothes in surprise. "Well, I've /got/ a jacket," she says, tugging at the bottom of it. "It's just so cold!" But she manages a smile for Milani. "I'm Avey," she introduces herself. "I just moved in with G'stev."

"Yes, you do. Reaches winter and Ista's coldest weather don't mix," Milani says with a laugh. "I know, have all the notes right here," the headwoman taps her nearby clipboard. "But moving in with G'stev explains why you haven't come by to ask about stuff for the weyr you were assigned!" Millie notes further. "So. Looks like you need a real jacket, pants, sweaters..."

Avey looks sheepish. "Yes, it's a perfectly nice weyr and all that, it was very nice of them, but we've both been staying at his, that's all," she says. "I... didn't think about clothes, though. I suppose if I had thicker ones..." She laughs a little. "You have a clipboard, too. Our old headwoman at Ista had one -- I think she had /everything/ written down on it."

"Well you know, a lot of dragons like to have their own space. Does Leisath get along with G'stev's bronze?" Milani asks, brows lifting just a little, though her smile remains in place. That clipboard is tapped again, amusement creeping into the headwoman's eyes. "Well you know, it's like a second brain, the clipboard. Everything you need, all in one place!"

"Oh, they get along all right," Avey assures Milani. "It's a bit cramped on the ledge for both of them - that's a shame, but G'stev said there weren't any bigger ledges available." She peeks at the clipboard, curiosity evident, but restrains herself from rifling through it or anything like that.

"Oh? Has he put in for a request for one?" Milani inquires, and flips over to a set of notes about an Istan rider transfer. Otherwise the top-most sheet is just Milani's to-do list. "At any rate, let me finish up my klah and I can take you back to Stores to find some of that nice warm clothing?"

"I thought so?" Avey isn't sure. "I mean, since he said. But - oh yes, that would be lovely. He thinks it's terribly funny that I'm so cold," she rolls her eyes, "but I didn't even think of asking for new clothing."

"Coming from Ista, of course you'd be. It's kind of funny, my brother had the opposite problem." Beat. "You probably know him. P'draig. He helps with the weyrlings," Millie says as she lifts her cup, finishes off her klah then gets to her feet. "I can check the list of weyrs see if there's anything else available, but that request would need to go up to the Weyrwoman or Lujayn."

"Oh yes! He was my favorite out of the assistant weyrlingmasters," Avey says cheerfully. "He's your brother? Isn't it a small world. He's a really nice fellow, P'draig is." She's finally warm enough to unbutton her jacket, though she doesn't take it off. "Alright - I'll have to ask him if he did officially request it."

"Mmhm. Paddy's my big brother. The oldest. We have different fathers though. Our mother is Emilly, she rides green Sionath here." Millie rises and nods towards the caverns. "And there you go, I mean what with it being Interval and all, the number of Weyrs available isn't getting less. Less dragons in every clutch," the headwoman points out. "This way for Stores!" As she catches up her clipboard.

Avey follows after, quickening her pace to keep up on short legs. "Does one pay, to get extra clothing here?" she asks politely. "We did at Ista, to get something beyond the normal allowance."

"Oh this is just general stores," Milani says with a look over her shoulder at Avey as she leads the way. "You pay crafters for commissions. And you can trade too if it's something we're really short on."

"Oh, alright," Avey says brightly. "That's good. I mean, I've got marks, but - not a /lot/ of them. And I bet nobody would want my Istan clothes." She shakes her head a bit. "I wasn't expecting everything to be so different here! But it really is."

"Really? Had you been up here before in winter?" Milani asks curiously, moving on along down the hallway, careful of the other foot traffic in the caverns. "I mean, a Weyr is a Weyr, but at Ista, it's pretty much a lot of outside time all turn around. Not so much here."

"I'd visited. But that's not the same as living in a place," Avey explains, shrugging one shoulder. "And yeah, that's one of the things - it's hard to be cooped up inside all the time!"

"No it's not, though you know at least you get a sense for the cold, the differences in the weather," Milani replies as she moves on along, then turns down a corridor. "Here's the general open stores," she shows those doors. "We can start in there, or if you'd rather skip right to actually getting things that are clearly close to the right size, we can go unlock a room or two."

Avey looks around her, and then gives Milani a lopsided smile. "If you could show me where the things in my size are? I doubt I'd be able to find a thing, left to myself, and I wouldn't want to rumple anything."

"People come in and out of those two rooms all the time," Milani points out. "It's kind of the nature of the thing. STuff is in bins, free-for-all so you don't have to worry about rumpling. But come on this way." So saying the headwoman leads further on into the warren of caverns and stops at a door, drawing out her keyring to open it. "We'll just be a little careful, because there were all those tithes raided in the fall. Moved all the wool goods in together to keep tabs on how much was coming in and going out."

