Title: An Unavoidable Collision of Two Forces (1/3).
Author: Claymay83 here, Hypnotoad76 on fanfiction.net.
Spoilers: No solid definite spoilers, but possible snippets sprinkled here and there.
Rating: PG-13 chapter, R/NC-17 overall
Word Count: 2809
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Author's Note: This is the sequel to my story “This sort of thing happens in sitcoms, not in real life”, and the second part of my ‘communication’ trilogy. Though you’re welcome to read it on it’s oown, it would help if you read the first part first, as this one has references to events in the first one. Here’s a link to the first story:
http://fanficwriter76.livejournal.com/2012/11/19/ This tale was partially inspired from superstorm Sandy (yes, i've had this idea for a while). Also as bit of warning, even though this chapter is fairly tame, it gets considerably more adult in later chapters.
And finally, a big thank you to Crittab for once again being amazing and beta reading my work for me.