Your Hands Are In My Hair, But My Heart Is In Your Teeth (2/6)

Sep 16, 2011 16:37

Title: Your Hands Are In My Hair, But My Heart Is In Your Teeth
Author: x_avecia_x
Rating: I want to say R, but in all reality probaby it's NC-17
Warning: profanity, smut, mentions of drug addiction, some things that could be construed as violent.
Word Count: 1,754
Disclaimer: I do not own Community - although I would totally marry Dan Harmon then claim half in our (inevitable) divorce settlement - that is unless he conceeds to my end game Jeff/Annie demands.
Summary: This is AU future!fic.  It takes place about 2 years after the group graduate and focuses on, yep you guessed it, Jeff & Annie.  2 years can really change a person on the outside, but deep down, where it matters, can people really stay the same?
Author's Note: Thank you for the kind words on the first chapter. Was great to read about how messed up people think I've made these characters. Not sure if that's good or bad right now but I guess you could say this is a little bit of filler before we get to the good stuff - smutty filler but still...

If he thought about it, it really shouldn’t have surprised him as much as it did when he found Annie leaning against his car

author: x_avecia_x, fan: fiction

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