Title: Event Planning for Experts
Pairing/Characters: Ensemble, Jeff/Annie, Annie/Abed
Spoilers: Inspired by the recent spoilers but not at all spoilery. So, just through Season 2.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, I guess, for the occasional bad word and mentions of sex.
Word Count: 7872
Beta: the incredible
dearygirl. this fic is infinitely better because of her
Disclaimer: I'm now facebook friends with Dan Harmon and in return he gave me these characters. Except, no. Also, I haven't written in 9 months so I'm rusty. But that's a different kind of disclaimer, I suppose.
Summary: In which Jeff and Annie make a possibly ill-advised bet, the group forms a Pierce-related plan, and Annie and Abed may or may not have some semi-secret sex. pretty standard stuff.
(it’s like there aren’t even any sprinkles LEFT on the donuts...)