Title: Community: Infinities (Working Title)
Author: Christmas Pterodactyl
Rating: PG-13/R
Word count: Teaser: 1,104 words
Disclaimer: The author makes no claims of ownership to any material that may be recognized by the public.
Spoilers: Through the end of Season 3
Summary: “That's the secret of the universe, you know. Billions of people, making billions of choices, creating infinite Earths. Some so similar to each other that you could spend a lifetime searching for any difference. Others so radically different, they defy comprehension.” - Owlman; Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
Notes: The Ficcy Sunday prompt threw me into a little bit into competitive mode. Been working on this for a while, and just started final outlines. Anything beyond this will be a long time coming, but I’m hoping it wets a few whistles. And yes, this is still really rough so pardon the mess. And on a side note, to a friend of mine? Yes, I went there.
Rolling thirteen on a 1d12