WOW, isn't Juanes soooo hott??? well GUESS WHO is going to see him in concert May 7th??? ME!!!!! HAHA i'm SOOO excited!!!! i can't wait to see him. noodle!!! aren't you happy about our incident with that GUY we think is HOTT~~~~~~ dude you should have seen what happen today at Pierce, some asian guy came into a proff.'s class and threatened him with a bat. it seems that this guy had been stalking the proff. for quite some time. when they arested him, he was screaming something about the proff. not giving him a good grade. haha it was really funny. well, good luck to you Elizabeth with that boy we spoke about and for sure next weekend we have to celebrate your 17th birthday!!! oh yea i'm participating in a walkathon on sunday!!! i hope i'll last and not give up.