May 10, 2012 00:34
After 72 hours of basically camping out on my couch, with my laptop and my new favorite show courtesy of youtube...I've finally realized just how pathetic my life is. Like, why hasn't anyone ever told me? *facepalm* Ugh!
I take uni classes online, I don't have friends I've kept in touch with from school, because they were all stupid sluts who thought it was okay to make fun of me because of my weight...and I don't drive because when I was 13 I was in a freak accident involving a golf cart and a 28 ft boat. (I'll have to recount that another time...if anyone's interested)
Pitty Party Isle 1...
So how does one go about getting a life in a world where people are so stupid sometimes it hurts?
it's my pitty party and i'll cry if i wa