Title: The Greendale Princess Bride (Part Four)
Rating: This part is more on the PG-13ish side than the previous chapters
Word Count: 827
Disclaimers: My checking account laughs at you.
Spoilers: This is not the cannon you are looking for.
Summary: Jeff & Annie actually speak to each other again...but can they escape Chang and his men?
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Comments 11
I can't wait for part five!
('Past Lifer: Jeff/Annie Intermission' is next, then on to Part Five!:D)
Yay! Jeff & Annie reunion. Jeff's lucky all he got was a kick in the gut. The Paint Swamp?! But what about the M.O.U.S.es? Monkeys of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist. Or is this going to be Human Beings of Unusual Size? Because frankly, the Human Being scares me more than a R.O.U.S.
I can't wait to read about Jeff explaining his time apart.
Hee! I went back and forth between having Annie deck him or having her kick him, and I settled on kicking because of how high she was sitting.:D If you remember, there were three dangers of the Fire Swamp: The fire spits, the lightning sand and the R.O.U.S.'s. I can tell you I've incorporated a version of all of these.;D (The Human Being IS very...um...disturbing.)
Jeff has been a very busy boy.
Hee, I love that Annie gave him a very Annie-greeting, she's a tinny tiny bit violent and don't we all love it XD
Also, I totally thought someone sent that letter and intercepted all their correspondence before but now I like put two and two together and OMG, it was Alan, wasn't it? Who else could send one letter that would be sure to destroy Jeff's happiness?
Maybe somewhere deep down we both knew that what we had was too good to be true. That something was bound to ruin it sooner or later and, when something did, we just didn't question it.
THIS,omg, so true to their characters, also, it's so tragic when two people are so afraid to succeed they fail but considering how insecure these two characters are that's a fair possibility...
Just because I can
Then she closed her eyes and brought one of his hands up to her lips and kissed it ( ... )
Well, I don't want to give anything away, but let's just say it's a bit of a conspiracy.
Their insecurity breaks my heart sometimes. I'm convinced that it's not really the age thing that's keeping them apart anymore.
In our ships, it really doesn't need saying, does it? ;D
Oh, me,too, me,too, so much.
"It's a dark vast conspiracy that way just go all the way to the top" ;)
I'm convinced that it's not really the age thing that's keeping them apart anymore.
Pfft, I never thought it was the age (he was just fixating on it annoyingly a lot this season and that really irritates me because it's so not the problem here and the writers are making it look like it is), and it's Jeff's insecurities what's keeping them apart to be exact, I just wish he stopped giving her crap about age and confessed real reasons, Annie doesn't even know about those insecurities he revealed to Abed, that Jeff is afraid he'll be too much like his Dad and he'll screw everything up and he's afraid of commitment and he's afraid no one would love and want him for him and not for just his handsomeness and coolness (and he kind of fails to see that Annie does love and want him for him, for the good in him that she believes more than he ( ... )
And: 'Mawwage. Mawwage is what bwings us togethew today.'
"Dat bwessed awaingment. Dat dream wifin a dream."
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