Jeff and Annie's Sexual Milestones (NC-17)

Mar 23, 2012 07:21

Title: Jeff and Annie’s Sexual Milestones
Author: robert3A-SN on
Character/pairing: Jeff/Annie
Rating: M/NC-17 for smut
Word Count: 6,040 words
Genres: Romance, smut
Summary: After Jeff and Annie start their relationship, they have a lot of sexual milestones to cross off together - and this is a detailed list of them.
Disclaimer: If I owned Community, there never would have been a three-month hiatus, but I don’t and there was.

A/N: This is based on a fic prompt a few weeks ago by baller_annie, who asked for a fic about Jeff and Annie having sex for different reasons. The prompt suggested about five or so - so naturally I more than doubled it.

If readers are unable to send reviews to, or feel more comfortable writing their thoughts on LJ, they can leave reviews in this post.

character: annie, author: iknowitsbutters, genre: smut, fan: fiction (completed), character: jeff, fan: fiction, !m&m: ficcy friday, rating: explicit

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