What have I seen? Where have I been? Nothing is made by the
Sea and the Sand. I don't know whats going on these days. Minds can be decieving. I understand why I can't sleep these days after working from 6am to 11 pm 4 or 5 days a week. My mind swirls, unabated, detached, making no sense. When does it stop? How do you quell the insanity?
I'm becoming a Crazy. I talk about Crazies from time to time, usually a subject followed directly with mandatory maniacal laughter. Its very easy to become a crazy with so many things locked away and no people to share with.
The mind is an intricate and interesting thing
leading down doorways that you wish were not so easily seen.
Libros para Ninos.
Sometimes she plagues. Sometimes brings smiles. Do it or don't do it. Does it make a difference? Pestilence is unavoidable, running is not always an option, but embracing it can be a terrifying thing.
It didn't have to end this way. But for the most part things work out. In a very strange way. It doesn't make sense!
What have I seen? Where have I been?