No worries. I'm generally VERY friendly. I do expect a few things, though.
- Please, PLEASE, have something in common with me. I'm a little self conscious about what I post here because I have friends in all sorts of fandoms(and I'm too lazy to make filters), and as much as I love random people wanting to be my friend, if you soon find that I have no content that appeals to you at all... that was your fault. Yes? Yes. Prevent this by keeping in check with my interests. I put as many as I can fit in there. User Info is your friend. <3
- As I said above, I cater to different areas of interests. If I make a post about something you HATE, do NOT flame me. Respect my opinions and I will respect yours, be it political, religious, or just interest-related. Open minds, Open hearts.
- Comments are appreciated but not wanted so much that there's spam comments in my posts. I'm used to not getting comments on entries. I don't mind. :) I do comment on entries sometimes if I can find something to say about the subject. I hope you don't expect too much, though. I find it hard to find the right words to say.
- If you angst a lot and expect pity, don't expect a lot from me. Again, I find it hard to say the right things to people at the spur of the moment. No hard feelings.
As far as my own posting personality goes:
- My posts are sporadic and can amount to anywhere between 1 in a week to 5 in one day. In other words, I'm either dead or very very alive. During the school year, I'm not on that much during the week. Otherwise I tend to be on all day.
- I do post the occasional meme or quiz result, but unless they don't take that much space, I put them behind an LJ-cut. I have yet to receive complaints about it.
- I'm subject to get pissed off about things a lot. I have tried to cut down on excessive cursing for the general public. ^^; And if it's long and violent, I will LJ-cut it.
- I'm also subject to extremely hyper fan spats. I do that more on my other journal, but it sometimes slips through to here.
Still interested? Not scared? Wanting to kick my ass for no reason? Comment away! (Commenting for the latter reason will, however, not fare well. ;x)