Busy Busy Weekend

Nov 19, 2007 08:58

Well that was a weekend and a half. Friday night J & I drive to Sydney for Malcolm's 50th, G having figured it was easier to catch the train and meet us there. That afternoon, got an email from an old flatmate asking me when I'm next in town as we should go out so a spontaneous decision to let the boys hang out and be manly men is taken.

Get to Malcolm's, have a couple of pre-birthday drinks and then wait endlessly for a cab to take me to Newtown. Aaaaah Newtown, how I love you. Meet C & M (G having needed to to meet us later)at the Town Hall hotel which has been recently refurbished and looks soooo much less shabby than the last time I was drinking there. D also joins - we had a colliding of worlds when I was last in Sydney, D & I having worked together for several years without ever having made the social connection. There are many many drinks - I pass on my new found favourite in the wee small hours, a TVR (Tequila Vodka Red Bull)to the group and a fabulous time is had by all.

In a very amusing moment D & I were trying to work out the connections "So how do you know everyone" to which I respond "well N & I have known each other for 13 years" and C chimes in 'and we f*cked'. Somewhat a little blunter than I would have put it myself but at least it meant that D felt comfortable enough to come out to me.

Next morning have a disorientating hour and a half of not being able to find my glasses. It is one of the great challenges of life that you need your glasses to find your glasses.

N & C & I all go to Summerhill to have breakfast, then I rejoined the boys to help Malcolm with his party preparations.

Party goes very well, lots of old friends which was lovely and the boys manage to avoid having a screaming fight of any sort which is what has tended to happen when the 2 of them have drunk too much in the same time/same place for which I was very greatful.

Off home the following morning at 10.15 - listening to Stephen Brigg's read Makin' Money. Probably my favourite person for his Pratchett vocalisation. Tony Robinson can sound basically like himself doing each character.

Videos, bulgogi & rice when we all collapsed in a heap. J's hangover started turning into my lurgy so I ended up on the couch to give us both some peace.

Note to self: need to buy a couch that I actually fit on.
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