Welcome to the first day of the summer hiatus! We have lots of fun things in store, but before we can do any of that, we want everyone to be able to introduce (or re-introduce) themselves so that we can ensure we spend the summer among good friends. For that, we present:
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Name: Robyn (not Abed's Robyn, more's the pity:D)
Twitter/Tumblr/YouTube username: Sorry, I'm a fuddy-duddy loser and don't belong to any of these, though I tend to stalk YouTube for cool fanvids.
When did you start to ship Jeff/Annie? Actually, I first heard about them from arabian on the Big Bang Theory Sheldon/Penny comm and started shipping them the first season on from fanvids before I ever watched an episode. Finally got caught up and started regularly watching mid-second season.
Favorite episode(s) of Community? Too many to mention, but basically the ones featuring significant Jeff/Annie moments:D
Favorite character(s)? This might be surprising, but my favorite character is Abed, followed by Annie.
Favorite J/A moment? Oh...um...all of them?
Other ships besides J/A? Troy/Britta and (please don't shoot me) I don't mind Abed/Annie.
Fannish hobbies? Fanfic writing, mostly.
Other fandoms/ships? I'm really into BBC's Sherlock right now with Sherlock/John, but I have numerous other ships, too. Seriously. NUMEROUS.
Anything else? This comm is completely, totally and in all other ways awesome, and I hope to contribute more to it in the future!
And yaaaay, we hope to see a lot of contribution from you in the future!
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