"Oh! I see," Avey says, making a mental note -- probably she'll be back after. She grimaces a bit when Milani mentions the raids. "I heard about that, it's really awful! People ought to know better than to steal from a weyr," she says with a humph of indignation. But she follows Milani down the corridor and on into the room.

"Or just steal in general," Milani says with a quirky little look at Avey as she pushes open that door and steps inside. "All right, you're pretty small so, this aisle right here," the headwoman moves over, tapping the end of a row of shelving and reaches up to unlid the glowbasket that hangs there. "Mostly sweaters, some woolen shirts and trousers."

Avey meanders down the row looking at the things on the shelves, then pinches the fabric of a pair of trousers - wool, to be sure, but still too thin for the middle of winter. "This is a good color," she says, and starts to pick up a pair to try on.

"If you need anything for the Weyr too, there's some carpets down at the far end and blankets. You might want extra covers for the bed." Milani, helpful. And then, teasing. "THough I bet you and G'stev manage to keep it warm enough."

Avey blushes, but she laughs, too. "He steals the covers!" she says. "I half thing I ought to get another set. Then we'd each have one."

"Isn't that just like a man?" Milani teases further, leaning against one row of shelves while Avey wanders. "And that sounds like a good idea. Here, I'll go get you one good thick one." So saying, the clipboard is set down on a shelf and Millie wanders to the back of the room to find the blankets.

"It so is," Avey says with a roll of her eyes and a grin. She continues wandering among the shelves to pick out two tunics and two pairs of pants apiece, in colors that complement each other, while Milani is off getting the blankets.

One lighter knitted blanket and a thick winter-weight are in the headwoman's arms when she returns. "Finding colors you like? If not, Mievne's a journeyman weaver here and she does really nice work."

"Oh yes, these will do," Avey says, piling them up. "I'm not really much of a clothes horse. Though if anything needs altered, I might look her up. I wonder, though..." she pauses, scrunching up her nose. "So G'stev has these underthings that go all the way down to his ankles! We don't have those at Ista. Do you have those? Or is that only a man thing to wear?"

"Long underwear, yes. Just not in /this/ room," Milani says as she hands over the blankets. "And you might need a basket for all of this before all is said and done. Follow me, we'll see to that." The headwoman lids the glowbasket again and leads the way outward steps brisk, holding the door for Avey, then closing it carefully and locking it behind the greenrider.

Avey looks relieved that she can wear long underwear, too. With blankets and clothes heaped up in front of her in a pile she can barely peek over, she follows after Milani, walking more carefully and slowly so as not to drop anything. "You're being so incredibly helpful, I really appreciate it. I hope I'm not taking up too much of your time," she says apologetically.

"Pish tosh, it's my job. The other person you might like to catch up with is Persie. She helps to welcome new people to the Weyr, get them settled, answer questions. She's a greenrider too. Very chipper." Beaming, Milani leads the way on down the hall a ways, and opens another door. This one has a wider selection of linens in it and the headwoman picks up a basket from the stack by the door. "Here, put your woolies in here. Underwear is there, shirts here."

Avey beams. "Oh, that's very nice, I shall have to talk to her," she says happily as she dumps her stuff in the basket and scurries over to look at the long underwear. "Ooooh, it's so nice and soft!" she says, feeling the fabric.

"Just two pairs for now, I'm afraid, and two tops to go with, and I'll have to cut you off," Milani says with a wag of her finger. "But that should help with you know, not freezing."

"Yes, if I wear my regular underwear underneath, I can re-wear these without washing," Avey says happily. She picks out the appropriate sizes, by her best estimate, and dumps those in the basket too. "There!" she says with satisfaction. "Now maybe I won't be cold. Though probably my blood's just too thin."

"Mm. Laundry probably works the same way here, bring it down when you have a full load, make sure everything is labeled. They usually turn it around within a day or two at most," Milani notes about the laundry-room. "Great! You'll get used to it eventually. That or you just need to keep that man of yours hopping." Blithe.

Avey giggles. "Yes, well. He doesn't have any trouble with that!" she boasts, and scoops up the basket in her arms. "Thanks again.. I really appreciate it. I should go put this up in the weyr. And I think I have a meeting with my new Wingleader or something."

"Mmmhm, good. Keep him on his toes," Milani encourages with a wink and locks up again. "All right then, check for a jacket too in the free-for-all, some sweaters should help under the one you have, but nothing really beats a good coat. Good luck with the wingleader meeting and if you need anything else, let me know!"

Avey definitely can't see over the basket now. So she lifts it up and perches it on her head, grasping it on either side so it doesn't fall. "Oh I will. Thanks!" she says, grinning at Milani, then marches out with her load.

avey, @hrw, #headwoman

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